CNN: Rand Paul Is New Leader of the GOP


May 22, 2011
Sin City
"Paul has proven that he has the ability to punch his message through in a way that no one else in the Republican Party can.

He's clear. Whether or not you agree with him (and I rarely do), you know where he stands. He articulates his message more clearly than most people in Washington.

He's principled. He's more ideologically consistent than many people in Washington. He's willing to take on leaders of both parties to make a point."

New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul -


So what Democrat wipes the floor with Rand in 2016 is the question.
So what Democrat wipes the floor with Rand in 2016 is the question.

Not on the debate floor, that's for sure. Rand Paul obliterates everyone who attempts to challenge him.

Rand Paul destroys environmentalist Energy Dept. Head:
[ame=]Sen. Rand Paul goes to work on govt sponsored busybodies and control freaks - YouTube[/ame]

Paul is a dip shit guys. Sorry but he is. Not to worry, since hes in the lime light now he will be vetted and shown to be a typical blow hard. No worse than Newt or Herman Cain.

The only guy who has a shot at the GOP presidential bid and can beat a Democrat is Christie. Christie could potentially sway Democrats to vote for him, IE: Reagen Democrats. Rand Paul is a one trick partisan hack, but don't take me word for it. Anyone with half a brain witnessed his show this past week, that's all it was, a show. Seems you all eat it up like cake.
lol - A Libertarian with a realistic view on Foreign Affairs.... I dunno - He could reach pretty deep into the middle class and give young voters a reason to run from the severely failed Obama regime...
And Christie cut his own throat with the GOP --- he could NEVER win in a primary...

Paul, Cruz, Rubio, and Dr. Ben Carson --- those are the current heros of the Right...
"Paul has proven that he has the ability to punch his message through in a way that no one else in the Republican Party can.

He's clear. Whether or not you agree with him (and I rarely do), you know where he stands. He articulates his message more clearly than most people in Washington.

He's principled. He's more ideologically consistent than many people in Washington. He's willing to take on leaders of both parties to make a point."

New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul -



The GOP isn't libertarian. Give it up!
lol - A Libertarian with a realistic view on Foreign Affairs.... I dunno

I spend a lot of time overseas for my job. I have to say, Republicans play so hard to their base that they forget what real foreign affairs tend to look like. Trust me, I have to hear all the time from my French and UK co workers if Republicans are serious. Truth be told, Republicans are a total joke outside of the US but that's irrelevant. Point is, Republicans do not have a grasp on foreign policy.

Paul, Cruz, Rubio, and Dr. Ben Carson --- those are the current heros of the Right...

Rubio is the only cat who has a shot. However, I think he will encounter some of the same nonsensical BS that Obama has because of Rubios back ground. Unfortunately I think some on the Democrat side of the fence will do a little pay back for the whole birther/Muslim nonsense we hear from the right.

Cruz is a lost cause. Trust me. Christy has my ear and I have voted Democrat my entire life. I like him a lot, hes not all talk.
lol - A Libertarian with a realistic view on Foreign Affairs.... I dunno

I spend a lot of time overseas for my job. I have to say, Republicans play so hard to their base that they forget what real foreign affairs tend to look like. Trust me, I have to hear all the time from my French and UK co workers if Republicans are serious. Truth be told, Republicans are a total joke outside of the US but that's irrelevant. Point is, Republicans do not have a grasp on foreign policy.

Paul, Cruz, Rubio, and Dr. Ben Carson --- those are the current heros of the Right...

Rubio is the only cat who has a shot. However, I think he will encounter some of the same nonsensical BS that Obama has because of Rubios back ground. Unfortunately I think some on the Democrat side of the fence will do a little pay back for the whole birther/Muslim nonsense we hear from the right.

Cruz is a lost cause. Trust me. Christy has my ear and I have voted Democrat my entire life. I like him a lot, hes not all talk.

The only way Christie could run is as a dem....

You spend time with French and English folk, and are amazed that the socialists don't identify with the capitalists?? REALLY??? SUPRISE!!!

