CNN: Senior US Intel Briefer “Overstated” Assessment of 2020 Russian Interference

1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC and Podesta and others to help Trump against Hillary. NOTHING changed since then, except maybe Russians realizing that American presidency is very different from Russian Czar they nowadays call President.
2. Russians just recently hacked Burisma - pretty obviously to get damaging info on Bidens.
3. Putin himself openly talks about support for Trump, because he thinks "Trump can be worked with to normalize relationship". Which to Russians of course means lifting of sanctions.
4. To date Trump STILL calls Russian interference reportng a hoax, still has yet to utter even a SINGLE criticism of Putin's regime. And let me remind you that this for a guy that ruglarly berates our allies.

To know what has been going on since 2016 and STILL be thinking that Russians ARE NOT interfering to help Trump is to wilfully burry your head in the sand.
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?
The Intel official, Shelby Pierson “overstated” the IC’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, according to CNN.

The US intelligence community’s top election security official appears to have overstated the intelligence community’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, omitting important nuance during a briefing with lawmakers earlier this month, three national security officials told CNN.

The official, Shelby Pierson, told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump get reelected.

The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said.

“The intelligence doesn’t say that,” one senior national security official told CNN. “A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that. It’s more that they understand the President is someone they can work with, he’s a dealmaker.”

One intel official said Pierson’s characterization was “misleading” and a national security official said Pierson failed to provide the “nuance” needed to accurately convey the US intelligence conclusions, reported CNN.

And Here it is... Senior US Intel Briefer "Overstated" Assessment of 2020 Russian Interference

I am shocked....just SHOCKED, I tell you. :p


Not even CNN viewers take the bullshit seriously anymore.
1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC and Podesta and others to help Trump against Hillary. NOTHING changed since then, except maybe Russians realizing that American presidency is very different from Russian Czar they nowadays call President.
2. Russians just recently hacked Burisma - pretty obviously to get damaging info on Bidens.
3. Putin himself openly talks about support for Trump, because he thinks "Trump can be worked with to normalize relationship". Which to Russians of course means lifting of sanctions.
4. To date Trump STILL calls Russian interference reportng a hoax, still has yet to utter even a SINGLE criticism of Putin's regime. And let me remind you that this for a guy that ruglarly berates our allies.

To know what has been going on since 2016 and STILL be thinking that Russians ARE NOT interfering to help Trump is to wilfully burry your head in the sand.
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

Is mild retardation required to be a rightwinger nowadays?
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

Moron what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not fucking get?
Who stayed home?
******* won by 3,000,000 votes!!!!
Is there a state that went to Trump that really shocked you?
Trump won states where blue collar workers has enough of being replaced by trespassers?

How many Liberals do you know that stayed home?
1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC
I never made it past your 1st lie....


The only entity to ever have 1st-hand access to the DNC's server, in what was supposed to be a critical threat to National Security, was NOT 1 single government agency - not the DOJ, NSA, CIA, or FBI. It was an independent company connected to George Soros and funded by Hillary-supporter Google.
* To this day not 1 government agency got direct access to the server.

Not long after Crowdstrike submitted its report Obama gave a position in his administration to the founder of the company, while the DNC paid Crowdsrike a LOT of money for services rendered (all of which has already been established, as you know, from our previous discussions about this and the plethora of links, reports, and testimony I provided to provided opinionated rants in response).

It has NEVER been 'firmly established' that the Russians hacked the DNC server.......but the Democrats - and snowflakes - quickly pushed the claim to distract from the fact that DNC e-mails were exposed showing 1) racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content and 2) the DNC rigged their 2016 primaries, helped Hillary cheat, and eventually gave Hillary what she could not win herself - the 2016 DNC Nomination.
Unnamed sources giving a scripted conversation to conservative reporter Catherine Herridge.
False narrative to counter what got the head of DNI fired by an Angry Trumpybear..

So you are saying FAKE NEWS CNN is doing what they do best?


Trumpybear probably blackmailed them with threats of limited access to the WH if they didn't publish her story. That's the only kind of deals he can make, you know, the kind where he uses leverage like that.
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

Is mild retardation required to be a rightwinger nowadays?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

I stayed home, as far as voting for the president goes.

Saw no reason either should be in the WH.

By not voting for either, you're claiming I helped put Trump in office?

Is mild retardation required to be a rightwinger nowadays?

seems to be required by some on the left.
I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

Moron what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not fucking get?
Who stayed home?
Clitoris won by 3,000,000 votes!!!!
Is there a state that went to Trump that really shocked you?
Trump won states where blue collar workers has enough of being replaced by trespassers?

