CNN Psychiatrist: Trump May Be Responsible For Millions Of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, And Mao!

My God in Heaven! They say liberalism is a mental disorder. This guy is a prime example of having it.

Psychiatrist on CNN: Trump May Be Responsible for Millions of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao | Breitbart

Just more PROOF that the Tards will make up any lie they can dream up, then BELIEVE IT. Let them have their delusions, it will make ther impact of another 2020 loss to Trump an even bigger punch to the gut that 2016!!!! :dance:

It is quite possible! Chinas economy is in shambles due to tariffs, but they don't care they have over a Billion people if 10-20 Million die from starvation that they will never report it's okay it's in the "Party's best interest. Mao and Stalin systematically starved millions and murdered mny more that simply disagreed with them. Trotsky for instance. Stalin sent his wife to a Gulag! For complaining publicly about the Millions starving in the Countryside.
And the question is:

What was the manner of the deaths?
Good question. My first thoughts were is China planning on eliminating anyone who it thinks it can't feed.

They've been doing it for close to 100 yrs. I don't think the old dog is going to stop doing an old trick, when it still works. Just let them starve they're peasants and an expendable commodity.
And the question is:

What was the manner of the deaths?
Good question. My first thoughts were is China planning on eliminating anyone who it thinks it can't feed.

They've been doing it for close to 100 yrs. I don't think the old dog is going to stop doing an old trick, when it still works. Just let them starve they're peasants and an expendable commodity.
Sad but it does appear to be going that way. Even sadder is there are those who truly seem to think that they can control this country and make it into something like Red China or Mexico even.
Lets look at this realistically. I would say 90% have no idea who Stalin and Mao are or what they did. Some may know Stalin, but I would guess if you asked 100 people, maybe 4 or 5 have heard of Mao.

Some say Mao might be responsible for up to 75 million deaths. He lived within the last 100 years. Yet, no one knows him.

It was an embarrassing segment. But, they get plenty of clicks and no one cares who those people were anyway. Sad, but true.
A liberal Bernie supporter just said Biden and Obama are the status quo who left people behind.
Stalin was the cause of Miloions of deaths from his part of overthrowing the Czar to his brutal dictatorship of the U.S.S.R. ...

Mao legacy still live on and his Communist China is still killing in the name of purging, so the number is still counting for Mao legacy...

Hitler killed probably less than Mao...

Now here is my question is Trump planning to nuke something and if not where do people get this shit from?
Have you noticed the left cannot debate Trump on the issues. So all they got is Trump is a racist, Trump is Hilter, Trump is a dictator its pathetic even for stupid shit liberals.
My God in Heaven! They say liberalism is a mental disorder. This guy is a prime example of having it.

Psychiatrist on CNN: Trump May Be Responsible for Millions of More Deaths Than Hitler, Stalin, Mao | Breitbart
I'm watching the video now, and imho, so far, the Psychiatrist's eyes do not match the phrases, and he's so deadpan, I think he's on some kind of calmant drug. Also, he does not understand the human race, nor does he address the egregious issues caused by the Democrat dirty politics to get rid of President Trump before and after he took office. He's only supporting one side--the wrong side, and he's dissing Trump as much as obviously the Democrat party does. He has probably seen so much TDS caused by Democrat crimes of calumny and theft while in office, he doesn't know chit from shinola.

But now he's a new leftist hero.
I know most new leftists get 15 minutes of fame, but this one may only get 6 minutes. 7 if he's gay.

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