CNN Poll: More Americans Are Saying The Terrorists Are Winning

I'm scared I won't get to use my guns against liberal scum and their muslim allies.

Bring them here and we can take care of business without leaving home.
THIS is the reason Trump will become President.... the DemoRATS have no answer to this...Where is the Obomanation...Oh, still on the golf course on hole 14! ^ | December 28, 2015 | Matt Vespa
Concerning the war on terror, or as the Obama administration calls it, "overseas contingency operations," Americans don't feel it's going well. In fact, a new CNN/ORC poll found that more Americans "are more likely to say that terrorists are winning the war against the United States than they have been at any point since the September 11 attacks." Moreover, 74 percent are not satisfied by how the war on terror is going, with three percent saying they're very satisfied (who are these people?). Sixty percent disapprove of the way Obama's been handling the issue of terrorism, while 52 percent disapprove of his job performance overall. Yet, regarding the war on terror, the dissatisfaction crosses party lines:.....

If dirty drudge says its so, it must be
We're fat, well fed, and absolutely terrified of a bunch of broke bedouins running around in the sand on the complete opposite side of the planet. The terrorists have won indeed.
You're a total shit head. 14 people were killed and 22 wounded in the San Bernadino attack.

San Bernardino shooting updates

3,110 killed by Muslims in America in 82 terror attacks (and Islam-related honor killings)

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

You're either at total liar, or ignorant to the point of stupidity.

Either way, go fuck yourself.
The more I see what total assholes liberals are, the more I am convinced that they are traitors within the gates, that are undermining our country within, so they can throw open the gates to the barbarians beyond the walls.

What motivates liberals to weaken our country? What makes them take common cause with Muslim terrorists?

I don't know. I've never been evil, so I don't know how evil men think.
Liberalism champions evil causes.

If a murderer is scheduled to be executed, liberal law firms will donate hundreds of hours of legal work to appeal the conviction, and try to get a reduced sentence or a retrial.

If a Christian symbol is put on public land, the liberal ACLU will sue to have it removed.

If a Muslim lies and says he doesn't know why his clock looks like a bomb, liberals will leap to his defense, and shame the teachers and cops who punished him.

Liberals think abortion is better than birth for blacks and Hispanics. They see this as a way to avoid the costs of putting the baby and its mother on welfare.

Liberals lie. Constantly. You can be pretty sure that if a liberal is moving his mouth, he is lying. Obama promised we could keep their health insurance, but he was lying.
When you house a nation of cowards who thrive on fear.....terrorism will always have a strong hold on its people.......The US for all its tough talk, do so on the shoulders of those few that sign up to serve this country....while others hide and tweet all damn day long.

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