CNN not again!!!!!!!

No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

I will, because I understand the message. I don't agree with it. I find it dishonest, but i can tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and lies. Under your standards you should be furious over Trumps lies. Ocare repeal and replace quick and easy, biggest tax cut in american history, balanced budget, locking up Hillary. What say you about all those "lies"

See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

The hell you proved it... All of those are very debatable... Unlike Trump saying illegals voted, Hillary Obama and the foundation were crooked etc etc. All investigated multiple times and nothing was found. Of course that doesn't stop Fox and Rush etc etc repeating discredited b******* for years and years. And you people believe it all. As if our wonderful justice system is a conspiracy against you. What a load of crap.

they have never been discredited.

if you think the foundation was legit, you are a reason to talk to you, youre in the lakhota category.
And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

The hell you proved it... All of those are very debatable... Unlike Trump saying illegals voted, Hillary Obama and the foundation were crooked etc etc. All investigated multiple times and nothing was found. Of course that doesn't stop Fox and Rush etc etc repeating discredited b******* for years and years. And you people believe it all. As if our wonderful justice system is a conspiracy against you. What a load of crap.

When Comey laid out a prima facie case to prosecute the bitch and then gave her a pass, and admitted he didn't take all the evidence into consideration, that proved at least he was corrupt, along with your dear leaders DOJ.

G, ridiculous GOP propaganda is so exciting... I'll go with our government checks and balances and our wonderful justice system over your bought off X cokehead DJ pundits...
No, it's a lie when he knew it wasn't true, every health policy in the counrty was mandated to change form day one. You can pretend it was just a broken promise if it helps you sleep better.

See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

Only on Fox and Rush... They're really great at confusing the hell out of you people...

Why didn't you respond to post 106, it had nothing to do with Fox or Rush and it proved you are full of shit.

PolitiFact Is Not left either Centrist and they say stuff just so you believe it. Actually the GOP is totally full of s*** and Democrats don't lie. Read something. There is the whole world the whole world and then there are Republicans.

Bullshit, I provided quotes with the dates and links to his lies, you were wrong, be a man and admit it, enough with your bullshit deflection.

Are you talking about politifact? They are full of s*** too... Those Obama lies are all debatable. Google PolitiFact Trump and Republican lies and they are just factual lies that you people all believe.

wait.....youre aren't like lakhota, you ARE lakhota...holy really do slurp on the democrat dick
See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

I pointed out the difference between campaign rhetoric and outright lies. I wasn’t trying to change the subject, just curious if you apply the same standards to Trump as you do to Obama. I understand the logic behind your implications and you have every right to consider it a lie, I just see a difference. I do think it was disingenuous on Obama part

Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special prosecutor to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

Repeal and replace, he can't make congress pass a law, he was willing to sign and pressed for a bill, he still is by the way.

Special prosecutor for the bitch, may be closer than you think once the IG finishes his investigation. You know the one Ray won't comment on.

Balanced budget, I'm sure he would be happy to sign one, but since we haven't had a real budget, with it's 12 appropriations bills in 11 years, don't count on congress doing their job, well the senate anyways, the house passed their appropriations bills.

Tax returns, is the audit over?

Suing his accusers, what's the point, they have nothing to get, plus it's twice as hard to get a judgment when you're a public figure.

Does that answer those issues?

So you give Trump a pass on the Repeal and Replace "lie" because its "congresses fault" but not Obama for a law that Congress wrote. I guess you'll say that Obama signed it so he is responsible which is fair... We will see what Trump ends up signing for healthcare and then see if he keeps his promise of "No one will lose coverage. There will be insurance for everybody. Healthcare will be a “lot less expensive” for everyone — the government, consumers, providers."

Balanced Budget - You know he isn't going to cut spending and you know he isn't going to lay out an agenda or work with his party to create a balanced budget. He has already failed to do so.

