CNN POLL: 64% disapprove of the way Obama is handling ISIS


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Amazing it's not 100%.

CNN/ORC poll: More Americans say terrorists are winning than ever before

Washington (CNN)Americans are more likely to say that terrorists are winning the war against the United States than they have been at any point since the September 11 attacks, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

The public is broadly unhappy with the nation's progress, with nearly three-quarters of Americans saying they are not satisfied with how the war on terror is proceeding. That figure, following terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, this fall, is well above the previous high of 61% who said they were dissatisfied in August 2007.


While less than half of Americans say the terrorists are winning, the current 40% who do believe that is 17 points above the previous high of 23% reached in August 2005. Another 40% say neither side has an advantage, and just 18% say today that the U.S. and its allies have the upper hand -- 10 points off the previous low for that measure, reached in January 2007.

Majority dissatisfaction with the war on terrorism crosses party lines, with even a majority of Democrats, 59%, expressing unease with the case prosecuted by the Obama White House. Seventy-nine percent of independents and 86% of Republicans also say they are dissatisfied with how it has fared.

RELATED: Trump dominates GOP field heading into 2016

A majority of Republicans, 55%, say they think the terrorists are winning, while most Democrats, 52%, feel neither side has an edge.

But Americans are holding out hope that something can be done: For the first time, a majority of Americans say government can prevent all major attacks if it works hard enough at it (few, however, see that happening). Just 45% say that "terrorists will always find a way to launch major attacks no matter what the U.S. government does," down from about 6 in 10 who said so in most previous polling on this question.
Fifty-three percent of Americans polled say the U.S. can absolutely repel attacks, with more likely than Democrats to express this confidence (58% of Republicans say all attacks can be prevented vs. 46% of Democrats). In a survey conducted around the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, majorities across party lines said terrorists would always find a way: 55% of Democrats, 62% of independents and 55% of Republicans.

Yet worries that a terrorist attack could hit home are at their highest level since 2005. Only about half express confidence that the Obama administration can protect U.S. citizens from future acts of terrorism. Overall, 45% say they are very or somewhat worried that they or someone in their family will become a victim of terrorism.

Fifty-one percent have at least a moderate amount of confidence in the White House's ability to protect citizens from terrorism or more. But just 17% say they have a great deal of confidence in this protection, down from 24% who said the same in January 2010.

This general worry and dissatisfaction is seen in approval ratings of Obama's tenure and for his handling of terrorism and ISIS. All ratings have held roughly steady since late November, in between the two attacks, but all are in negative territory.

Fifty-two percent of Americans disapprove of his handling of the presidency, 60% disapprove of his handling of terrorism and 64% disapprove of the way he's handling ISIS.

CNN/ORC poll: More Americans say terrorists are winning than ever before -
Well everyone knows Obama has his head up his ass and is scared to death of what he needs to do. So instead, he smokes cheap cigarettes and booze trying to forget he married a man

Well, maybe all these folks who participated in the poll know what's going on behind the scenes, the parts the various countries are playing, coordination between leaders, intelligence gathering, the effects that attacks have had on ISIS and its resources, all that.

I sure don't know, I wonder how they do.
Amazing it's not 100%.

CNN/ORC poll: More Americans say terrorists are winning than ever before

Washington (CNN)Americans are more likely to say that terrorists are winning the war against the United States than they have been at any point since the September 11 attacks, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

The public is broadly unhappy with the nation's progress, with nearly three-quarters of Americans saying they are not satisfied with how the war on terror is proceeding. That figure, following terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, this fall, is well above the previous high of 61% who said they were dissatisfied in August 2007.


While less than half of Americans say the terrorists are winning, the current 40% who do believe that is 17 points above the previous high of 23% reached in August 2005. Another 40% say neither side has an advantage, and just 18% say today that the U.S. and its allies have the upper hand -- 10 points off the previous low for that measure, reached in January 2007.

Majority dissatisfaction with the war on terrorism crosses party lines, with even a majority of Democrats, 59%, expressing unease with the case prosecuted by the Obama White House. Seventy-nine percent of independents and 86% of Republicans also say they are dissatisfied with how it has fared.

RELATED: Trump dominates GOP field heading into 2016

A majority of Republicans, 55%, say they think the terrorists are winning, while most Democrats, 52%, feel neither side has an edge.

