CNN-reporting Colin Powell/Condi Rice--staffers received top secret info thru private email servers

To complement the official State Department computer in my office, I installed a laptop computer on a private line. My personal email account on the laptop allowed me direct access to anyone online. I started shooting emails to my principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to my foreign-minister colleagues who like me were trying to bring their ministries into the 186,000-miles-per-second world.

- Colin Powell, Worked For Me: In Life And Leadership, published 2012.

Where does he say anything about classified information?

I swear libs have the reading comprehension skills of a rock.
Powell set the precedent. He used a personal email account to communicate State Department business.

This is undeniable fact. Powell has openly stated it. It cannot be spun away.


"And most -- they were all unclassified and most of them, I think, are pretty benign, so I'm not terribly concerned even if they were able to recover them."
Powell set the precedent. He used a personal email account to communicate State Department business.

This is undeniable fact. Powell has openly stated it. It cannot be spun away.


If Powell sent SAP level classified material through a private email server, he should share a cell with Hillary.

In your desperation to deflect, you ignore a crime has been committed if SAP information has been improperly handled. There's a reason this is a crime, peoples lives are at stake with information of that nature.

No one believes the Barrack Hussein Obama justice department will ever indict a Democrat. Because they won't. Nobody has lost their jobs for any of the incompetence or crimes committed by his supporters.

You're fine with this. If it was a Republican you'd be screaming so loud the neighbors would be calling the cops because of the noise.
Powell openly admitted the practice of using personal email for State Department business YEARS ago.

Did you see the rubes hysterically screaming for an investigation or an indictment? Did you see their propaganda outlets telling them to scream for such?

Me, neither.

That's the dead giveaway this Clinton email hysteria is pure partisan hackery, as CrusaderFrank inadvertently admitted. Powell wasn't going to run for President, so its all good in his case...somehow.

You really should stop embarrassing yourself like this.
Powell's not running for President is he?

So it's not a crime if you aren't going to run for President?

Fascinating dodge! Just...fascinating. Dude, you just admitted this email hysteria is hack partisan bullshit. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
I don't think he thought that one through - then again, it's Frank.

Does he ever?

Yes, sock girl. Thanks for playing

Maybe Hillary can invoke the "But but but but but Powell did it too!" defense
WTF is it with you calling me a sock?

I've been here for years, and we both started out at H.

Till they kicked you out.

I left Hannity, Mal


You think I'm Mal????

You are way more retarded than I ever imagined.
Hillary Clinton kept saying that over Government officials received information via private email servers. Apparently--she was correct in that statement.

You build a House of Cards it's eventually going to collapse on your head.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -
That "everybody did it" does not keep you out of jail.
Apparently working for a President who has an R after his name makes it okay.

Powell openly admitted he did this YEARS before you rubes heard about Clinton's emails. It was in his book! Right there in black and white on paper!

Why weren't you screaming for his emails to be torn open and for him to be indicted?


Because your propaganda outlets didn't tell you to. That's why.
The Democrats didn't go after them. That doesn't mean no one should go after Hillary.
Did they lie about it?
Did they obstruct justice by trying to delete 10s of thousands of emails?
She is a criminal.
What crime was she convicted of?

I don't even recall hearing about her being charged with a crime.

Oh, because you and the rest of the delusional loons who live in nutterville say it is so, then it must be so. Gotcha skippy.



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Hillary Clinton kept saying that over Government officials received information via private email servers. Apparently--she was correct in that statement.

You build a House of Cards it's eventually going to collapse on your head.

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

Good. They should be indicted as well.
One cannot be 'indicted' unless he violated the law, and no 'laws' were 'violated' by either Powell or Clinton.
Oh, ok, if you say so.

What an asshole!

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