Tax Returns - What audit? You know he is always going to claim there is an "audit" Did the other presidential candidates use the same BS excuse? You know he never intended to show his taxes and he never will, don't play

Suing his accusers... his promise not mine

Your dear leader kept lying even after the law was passed and reviewed by the supreme court, I provided a link with the quotes, their dates and links to the sources. What Trump finally gets out of congress on health insurance if anything is yet to be determined. I would like to see a straight repeal, just get the feds out of it.
You're right about the budget, if we keep running on CRs, which costs more money BTW, it will never be balanced. Once again, congress controls that.
Were you not paying attention at the beginning of the campaign? His lawyers advised him not to release his returns while they were being audited. He was elected anyway, so what's the big deal, it's not a requirement.
Suing his accusers, I view more as a threat than a promise. If you noticed they've almost all faded away.
I see you missed my edit on the last post, you might want to check it out.
I could be wrong as I haven't looked at Obama's statements with dates about Ocare. I think he intended to have a grandfather clause included in the legislation for existing plans and if that didn't work out and he still claimed that people could keep their plans then he lied and shame on him, I won't make excuses.

Regarding Trumps taxes, I was paying good attention and I could see exactly what he was doing with his taxes from the first time he said "audit" i knew it was BS and I knew we would never see his taxes. Don't play dumb, this one is obvious.

China just like the "lock her up" just like suing his accusers is all tough guy posturing to rally his base. It wasn't honest it was bullshit campaign rhetoric. I know this, you know this, most people know this. Its done by most politicians now a days. Just don't pretend like Trump doesn't lie and manipulate. He is worse than most.

I could be wrong as I haven't looked at Obama's statements with dates about Ocare. I think he intended to have a grandfather clause included in the legislation for existing plans and if that didn't work out and he still claimed that people could keep their plans then he lied and shame on him, I won't make excuses.

You can see the link in post 106.

Regarding Trumps taxes, I was paying good attention and I could see exactly what he was doing with his taxes from the first time he said "audit" i knew it was BS and I knew we would never see his taxes. Don't play dumb, this one is obvious

So you're just making an assumption on this one. At least you admit it.

China just like the "lock her up" just like suing his accusers is all tough guy posturing to rally his base. It wasn't honest it was bullshit campaign rhetoric. I know this, you know this, most people know this. Its done by most politicians now a days. Just don't pretend like Trump doesn't lie and manipulate. He is worse than most.

Like I said, once the IG finishes the investigation on how Comey conducted the investigation on the bitch, you might see a special prosecutor yet. Like I told the other poster, Comey didn't consider all the evidence that would go to intent. He admitted it in congressional testimony. And no he's not really worse than most, he's just a bit more obvious and every word he utters is parsed by the biased press.

I don't get my Trump news from the biased press. I hear it straight from his lips, in his twitter feed, through his press secretary. It is unbelievable how dishonest they are. Yes the press is bad, i've been frustrated with the press for years and take everything with a grain of salt. We should expect better from our leaders... We should demand better. You were frustrated with Obama dishonesty? Trump has tripled down on what Obama did... You might not care because it progresses your agenda, but don't deny reality. We can all see it.
And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

I pointed out the difference between campaign rhetoric and outright lies. I wasn’t trying to change the subject, just curious if you apply the same standards to Trump as you do to Obama. I understand the logic behind your implications and you have every right to consider it a lie, I just see a difference. I do think it was disingenuous on Obama part

Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point
Last edited:
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

Proven by WHO? The daily caller? Oh, please.

What CNN reported was the DOJ said that Sessions hadn't disclosed meetings.

They did NOT report that Sessions hasn't disclosed meeting, they reported that SOMEONE IN THE DOJ SAID THIS.