Rubio won;t face what Obama did because Rubio's politics make sense.

and Rand would reach VERY deep into the middle - He could easily pull 10% of indepenents just from his fathers pull.
You spend time with French and English folk, and are amazed that the socialists don't identify with the capitalists??

you are oversimplifying this dude. First of all I work for NASA and they work for the ESA (European Space Agency). What we do for a living has zero to do with a political ideology. Just coming from a common sense worldly view, thats how I see it. But I dont take them seriously, they just know what they see on the BBC and Sky news. But its not that simple, some of my UK buddies have businesses in the UK and State side, what you would consider capitalists.

Rubio won;t face what Obama did because Rubio's politics make sense.

I disagree man. I hope you are right even knowing I dislike Rubio. I hate the tone that the right has produced towards Obama and as a democrat I will do my best to tell my Dem buddies to not duplicate that shitty, childish behavior. But I have a feeling the Dem attack dogs will do the whole birther/ Cuban is a commy nonsense. I hope not.

and Rand would reach VERY deep into the middle - He could easily pull 10% of indepenents just from his fathers pull.

I agree. But I think that 10% will only take away from a more middle of the ground GOP candidate, imo. But you are right, Rand will gain that small hard core crowd, no doubt.
Rubio is the only cat who has a shot. However, I think he will encounter some of the same nonsensical BS that Obama has because of Rubios back ground. Unfortunately I think some on the Democrat side of the fence will do a little pay back for the whole birther/Muslim nonsense we hear from the right.

Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps. (Feb 2011)
Voted YES on detaining Americans indefinitely without trial

Marco Rubio on the Issues
Senators who Voted "Yea" for NDAA (indefinite detention of U.S. citizens, no Trial) | Peace . Gold . Liberty

He's also a Bilderberg member. Big red flag.
Senator Rubio Confronted on Bilderberg - YouTube

Cruz is a lost cause. Trust me.

Cruz is great. He's a Harvard debate champion. He's one of the best debaters I've seen, he's a minority (Latino), he has a cool name, he stands for strong principles, and was endorsed by Ron Paul. The only problem is, he was born in Canada, probably not likely to be President.

Christy has my ear and I have voted Democrat my entire life. I like him a lot, hes not all talk.

Christy is a fascist.

Patriot Act OK to monitor library book selections (Jun 2012)
We ARE the leader in Libya; we MUST be the world's police. (Jun 2011)

Chris Christie on the Issues

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Cruz is great. He's a Harvard debate champion. He's one of the best debaters I've seen, he's a minority (Latino), he has a cool name, he stands for strong principles, and was endorsed by Ron Paul. The only problem is, he was born in Canada, probably not likely to be President.

Well, since Obama gets little credit for his time and accomplishments at Harvard, why should Cruz. You cant have it both ways. Either both are true American leaders with a education background fit for duty, or not. Cruz is a schmuck dude. I see no reason to even take him seriously. He makes and Paul look like a viable choice for the GOP nomination!

Christy is a fascist.

No he is not. Thats just silly. Hes a moderate Republican but more so, he is a politician.
For an INDIE like me, has been a truly interesting thread to read.

I want to thank those of you who weighed in with your thoughts about the GOP who didn't feel it necessary to insult those with whom you are in disagreement.

Well done, people well done

this is how it should be editec. Im sensing that both parties MUST pull in the hot heads on both ends and tell them to STFU and reinsert respect and knowledgeable conversation back into the lime light.

Its a lot easier than one may think. Just use the skills your momma taught you as a kid, be respectful to others.
Cruz is great. He's a Harvard debate champion. He's one of the best debaters I've seen, he's a minority (Latino), he has a cool name, he stands for strong principles, and was endorsed by Ron Paul. The only problem is, he was born in Canada, probably not likely to be President.

Well, since Obama gets little credit for his time and accomplishments at Harvard, why should Cruz. You cant have it both ways. Either both are true American leaders with a education background fit for duty, or not.

