CNN: Rand Paul Is New Leader of the GOP

If the left goes after Rubio in a similar fashion, Marco has nothing to hide. He has no Bill Ayers, burnadette dorn, Jeremiah Wright, hidden school records --- none of that for the media to work with. ...not to mention it would certainly make them look like hypocrites.

See, both attended the same university so I will say both can be grouped in with all of they above, see how easy that was. Look, if calling your fellow elected officials commies is your version of liberty, well that's a bit twisted, its at best a scare tacit that works wonders for the dwindling base of the GOP. What you say about Obama is all your opinion, as I see it, hes the very talking point the GOP loves to bring up, Family Values. Obama and his family are the embodiment of what America stands for.

I like him but think there is a good chance for a repeat 4 point loss unless he does something to lead the GOP back

I agree 100%. Its a sure loss. However, as I see it the GOP could steal a few topics like the legalization of Marijuana. If the GOP championed this cause it would completely take the wind out of the Dems sails. This is doable for the GOP im just afraid they are drifting to a pure, ideological platform. Which will be the ultimate death of the GOP.
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Paul is a dip shit guys. Sorry but he is. Not to worry, since hes in the lime light now he will be vetted and shown to be a typical blow hard. No worse than Newt or Herman Cain.

The only guy who has a shot at the GOP presidential bid and can beat a Democrat is Christie. Christie could potentially sway Democrats to vote for him, IE: Reagen Democrats. Rand Paul is a one trick partisan hack, but don't take me word for it. Anyone with half a brain witnessed his show this past week, that's all it was, a show. Seems you all eat it up like cake.

Christie's an idiot....I wouldn't even consider voting for him, and i don't think most conservatives would, so he'd never make the ticket on the GOP side. By then he'll probably have switched parties! He needs to anyway.....
By then he'll probably have switched parties! He needs to anyway.....

well, im not sure why he would do that. He is a Republican. However, I think the GOP would be making a grave mistake by pushing him aside. He has balanced a budget in a tax happy Democrat controlled state. Thats worth celebrating if im a Republican. He can actually campaign on taking over a huge mess and fixing it rather quickly, thats what the GOP is all about right? I mean, what Democrat could even come close to running against that.

If the GOP runs some conservative hard liner they will lose again, by a lot more than in 2012.
If the left goes after Rubio in a similar fashion, Marco has nothing to hide. He has no Bill Ayers, burnadette dorn, Jeremiah Wright, hidden school records --- none of that for the media to work with. ...not to mention it would certainly make them look like hypocrites.

See, both attended the same university so I will say both can be grouped in with all of they above, see how easy that was. Look, if calling your fellow elected officials commies is your version of liberty, well that's a bit twisted, its at best a scare tacit that works wonders for the dwindling base of the GOP. What you say about Obama is all your opinion, as I see it, hes the very talking point the GOP loves to bring up, Family Values. Obama and his family are the embodiment of what America stands for.

I like him but think there is a good chance for a repeat 4 point loss unless he does something to lead the GOP back

I agree 100%. Its a sure loss. However, as I see it the GOP could steal a few topics like the legalization of Marijuana. If the GOP championed this cause it would completely take the wind out of the Dems sails. This is doable for the GOP im just afraid they are drifting to a pure, ideological platform. Which will be the ultimate death of the GOP.

Well, on Obama, I sure don't see any of that -- In my Family, and the families of those around us. The value system is very simple and in no way does it look like the Obama family.

1) God - and I don't mean God Damn America - and black liberation theology God either.
2) Family - and not just ours. A policy in our family does good things for other families not good things for our political party (my wife is a registered Dem who voted for O before she voted against him ;-) ).
3) Country - I am a Patriot. I served and give extra credit for serving. I believe we should do "all this for a flag?"!!!
4) Hard work - the kind that means you have to step down off your high horse and look at things through the other guys eyes to get the job done.

as for the GOP and ideaology --- If We, as a Nation, don't get back to a value system like the one I described above, none of it will matter by the time our children are calling the shots anyway! If some political party doesn't sell America on that kind of thinking China will be reading about the fall of the American Empire, much like our Children read about the fall of the Roman Empire.... and maybe THEY will pay attention.
By then he'll probably have switched parties! He needs to anyway.....

well, im not sure why he would do that. He is a Republican. However, I think the GOP would be making a grave mistake by pushing him aside. He has balanced a budget in a tax happy Democrat controlled state. Thats worth celebrating if im a Republican. He can actually campaign on taking over a huge mess and fixing it rather quickly, thats what the GOP is all about right? I mean, what Democrat could even come close to running against that.

If the GOP runs some conservative hard liner they will lose again, by a lot more than in 2012.