God, what does it take for simple reading skills?

wrong, its funny the daily caller is more accurate than you are

Sessions' background check form omitted meetings with Russian
Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

I pointed out the difference between campaign rhetoric and outright lies. I wasn’t trying to change the subject, just curious if you apply the same standards to Trump as you do to Obama. I understand the logic behind your implications and you have every right to consider it a lie, I just see a difference. I do think it was disingenuous on Obama part

Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it down. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

i agree, my point is the timeframe is the least of my worry. i want the wall and taxcuts the sooner the better, but if it takes time, oh well.
i dont put stock into quick and easy, but since ge wasnt in gov before, i give him a pass, those that know the system, i dont
Repeal and replace, he can't make congress pass a law, he was willing to sign and pressed for a bill, he still is by the way.

Special prosecutor for the bitch, may be closer than you think once the IG finishes his investigation. You know the one Ray won't comment on.

Balanced budget, I'm sure he would be happy to sign one, but since we haven't had a real budget, with it's 12 appropriations bills in 11 years, don't count on congress doing their job, well the senate anyways, the house passed their appropriations bills.

Tax returns, is the audit over?

Suing his accusers, what's the point, they have nothing to get, plus it's twice as hard to get a judgment when you're a public figure.

Does that answer those issues?

So you give Trump a pass on the Repeal and Replace "lie" because its "congresses fault" but not Obama for a law that Congress wrote. I guess you'll say that Obama signed it so he is responsible which is fair... We will see what Trump ends up signing for healthcare and then see if he keeps his promise of "No one will lose coverage. There will be insurance for everybody. Healthcare will be a “lot less expensive” for everyone — the government, consumers, providers."

Balanced Budget - You know he isn't going to cut spending and you know he isn't going to lay out an agenda or work with his party to create a balanced budget. He has already failed to do so.

Tax Returns - What audit? You know he is always going to claim there is an "audit" Did the other presidential candidates use the same BS excuse? You know he never intended to show his taxes and he never will, don't play

Suing his accusers... his promise not mine

Your dear leader kept lying even after the law was passed and reviewed by the supreme court, I provided a link with the quotes, their dates and links to the sources. What Trump finally gets out of congress on health insurance if anything is yet to be determined. I would like to see a straight repeal, just get the feds out of it.
You're right about the budget, if we keep running on CRs, which costs more money BTW, it will never be balanced. Once again, congress controls that.
Were you not paying attention at the beginning of the campaign? His lawyers advised him not to release his returns while they were being audited. He was elected anyway, so what's the big deal, it's not a requirement.
Suing his accusers, I view more as a threat than a promise. If you noticed they've almost all faded away.
I see you missed my edit on the last post, you might want to check it out.
I could be wrong as I haven't looked at Obama's statements with dates about Ocare. I think he intended to have a grandfather clause included in the legislation for existing plans and if that didn't work out and he still claimed that people could keep their plans then he lied and shame on him, I won't make excuses.

Regarding Trumps taxes, I was paying good attention and I could see exactly what he was doing with his taxes from the first time he said "audit" i knew it was BS and I knew we would never see his taxes. Don't play dumb, this one is obvious.

China just like the "lock her up" just like suing his accusers is all tough guy posturing to rally his base. It wasn't honest it was bullshit campaign rhetoric. I know this, you know this, most people know this. Its done by most politicians now a days. Just don't pretend like Trump doesn't lie and manipulate. He is worse than most.

I could be wrong as I haven't looked at Obama's statements with dates about Ocare. I think he intended to have a grandfather clause included in the legislation for existing plans and if that didn't work out and he still claimed that people could keep their plans then he lied and shame on him, I won't make excuses.

You can see the link in post 106.

Regarding Trumps taxes, I was paying good attention and I could see exactly what he was doing with his taxes from the first time he said "audit" i knew it was BS and I knew we would never see his taxes. Don't play dumb, this one is obvious

So you're just making an assumption on this one. At least you admit it.

China just like the "lock her up" just like suing his accusers is all tough guy posturing to rally his base. It wasn't honest it was bullshit campaign rhetoric. I know this, you know this, most people know this. Its done by most politicians now a days. Just don't pretend like Trump doesn't lie and manipulate. He is worse than most.

