CNN Reporters: The Democrats Are A Disaster, Leaderless, And In Complete Disarray


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Holy Cr@p! Another Rare Moment Of Honesty From CNN!? It's gotta be the 'End of days'... :p

CNN Reporters: The Democrats Are A Disaster, Leaderless, And In Complete Disarray

"Again, CNN is not a home of Trump support, but Kate Bolduan and Jeff Zeleny have been making decent points about how the Democratic Party is just a disaster right now. They have no leader, they can’t raise money, and their new, economy-centric “Better Deal” has received a lukewarm reception at best."

"On Monday, Bolduan made the Democrats’ deficiencies explicltly clear to Jon Selib, the former chief of staff to then-Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), where she said, the party has “lost all the special elections you guys all thought you had a chance in. There is no real clear leader of the party as we’re looking—everyone starts looking towards 2020. And there’s no real clear message despite the attempt at the reboot.” All Selib could respond is by saying the test will be next year, and that there’s a lot of time."

Holy Cr@p! Another Rare Moment Of Honesty From CNN!? It's gotta be the 'End of days'... :p

CNN Reporters: The Democrats Are A Disaster, Leaderless, And In Complete Disarray

"Again, CNN is not a home of Trump support, but Kate Bolduan and Jeff Zeleny have been making decent points about how the Democratic Party is just a disaster right now. They have no leader, they can’t raise money, and their new, economy-centric “Better Deal” has received a lukewarm reception at best."

"On Monday, Bolduan made the Democrats’ deficiencies explicltly clear to Jon Selib, the former chief of staff to then-Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), where she said, the party has “lost all the special elections you guys all thought you had a chance in. There is no real clear leader of the party as we’re looking—everyone starts looking towards 2020. And there’s no real clear message despite the attempt at the reboot.” All Selib could respond is by saying the test will be next year, and that there’s a lot of time."


"Again, CNN is not a home of Trump support . . ." Wha...? What did they say? RIGHT THERE they have admitted that they are NOT a News Organization. At least not a REAL one. If they were a true, legit, bonafide news outlet, they would NEVER say they were for or against ANY politician! Their job is to report the events and stories AS THEY HAPPEN, not to support or oppose various candidates (that just makes them an arm of that party) and CNN has really put their foot in their mouth on that one.

BTW, the next time the Left or DNC points out that Trump's official polling numbers are low (allegedly in the mid-30's"), point out to them that they are even lower! Nancy and Chuckie both poll in the mid-TWENTIES--- --- They should wish their popularity was as high as Trump's; the only person I know that polls lower is McConnell himself---- he polls in around 17%. That guy has GOT TO GO.
When they were whining and thrashing about on the floor about how incompetent, evil, and stupid Obama was, I used to ask the pseudocons what it meant about the GOP that they could not defeat someone as incompetent, evil, and stupid as Obama. What did it say he beat them TWICE?

The same is true about the Democrats today. It says a lot about them they could not defeat a far left New York huckster who was one of them until just a few short years ago.

But it still says a lot about the GOP that they were unable to stop a far left New York Democrat from hijacking and taking over their party.

A pox on both their houses.

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