I'm not praising Cruz because he went to Harvard, I'm praising Cruz for his impressive debate credentials. I don't give a goddamn about Obama's Harvard background and accomplishments other than the fact that he associated with Professors that supported racial division, supported Communism, and helped hide his past. Obama was a Constitutional law professor who is now using that knowledge to find every possible way to usurp, undermine, and shred the Constitution.

Here's the simple fact, Cruz defends Liberty, Obama treads on Liberty. If you want to call that "having it both ways" so be it, but you're wrong.

You spend time with French and English folk, and are amazed that the socialists don't identify with the capitalists??

you are oversimplifying this dude. First of all I work for NASA and they work for the ESA (European Space Agency). What we do for a living has zero to do with a political ideology. Just coming from a common sense worldly view, thats how I see it. But I dont take them seriously, they just know what they see on the BBC and Sky news. But its not that simple, some of my UK buddies have businesses in the UK and State side, what you would consider capitalists.

Rubio won;t face what Obama did because Rubio's politics make sense.

I disagree man. I hope you are right even knowing I dislike Rubio. I hate the tone that the right has produced towards Obama and as a democrat I will do my best to tell my Dem buddies to not duplicate that shitty, childish behavior. But I have a feeling the Dem attack dogs will do the whole birther/ Cuban is a commy nonsense. I hope not.

and Rand would reach VERY deep into the middle - He could easily pull 10% of indepenents just from his fathers pull.

I agree. But I think that 10% will only take away from a more middle of the ground GOP candidate, imo. But you are right, Rand will gain that small hard core crowd, no doubt.

I still believe that the main reason Obama has beencrapped on so hard is that he purposely tries to hide his history. If he had been open about it from the beginning- he would not have hurt himself on the left and the people on the right couldn;t hardly say that he was hiding the truth because he wouldn;t have.

If the left goes after Rubio in a similar fashion, Marco has nothing to hide. He has no Bill Ayers, burnadette dorn, Jeremiah Wright, hidden school records --- none of that for the media to work with. ...not to mention it would certainly make them look like hypocrites.

Personally, I like Ben Carson more than all of them, but he has some work to do if he is going to develop a political identity in a mere 3 years...

Never a big Ron Paul fan, but I do like Rand. They need to feel out how much Ind. pull he can create --- maybe even as a VP candidate he could have enough pull to turn the tide.

GOP has issues right now. They will have a new identity in 2016 and it won't be a the RINO party we are used to. This talking out of both sides of theor mouths crap has got to go by the wayside!
Christy is a fascist.

No he is not. Thats just silly. Hes a moderate Republican but more so, he is a politician.

Nonsense. Christie voted for the Patriot Act that allows the government to spy on everyone and invade everyone's privacy.

Christie said we should be the policemen of the world. Give me a break. This man supports brutal dictatorial, Orwellian 1984 laws and that is a fact. You have no clue about the horrors of the Patriot Act.

Chris Christie on the Issues

Cruz is great. He's a Harvard debate champion. He's one of the best debaters I've seen, he's a minority (Latino), he has a cool name, he stands for strong principles, and was endorsed by Ron Paul. The only problem is, he was born in Canada, probably not likely to be President.

Well, since Obama gets little credit for his time and accomplishments at Harvard, why should Cruz. You cant have it both ways. Either both are true American leaders with a education background fit for duty, or not.

I'm not praising Cruz because he went to Harvard, I'm praising Cruz for his impressive debate credentials. I don't give a goddamn about Obama's Harvard background and accomplishments other than the fact that he associated with Professors that supported racial division, supported Communism, and helped hide his past. Obama was a Constitutional law professor who is now using that knowledge to find every possible way to usurp, undermine, and shred the Constitution.

Here's the simple fact, Cruz defends Liberty, Obama treads on Liberty. If you want to call that "having it both ways" so be it, but you're wrong.


Cruz is going to have a bit of a hard time separating himself from the GOP of the past two elections. I like him but think there is a good chance for a repeat 4 point loss unless he does something to lead the GOP back.

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