Like I said, once the IG finishes the investigation on how Comey conducted the investigation on the bitch, you might see a special prosecutor yet. Like I told the other poster, Comey didn't consider all the evidence that would go to intent. He admitted it in congressional testimony. And no he's not really worse than most, he's just a bit more obvious and every word he utters is parsed by the biased press.

I don't get my Trump news from the biased press. I hear it straight from his lips, in his twitter feed, through his press secretary. It is unbelievable how dishonest they are. Yes the press is bad, i've been frustrated with the press for years and take everything with a grain of salt. We should expect better from our leaders... We should demand better. You were frustrated with Obama dishonesty? Trump has tripled down on what Obama did... You might not care because it progresses your agenda, but don't deny reality. We can all see it.

Actually I've said for years that whenever an elected official speaks publicly they should be considered under oath and should be prosecuted for not telling the people they work for the truth. Of course there's not a politician alive that would consider passing such a law.

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

I pointed out the difference between campaign rhetoric and outright lies. I wasn’t trying to change the subject, just curious if you apply the same standards to Trump as you do to Obama. I understand the logic behind your implications and you have every right to consider it a lie, I just see a difference. I do think it was disingenuous on Obama part

Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

Every republican in congress ran on the same promise, in fact they put a repeal bill on maobamas desk, then refused to do it when it would actually be signed. That's on congress, not Trump.

I pointed out the difference between campaign rhetoric and outright lies. I wasn’t trying to change the subject, just curious if you apply the same standards to Trump as you do to Obama. I understand the logic behind your implications and you have every right to consider it a lie, I just see a difference. I do think it was disingenuous on Obama part

Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

Every republican in congress ran on the same promise, in fact they put a repeal bill on maobamas desk, then refused to do it when it would actually be signed. That's on congress, not Trump.


true, trump is the only one not bullshitting abiut getting stuff done
I pointed out the difference between campaign rhetoric and outright lies. I wasn’t trying to change the subject, just curious if you apply the same standards to Trump as you do to Obama. I understand the logic behind your implications and you have every right to consider it a lie, I just see a difference. I do think it was disingenuous on Obama part

Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

Every republican in congress ran on the same promise, in fact they put a repeal bill on maobamas desk, then refused to do it when it would actually be signed. That's on congress, not Trump.
Like I said, I can't make fair comparisons unless we are comparing laws. I could say that Congress wrote the ACA but you'll say that Obama signed it so he owns it. We can't really have this discussion until Trump signs something... If that will ever happen. Ha

You do see that this is partisanship and dishonest campaigning that is causing all of these problems don't you? How can campaign reform not be one of our most important issues to address?
Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

Every republican in congress ran on the same promise, in fact they put a repeal bill on maobamas desk, then refused to do it when it would actually be signed. That's on congress, not Trump.


true, trump is the only one not bullshitting abiut getting stuff done
I'll give you that. Trump is definitely gung ho for getting things done. He is just way to divisive to effectively lead and actually get things done. He is too busy dividing the country with his egotistical bullshit and the end result is slowing down his agenda and damaging the reputation and relationships of our great country... with exception to Russia and Israel of course.
Another Day, Another CNN 'Bombshell' Is Proven To Be A Nothing-Burger

does CNN ever have real facts? I mean public access shows give more accurate information. At this point you have to think its on purpose.

CNN uninstall!!!!

Proven by WHO? The daily caller? Oh, please.

What CNN reported was the DOJ said that Sessions hadn't disclosed meetings.

They did NOT report that Sessions hasn't disclosed meeting, they reported that SOMEONE IN THE DOJ SAID THIS.

God, what does it take for simple reading skills?

wrong, its funny the daily caller is more accurate than you are

Sessions' background check form omitted meetings with Russian

I'm sorry? What the fuck are you babbling on about?

