CNN Psychiatrist: Trump May Be Responsible For Millions Of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, And Mao!

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My God in Heaven! They say liberalism is a mental disorder. This guy is a prime example of having it.

Psychiatrist on CNN: Trump May Be Responsible for Millions of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao | Breitbart

Just more PROOF that the Tards will make up any lie they can dream up, then BELIEVE IT. Let them have their delusions, it will make ther impact of another 2020 loss to Trump an even bigger punch to the gut that 2016!!!! :dance:
We can hope.
No psychiatrist spiel is persuasive if not spoken with a German accent.
My God in Heaven! They say liberalism is a mental disorder. This guy is a prime example of having it.

Psychiatrist on CNN: Trump May Be Responsible for Millions of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao | Breitbart
I'm watching the video now, and imho, so far, the Psychiatrist's eyes do not match the phrases, and he's so deadpan, I think he's on some kind of calmant drug. Also, he does not understand the human race, nor does he address the egregious issues caused by the Democrat dirty politics to get rid of President Trump before and after he took office. He's only supporting one side--the wrong side, and he's dissing Trump as much as obviously the Democrat party does. He has probably seen so much TDS caused by Democrat crimes of calumny and theft while in office, he doesn't know chit from shinola.
My God in Heaven! They say liberalism is a mental disorder. This guy is a prime example of having it.

Psychiatrist on CNN: Trump May Be Responsible for Millions of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao | Breitbart
I'm watching the video now, and imho, so far, the Psychiatrist's eyes do not match the phrases, and he's so deadpan, I think he's on some kind of calmant drug. Also, he does not understand the human race, nor does he address the egregious issues caused by the Democrat dirty politics to get rid of President Trump before and after he took office. He's only supporting one side--the wrong side, and he's dissing Trump as much as obviously the Democrat party does. He has probably seen so much TDS caused by Democrat crimes of calumny and theft while in office, he doesn't know chit from shinola.

But now he's a new leftist hero.
My God in Heaven! They say liberalism is a mental disorder. This guy is a prime example of having it.

Psychiatrist on CNN: Trump May Be Responsible for Millions of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao | Breitbart
I'm watching the video now, and imho, so far, the Psychiatrist's eyes do not match the phrases, and he's so deadpan, I think he's on some kind of calmant drug. Also, he does not understand the human race, nor does he address the egregious issues caused by the Democrat dirty politics to get rid of President Trump before and after he took office. He's only supporting one side--the wrong side, and he's dissing Trump as much as obviously the Democrat party does. He has probably seen so much TDS caused by Democrat crimes of calumny and theft while in office, he doesn't know chit from shinola.

But now he's a new leftist hero.
Most useful idiots are... :biggrin: He might as well be doing this..>> :blahblah:
This shrink may want to have his own head examined. That was silly and irresponsible.
My God in Heaven! They say liberalism is a mental disorder. This guy is a prime example of having it.

Psychiatrist on CNN: Trump May Be Responsible for Millions of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao | Breitbart
Allen Frances on Twitter

"Only the blind & the greedy will mourn the death of David Koch. He was 2nd most destructive force on planet-doing all in his considerable power to destabilize world climate & democracy. #1 is brother Charles. Koch legacy: A much worse world for our kids"

Apparently literally every idiot and psychopath can be a psychiatrist these days.
Is CNN bipolar?
They just got done with a special on overpopulation and food supplies prepping us for their Globalist Bilderberg like conspiracy plan to wipe out 2/3 the population to bring it back to a manageable amount.
Now they are displacing their salivating over population control onto their number 1 whipping boy.
Do they know Population Control and hunger doesn't start with an "R"?

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