CNN: Rand Paul Is New Leader of the GOP

Rand Paul, like his dad, opposed the Iraq War.

Some of us remember the sort of treatment Ron Paul got from the establishment pro-war conservatives

back in those days. Are they really now ready to embrace a defense-cut isolationist with lukewarm support for Israel as the new saviour of the Republican Party,

and by extension, conservatism?

True, the notion of Paul as the leader of the Republican Party is idiocy.

It also goes to how much in disarray the GOP is in.
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I very seriously doubt Biden will run.

I'm pretty sure he'll run. I think he'll do very well in the blue states during the primaries. In the purple or red states, liberals like myself will see what a danger this is. The Democrats REALLY need new blood in 2016. Not Biden. Not Hillary. I wonder if Christie is open to switching parties?
"Paul has proven that he has the ability to punch his message through in a way that no one else in the Republican Party can.

He's clear. Whether or not you agree with him (and I rarely do), you know where he stands. He articulates his message more clearly than most people in Washington.

He's principled. He's more ideologically consistent than many people in Washington. He's willing to take on leaders of both parties to make a point."

New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul -



The GOP isn't libertarian. Give it up!

If the GOP ever wants to win another election, they better learn to be libertarian
If the GOP wants to win another national election, they give minimal lip service to the libertarians while sincerely reaching out to women and minorities.
You haven't done enough damage yet? Is that it? What's it going to take?

To bad you can't manage or govern as well as you can sell.

The Great Depression and the Great Recession happened under Republicans...

And you blame Democrats for not fixing the messes fast enough.

FDR was a Republican?

Obama is a Republican?


The Great Depression happened in 1929 under Hoover.

The Great Recession happened in 2008 under Bush.

Do try to pay attention.
Paul is a dip shit guys. Sorry but he is. Not to worry, since hes in the lime light now he will be vetted and shown to be a typical blow hard. No worse than Newt or Herman Cain.

And if nothing turns up?

Well, then the DNC will have to shell out some money to women who will claim Ryan groped their asses/boobs 15 years ago. Hell...maybe they'll even pay for a false rape claim this time.
"Paul has proven that he has the ability to punch his message through in a way that no one else in the Republican Party can.

He's clear. Whether or not you agree with him (and I rarely do), you know where he stands. He articulates his message more clearly than most people in Washington.

He's principled. He's more ideologically consistent than many people in Washington. He's willing to take on leaders of both parties to make a point."

New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul -



The GOP isn't libertarian. Give it up!

If the GOP ever wants to win another election, they better learn to be libertarian


You don't win elections that way

Ask Obama.

The GOP better come up with another welfare scam.

A welfare state = government BUY the people.

Paul is a dip shit guys. Sorry but he is. Not to worry, since hes in the lime light now he will be vetted and shown to be a typical blow hard. No worse than Newt or Herman Cain.

And if nothing turns up?

Well, then the DNC will have to shell out some money to women who will claim Ryan groped their asses/boobs 15 years ago. Hell...maybe they'll even pay for a false rape claim this time.

The scary thing is the GOP is so adrift, so rudderless, so battered by waves of crazy that someone like Rand Paul can have his 15 minutes.

When Zionist Tool Bill Krystol points out the insanity, wake up and take notice.

On the other hand, Paul’s political genius strikes us as very much of the short-term variety. Will it ultimately serve him well to be the spokesman for the Code Pink faction of the Republican party? How much staying power is there in a political stance that requires waxing semihysterical about the imminent threat of Obama-ordered drone strikes against Americans sitting in cafés? And as for the other Republican senators who rushed to the floor to cheer Paul on, won’t they soon be entertaining second thoughts? Is patting Rand Paul on the back for his fearmongering a plausible path to the presidency for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz? Is embracing kookiness a winning strategy for the Republican party? We doubt it.
If Biden runs he'll do really well in the northeast during the democratic primaries. His opponents will do well elsewhere. I predict another brokered convention for the Dems in 2016. In 08 it worked because there was 8 years of Bush fatigue and wholesale failure of the man, the policies, and the timing of Bush's financial collapse. I doubt a split party in 2016 without Obama's dynamic personality on the ballot will be as beneficial for the Democrats.

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