First you say CNN is lying because CNN said that the DOJ said something. Then when I point this out you post a different link from another site and say I'm wrong without even quoting which part of the article supposedly shows I'm wrong, when it would appear that NONE of the article even has anything to do with what I said.

Go figure.
I will, because I understand the message. I don't agree with it. I find it dishonest, but i can tell the difference between campaign rhetoric and lies. Under your standards you should be furious over Trumps lies. Ocare repeal and replace quick and easy, biggest tax cut in american history, balanced budget, locking up Hillary. What say you about all those "lies"

See post 106, he said it after he was president and even after the law passed, it wasn't just campaign rhetoric. But you know that already.

And what of Trumps promises. Are they a lie under your same standards?

Well child you're the one that claimed "Obama didn't lie", I proved he did, and now all you got is your whataboutism. LMAO

Now, what promises are you talking about?

The hell you proved it... All of those are very debatable... Unlike Trump saying illegals voted, Hillary Obama and the foundation were crooked etc etc. All investigated multiple times and nothing was found. Of course that doesn't stop Fox and Rush etc etc repeating discredited b******* for years and years. And you people believe it all. As if our wonderful justice system is a conspiracy against you. What a load of crap.

they have never been discredited.

if you think the foundation was legit, you are a reason to talk to you, youre in the lakhota category.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. So it's a conspiracy of the entire Us justice system even now? Right-wing idiocy.
Of course he was being dishonest, why do you think he kept delaying parts of the bill until he was reelected, he didn't want people to see how they would be effected till after they voted. He knew the add-ons, like no cost screenings, would increase costs and alter every plan in the country.

And I'm still waiting on your examples for Trumps promises.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

Every republican in congress ran on the same promise, in fact they put a repeal bill on maobamas desk, then refused to do it when it would actually be signed. That's on congress, not Trump.
Like I said, I can't make fair comparisons unless we are comparing laws. I could say that Congress wrote the ACA but you'll say that Obama signed it so he owns it. We can't really have this discussion until Trump signs something... If that will ever happen. Ha

You do see that this is partisanship and dishonest campaigning that is causing all of these problems don't you? How can campaign reform not be one of our most important issues to address?

Depends on what your definition of campaign reform is. If it's allowing unions to continue to buy off politicians while restricting other groups like McCain Feingold tried, I'd say hell no. That was one of the few SCOTUS decisions they got right.

I've listed them multiple times... Repeal and Replace quick and easy, get a special ..... to lock up Hillary, balanced budget, declare China a currency manipulator, release tax returns, suing his accusers of sexual harassment...

hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

Every republican in congress ran on the same promise, in fact they put a repeal bill on maobamas desk, then refused to do it when it would actually be signed. That's on congress, not Trump.
Like I said, I can't make fair comparisons unless we are comparing laws. I could say that Congress wrote the ACA but you'll say that Obama signed it so he owns it. We can't really have this discussion until Trump signs something... If that will ever happen. Ha

You do see that this is partisanship and dishonest campaigning that is causing all of these problems don't you? How can campaign reform not be one of our most important issues to address?

Depends on what your definition of campaign reform is. If it's allowing unions to continue to buy off politicians while restricting other groups like McCain Feingold tried, I'd say hell no. That was one of the few SCOTUS decisions they got right.

No man, get the money and lobbyist out of politics and even the playing field, our leaders should represent the people and our businesses not the few at the top. Campaigns shouldn't be lasting for years and our leaders shouldn't be spending more time fund raising than legislating.
hang on..he may have thought it was gonna be easy to pass, but none of us thought hecwould get it done this year....

not only has he tried to do it, hes put tons of effort to get it done and it will be.

the difference is most people dont event try to follow up with promises.

but he will get them done
, for example Obama said hed close gitmo, he never did after 8 years and he never tried to close it, that was a lie
trump tried to push healthcare through like 3 times, so i consider it promise kept yet not fulfilled
I don't blame him for not getting it done. I knew he was full of shit with his "day one" "quick and easy" rhetoric. Thats how these assholes campaign. They do it on both sides. The all make promises they can't deliver on. It is not honest but I differentiate between broken campaign promises and lies. It's a different degree. That was my point