Yeah, I don't think the answer is running another liberal sympathizer. It didn;t work with McCain or Romney...
as for the GOP and ideaology --- If We, as a Nation, don't get back to a value system like the one I described above,

see, you are dead wrong. In my family, both my parents were engineers on the Apollo and Orbiter programs, working to make the USA they leader in space flight. We had zero religion in our house, ZERO. There was no need for it. My parents were married for 36 years till my father died of cancer in 2011. y sister and I both attended FSU and graduated and are gainfully employed. No jail, no welfare, none of the things some like to say about Democrats. So you see, im gald you had a tight family, seriously, I hope you pass on all you learned to the next generation however, your version of family values do not mesh with mine, mainly religion. However, I served in the USAF and did my duty as well. See, thats what makes America the best in the world, we are all different yet were all very similar. Its high time we find more that we have in common than the differences in our lives.

Do you enjoy the NFL or College Football dude?
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Yeah, I don't think the answer is running another liberal sympathizer. It didn;t work with McCain or Romney...

see, I dont agree man. McCain was hardly a liberal sympathizer, Romney was a cupcake and just to shady. Never showing his taxes really told me all I needed to know.

For the sake of argument, I can see where Rubio fits the bill for the vast majority of the GOP base.
Nole, interesting to hear what you experience when traveling in Europe. My wife works for Veolia Water and also travels in Europe and hears a lot of the same things you might hear.

And that is, in a nutshell; wtf are you people doing with your country?

I read on here where a lot of the right wing whacko try and denigrate the people of Europe.
But at least when they have a problem, they make a decision and implement that decision in an effort to fix the problem

We just punt. And blame. And whine.

We must look a lot like spoiled kids to people around the world.
We must look a lot like spoiled kids to people around the world.

somewhat, yes. But here is also some jealousy in there, trust me. We have it very good state side and we all worked very hard for that and some of the opportunities we have they never will.

What I hear is more like, "do people actually believe that rubbish". Like Rand Pauls rant. Its nonsense, of course a POTUS will not kill a innocent American. However, if Pauls rant made some feel more informed then maybe it was not all that bad of an idea.

The Republicans are trying to scare us US citizens. Its plain and obvious to see. Like the gun situation. I Fing hate guns however, they are part of our American back bone and I embrace that. I would fight for the guy next to me so he can have the right to bare arms. I get it and most Americans do. But tht wont stop the NRA and the GOP from scaring the dog snot out of some impressionable people. This is what most of my foreign friends notice.
"Paul has proven that he has the ability to punch his message through in a way that no one else in the Republican Party can.

He's clear. Whether or not you agree with him (and I rarely do), you know where he stands. He articulates his message more clearly than most people in Washington.

He's principled. He's more ideologically consistent than many people in Washington. He's willing to take on leaders of both parties to make a point."

New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul -



yes rand is the new driver of the clown car.

Its a great honor to some Im sure
Paul is a dip shit guys. Sorry but he is. Not to worry, since hes in the lime light now he will be vetted and shown to be a typical blow hard. No worse than Newt or Herman Cain.

The only guy who has a shot at the GOP presidential bid and can beat a Democrat is Christie. Christie could potentially sway Democrats to vote for him, IE: Reagen Democrats. Rand Paul is a one trick partisan hack, but don't take me word for it. Anyone with half a brain witnessed his show this past week, that's all it was, a show. Seems you all eat it up like cake.

Christie's an idiot....I wouldn't even consider voting for him, and i don't think most conservatives would, so he'd never make the ticket on the GOP side. By then he'll probably have switched parties! He needs to anyway.....

she dosent even know why she thinks Christy is an idiot.

And Christie cut his own throat with the GOP --- he could NEVER win in a primary...

Paul, Cruz, Rubio, and Dr. Ben Carson --- those are the current heros of the Right...

what exactly did he do that slit his own throat?
David Frum made a good point yesterday that Rand Paul's elevation shows the problem with the GOP today.

They live in such paranoia of the Right Wing echo chamber that in their world, Obama is just looking for an excuse to drop a hellfire on their ass for a nasty Twitter. They've really gotten that crazy and paranoid.

Forget it was the crazies on the left who originally brought this issue up. The Right has embraced it on their own.

Look, if the president abuses his powers as commander in cheif, we have a constitutional remedy for that. It's called Impeachment.

If we can impeach a president over a political dirty tricks or lying about a blow job, we can impeach one for murdering American citizens with impunity.
they just want the country to hate its own government.

They want this country dead.

their God Norquist said it right out loud
We must look a lot like spoiled kids to people around the world.

somewhat, yes. But here is also some jealousy in there, trust me. We have it very good state side and we all worked very hard for that and some of the opportunities we have they never will.

What I hear is more like, "do people actually believe that rubbish". Like Rand Pauls rant. Its nonsense, of course a POTUS will not kill a innocent American. However, if Pauls rant made some feel more informed then maybe it was not all that bad of an idea.

The Republicans are trying to scare us US citizens. Its plain and obvious to see. Like the gun situation. I Fing hate guns however, they are part of our American back bone and I embrace that. I would fight for the guy next to me so he can have the right to bare arms. I get it and most Americans do. But tht wont stop the NRA and the GOP from scaring the dog snot out of some impressionable people. This is what most of my foreign friends notice.