But Americans are holding out hope that something can be done: For the first time, a majority of Americans say government can prevent all major attacks if it works hard enough at it (few, however, see that happening). Just 45% say that "terrorists will always find a way to launch major attacks no matter what the U.S. government does," down from about 6 in 10 who said so in most previous polling on this question.
Fifty-three percent of Americans polled say the U.S. can absolutely repel attacks, with more likely than Democrats to express this confidence (58% of Republicans say all attacks can be prevented vs. 46% of Democrats). In a survey conducted around the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, majorities across party lines said terrorists would always find a way: 55% of Democrats, 62% of independents and 55% of Republicans.

Yet worries that a terrorist attack could hit home are at their highest level since 2005. Only about half express confidence that the Obama administration can protect U.S. citizens from future acts of terrorism. Overall, 45% say they are very or somewhat worried that they or someone in their family will become a victim of terrorism.

Fifty-one percent have at least a moderate amount of confidence in the White House's ability to protect citizens from terrorism or more. But just 17% say they have a great deal of confidence in this protection, down from 24% who said the same in January 2010.

This general worry and dissatisfaction is seen in approval ratings of Obama's tenure and for his handling of terrorism and ISIS. All ratings have held roughly steady since late November, in between the two attacks, but all are in negative territory.

Fifty-two percent of Americans disapprove of his handling of the presidency, 60% disapprove of his handling of terrorism and 64% disapprove of the way he's handling ISIS.

CNN/ORC poll: More Americans say terrorists are winning than ever before -

Obama is handling his friends just great, his friends aka ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, that he's had trained and funded and continues to fund and send weapons to and assist in every way possible....this is probably the MOST SUCCESSFUL of any of Obama's policies....his previous one that was successful originally ie. The Muslim Brotherhood, that only failed when those ungrateful, naughty Egyptian citizens demanded that the "New Pharaoh" Morsi be removed.

"CNN/ORC poll: More Americans say terrorists are winning than ever before"

Yes, as I say, Obama's most successful policy, it's working perfectly, as he intended it to do.

Huh? WHAT do you think Obama is against the terrorists he helped create, have trained and is still funding and sending weapons to?
Well, maybe all these folks who participated in the poll know what's going on behind the scenes, the parts the various countries are playing, coordination between leaders, intelligence gathering, the effects that attacks have had on ISIS and its resources, all that.

I sure don't know, I wonder how they do.

Have you noticed, each time Obama does something that's supposed to "destroy" terrorists, the reverse happens and they gain more ground?

The latest example, The Taliban gaining even more ground in Afghanistan now.
They have been kicking ass for years now. This pansy ass shit isn't helping either.
The WH has been downplaying this group and everything is biting him in the ass now. Good. Goddamn terrorist supporter.
Fuck em up or pull out and don't call the bitch again. One or the other. Making us citizens look really bad.
Well everyone knows Obama has his head up his ass and is scared to death of what he needs to do. So instead, he smokes cheap cigarettes and booze trying to forget he married a man


How does one smoke booze, and how does booze try to forget that it is a married man?
One of the many reasons to be thankful we're not a democracy.

The poll also indicates the idiotic notion that it's the US's "responsibility" to "do something" about "ISIS" to begin with.
How are the terrorists "winning "?

One definition of winning, would be to note how they ( the terrorists) have altered our freedoms, and how they have caused much suspicion of one another.

Yeah. Cause of the fear mongering on our side .

People think the San Bernardino shooting was an Isis attack .

I think most people simply see the whole Islamic extremists issue as all groups having the same goal, so whether it's ISIS, or Alqueda, or the Taliban, or lone wolf, it's all the same.
Poor al queda , no one even pays attention to them anymore . Even my spell check changes their name to "al quesadilla " . Lol!
How are the terrorists "winning "?

One definition of winning, would be to note how they ( the terrorists) have altered our freedoms, and how they have caused much suspicion of one another.

Yeah. Cause of the fear mongering on our side .

People think the San Bernardino shooting was an Isis attack .

I think most people simply see the whole Islamic extremists issue as all groups having the same goal, so whether it's ISIS, or Alqueda, or the Taliban, or lone wolf, it's all the same.

You just listed all the Sunni jihadist groups. Now throw in the MB and you'll notice a pattern with Obama.

:) He has a fave side to Islam.

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