Every republican in congress ran on the same promise, in fact they put a repeal bill on maobamas desk, then refused to do it when it would actually be signed. That's on congress, not Trump.
Like I said, I can't make fair comparisons unless we are comparing laws. I could say that Congress wrote the ACA but you'll say that Obama signed it so he owns it. We can't really have this discussion until Trump signs something... If that will ever happen. Ha

You do see that this is partisanship and dishonest campaigning that is causing all of these problems don't you? How can campaign reform not be one of our most important issues to address?

Depends on what your definition of campaign reform is. If it's allowing unions to continue to buy off politicians while restricting other groups like McCain Feingold tried, I'd say hell no. That was one of the few SCOTUS decisions they got right.

No man, get the money and lobbyist out of politics and even the playing field, our leaders should represent the people and our businesses not the few at the top. Campaigns shouldn't be lasting for years and our leaders shouldn't be spending more time fund raising than legislating.

You'll get no argument form me there, I think campaign donations should be restricted to the area a politician represents. The national parties shouldn't even be allowed to dump money into individual elections. That would include electors for president, you want to run TV ads in TX, get the money form Texans, the same for every State. No nationally paid for ads except in the general election for president.


You equate FOX and CNN.

That's whack.

CNN used to be middle of the road with Fox and MSNBC on the wings. CNN has taken a hard left turn since Trump so now we have all three of the major cable news media outlets playing sides. I don’t see how you can make the case that this isn’t true

That's bullshit.

You can't make the case that it is true.

FOX calls themselves news but are actually a commentary source. They tell lies and make shit up ( Seth Rich ) and then never issue corrections.

MSNBC does commentary. They don't lie. They sometime make errors. When they do, they issue directions.

CNN does news and GOES OUT OF THEIR WAY to be fair to Trump. They don't lie. They sometimes make mistakes and then issue corrections.

Not the same.

You are whack.
Hannity absolutely does what you claim along with shows like Fox and Friends, Waters World and Judge Janine, however there are also many of the Fox shows that are pretty balanced and do a good job (for the most part) providing the oppositional point of view. Yes they are skewed right but not much more than CNN shows that are skewed left, like Don Lemon and AC 360 who usually have 7 on 1 or 3 on 1 panels talking shit about Trump all night. Fox has Shep who dogs on Trump all the time, Parino, Wallace and Baer who are fairly objective and then a handful of right leaning anchors. I'm not making the case that Fox is middle of the road, they are obviously catering to the conservative crowd and have a handful of shows that I can't even watch, but they also have some balance. CNN used to be very balanced but like I said they have taken a very hard anti-trump turn. It is understandable since Trump declared war against them, but don't deny that it isn't true.

Nope. CNN....even Lemon,,,,abide by journalistic standards. FOX does no such thing.

CNN is fair to Trump.

Their opinion guests are clearly advertised as opinion guests. He's a mess. Therefore honest reporting portrays him as a mess. Simple.
trumptards need to delegitimize the real news because they say things about the orange sociopath that they don't like.

The trumpettes don't need to do anything, the news agency's have repeatedly been proven to have lied. No one believes them anymore except for those who wish to believe.

Nope. Errors? Yes. Mistakes? Yep. Lies and made up news? Nope.

Irresponsible to make that claim. Asshole.

Ok then....they make a hell of a lot of Errors and Mistakes....almost like they were lying.

Nope. They have done thousands of stories with hundreds of thousands of facts related to this president. . They miss some. So few that you hear about every one.


You are being irresponsible. As is the president.

they miss some...hmmm....except they always, miss in one direction..... when did they miss by being too positive for the president?

It is not their job to be positive for anyone. A free press is ADVERSARIAL.

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