I know that your experience abroad is much greater than my wifes. However I have had my house full of French and Canadians for my wifes work functions. Didn't hear any of those folks expressing jealousy..

Matter of fact, when I listen to them talk about their lifes and the way their country functions, what's to be jealous about?

They have good jobs, good schools, good attitudes, good health care, better infant mortality, longer life expectancies, etc etc. And they don't seem to hate half their countrymen/women. Maybe they only hate 10%.

But I am reasonably sure that to work for NASA, you have to be an optimist. And you do sound like one. Thank God they are still out there.

I may be to old to be optimistic. Or too pragmatic.

Like the gun issue. I like guns. I shoot guns. I have guns. But I sure as hell don't have a problem with trying to control the access to guns. But it ain't gonna happen. As you said, we have based our idenity on guns. They are in our founding documents. And we have been exposed to the idea of using guns to solve problems for a long time.

The 30,000+ people who die each year from guns, plus the tens of thousands of gun shot injuries costing hundreds of millions of dollars to treat, are just a cost of gun rights that we must bear. And that is not the mark of a nation that can come to grips with its problems when we are willing to accept all the death by guns that we have. And do nothing about it.

And that is just one issue we can't solve. The list grows daily. When is the last time we identified a major problem in our country and solved that problem with reasonable, well thought out legislation that didn't favor one group over another?
But I am reasonably sure that to work for NASA, you have to be an optimist. And you do sound like one. Thank God they are still out there.

ya, no kidding. I was lucky enough to be exposed to the space program from a very early age. My next door neighbor growing up was a engineer who developed radar components for the USAF, he was one of the best this nation has ever seen. I learned to love radar theory from him and decided to make it a career after college.

You know, jealousy is a strong word and I do think you calling me out is called for. I find that my buddies sort of acknowledge how great our nation really is compared to their home land. Not to say they dont have pride, lol, those dang French have pride! But working in the space flight industry they know whos top dog and its not China or Russia, its the USA. But you are right, they do have a lot to be proud of and they let me know all the time.

We all spend time on Ascension Island in the south Atlantic, I love that place as its the best of everything we know in America, UK and France. I wish I could live there.

Th French rocket, the Ariane VI has has 45 successful launches. Only the USAF's Delta II has a better track record, over 100 launchs with out a failure.
But I am reasonably sure that to work for NASA, you have to be an optimist. And you do sound like one. Thank God they are still out there.

ya, no kidding. I was lucky enough to be exposed to the space program from a very early age. My next door neighbor growing up was a engineer who developed radar components for the USAF, he was one of the best this nation has ever seen. I learned to love radar theory from him and decided to make it a career after college.

You know, jealousy is a strong word and I do think you calling me out is called for. I find that my buddies sort of acknowledge how great our nation really is compared to their home land. Not to say they dont have pride, lol, those dang French have pride! But working in the space flight industry they know whos top dog and its not China or Russia, its the USA. But you are right, they do have a lot to be proud of and they let me know all the time.

We all spend time on Ascension Island in the south Atlantic, I love that place as its the best of everything we know in America, UK and France. I wish I could live there.

Th French rocket, the Ariane VI has has 45 successful launches. Only the USAF's Delta II has a better track record, over 100 launchs with out a failure.

Sooooo. I did insult you.... or I didn't? I hope I didn't. Not my intention.

And congrats on being exposed to greatness and then emulating that greatness.

I do know this. Veolia is the largest, oldest water treatment company in the world. They came to America and Canada and bought smaller companies that were in the busines of manufacturing water treatment systems. My wife worked for one of those smaller companies. And that company was failing.

Since the French came in and started running the business, this company has grown and become profitable. As have the other companies they bought.

I guess the French sould be proud of their accomplishments. I mean after all, they are working in an American market place, doing business with other Americans, paying their employees a good wage, growing the business, hiring, etc. ect.

And they are doing all that in the exact same regulatory climate that the American businessmen were operating in. And failing. Being successful and not bitching and complaining about how the governmnet does this or that or whatever is refreshing.

I have become very glad that my wife works fot this French company. Hell, we could move to Montreal tomm, and maybe have a chance to live a year or so in Paris.

Hey, what do your European friends and yourself say about global warming? Believers or non believers? Just curious.
"Paul has proven that he has the ability to punch his message through in a way that no one else in the Republican Party can.

He's clear. Whether or not you agree with him (and I rarely do), you know where he stands. He articulates his message more clearly than most people in Washington.

He's principled. He's more ideologically consistent than many people in Washington. He's willing to take on leaders of both parties to make a point."

New leader of the GOP: Rand Paul -



The GOP isn't libertarian. Give it up!

Another Sarah Palin with pants on.
I hope randy Paul wears his seatbelt while he drives the republican clown car.

Its going to be a bumpy ride

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