How many Liberals do you know that stayed home?

Again you ask stupid ass questions

1. I know some that didn't vote because supposedly Hillary was as bad as Trump and I know one that voted for Trump because he ticked the anti-immigrant box.

2. My personal experience is but a drop in the ocean of all voters. It's stupid to even bring it up.

3. Liberals make up a small fraction of all voters, your continung fixation solely on that group of voter is stupid.
Trumpybear probably blackmailed them ......

You sure love to pull lies and BS out of your ass, lil' snowflake. you're funny.

I think you are mistakenly thinking of Joe Biden's videotaped confession of blackmailing the former Ukraine PM.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

Is mild retardation required to be a rightwinger nowadays?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

I stayed home, as far as voting for the president goes.

Saw no reason either should be in the WH.

By not voting for either, you're claiming I helped put Trump in office?

Yes dummy, thats how it works.

The entire concept of negative campaigning is used primarily to depress turnout of the base for your opponent.

Indeependent's entire thesis is that Russians didn't help Trump because their efforts didn't add up to liberals voting for Trump is just stupid nonsense.
Last edited:

The only entity to ever have 1st-hand access to the DNC's server, in what was supposed to be a critical threat to National Security

Until the DNC Network servers were examined nobody knew what the threat was,

Nobody had physical access to the Servers on their network. They were virtual servers.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

Is mild retardation required to be a rightwinger nowadays?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

I stayed home, as far as voting for the president goes.

Saw no reason either should be in the WH.

By not voting for either, you're claiming I helped put Trump in office?

Yes dummy, thats how it works.

The entire concept of negative campaigning is used primarily to depress turnout of the base for your opponent.

The entire concept of negative campaigning is used primarily to depress turnout for your opponent.

Do you have any idea how moronic that sounds?

"if you didn't vote for either candidate, you voted for the winner"

Have you ever convinced anyone with an IQ over 25 of that?

The only entity to ever have 1st-hand access to the DNC's server, in what was supposed to be a critical threat to National Security

Until the DNC Network servers were examined nobody knew what the threat was,

Nobody had physical access to the Servers on their network. They were virtual servers.
virtual servers still exist on physical servers.
they still get backed up.

you'd never in a million years allow this many excuses for trump (and i wouldn't either) but you allow it for your side.

how do you think you got trump, anyway?
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

Moron what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not fucking get?
Who stayed home?
Clitoris won by 3,000,000 votes!!!!
Is there a state that went to Trump that really shocked you?
Trump won states where blue collar workers has enough of being replaced by trespassers?

How many Liberals do you know that stayed home?

Again you ask stupid ass questions

1. I know some that didn't vote because supposedly Hillary was as bad as Trump and I know one that voted for Trump because he ticked the anti-immigrant box.

2. My personal experience is but a drop in the ocean of all voters. It's stupid to even bring it up.

3. Liberals make up a small fraction of all voters, your continung fixation solely on that group of voter is stupid.
If there are so few Liberals, then the media, all in all, is overly representing them and that is very underhanded.
Which mean you now know that CNN, MSNBC, etc lie and can no longer be trusted.

You also are trying to state that a tiny fraction of our population gave the win to Trump even though many Rs stayed home because they wanted a globalist.
idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

Is mild retardation required to be a rightwinger nowadays?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

I stayed home, as far as voting for the president goes.

Saw no reason either should be in the WH.

By not voting for either, you're claiming I helped put Trump in office?

Yes dummy, thats how it works.

The entire concept of negative campaigning is used primarily to depress turnout of the base for your opponent.

The entire concept of negative campaigning is used primarily to depress turnout for your opponent.

Do you have any idea how moronic that sounds?

"if you didn't vote for either candidate, you voted for the winner"

Have you ever convinced anyone with an IQ over 25 of that?

Are you stupid?

If you are not stupid then you would easily understand that if Russians caused some liberals to not vote for Hillary and sit it out, they helped Trump.
Last edited:
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Exactly, moron; they didn’t “fall for Russia” and vote for Trump.
What happened?
3 Liberals forgot to vote and you’re trying to make it into something more than a hangover?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

Is mild retardation required to be a rightwinger nowadays?

...what part of they stayed home and helped Trump win do you not get?

I stayed home, as far as voting for the president goes.

Saw no reason either should be in the WH.

By not voting for either, you're claiming I helped put Trump in office?

Yes dummy, thats how it works.

The entire concept of negative campaigning is used primarily to depress turnout of the base for your opponent.

Indeependent's entire thesis is that Russians didn't help Trump because their efforts didn't add up to liberals voting for Trump is just stupid nonsense.
Tell that to CNN.

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