CNN shoild have learned from FOX, pandering to trump can be costly

If CNN keeps giving him a stage, they will be sorry....Bigly
I think it's just the inverse....

CNN reminding their viewers who may be thinking "gee, I don't know" of what a shitshow Trump was is actually a bit Machiavellian.

Kind of like Alito leaking the decision early and where everyone stood.
Great post. Democrats are like Anheuser-Busch. Mulvaney gender bender thing: Democrats are tone deaf to basic human nature and ignored US, the majority. Totally in the spirit of a Democratic republic. We want our wishes ignored over the will of .01% Nothing says "democracy" than ignoring the will of the people for a tiny ill-defined minority!
I think it's just the inverse....

CNN reminding their viewers who may be thinking "gee, I don't know" of what a shitshow Trump was is actually a bit Machiavellian.

Kind of like Alito leaking the decision early and where everyone stood.
Oh .. so Alito leaked it huh? I'd love to read your source on that .. was it CNN?
All the candidates should providdd ample time for a Town Hall. If you want the best candidates you need to hear them all. China has engineers and Phds in their government, but the West receive career politicians? What is wrong with this picture, especially as corruption is concerned?
Funny thing... the article was a piece about all of Trump's lies, yet they didn't list a single example. Hmm...
Wow. The title has poor grammar and spelling. And despite all that, CNN gave Trump a platform voiced an alternate opinion. Isn't that what democracy is all about?
The “King of Bankruptcy” actually in this interview told Republican extremists that if Democrats don’t “cave” by drastically cutting the budget — something he laughingly admits he never did — they should force the nation into defaulting on our debts.

Trump also would not repudiate other prominent Republicans calling for a national law banning or severely restricting abortion.

As always, his followers loved his song and dance act.

The CNN “Town Hall” audience was comprised almost entirely of registered Republicans or self-declared “independents.” The audience was specifically instructed not to boo. Seems like management of CNN wants to get a piece of the MAGA viewership back.

NY Post article:

Trump demands debt default if Biden won’t ‘cave,’ doesn’t rule out US abortion ban during CNN town hall

Their fuckboi sniveled this out to all 11 viewers..... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

All the candidates should providdd ample time for a Town Hall. If you want the best candidates you need to hear them all. China has engineers and Phds in their government, but the West receive career politicians? What is wrong with this picture, especially as corruption is concerned?
CNN is beginning to take on a fowl smell.
CNN is beginning to take on a fowl smell.

Personally I believe that — at least on some issues — CNN took on a “foul smell” many years ago. This was quite evident by the time of the Iraq War.

But I have to agree the uniquely foul smell of rightwing propagandists (and “news entertainers”) who work (or used to work) at Fox, and the apparently hypnotic fumes emanating from every orifice of “Big Liar” and master song & dance man Donald Trump … is at a “higher level” of foulness altogether.
I finally saw the show. Yes, CNN seems to have deliberately given Trump a chance to be Trump at his best. They posted a weak moderator who was unable to control the narrative, and filled the audience with Trump supporters to answer questions. It was a great performance by Trump, that likely swayed many moderates who didn't know if they could vote for Trump, but know they don't want another four years of Biden.

Trump looked very reasonable and had plausible answers to what many people have only heard one side of and heard that side over and over. Why would CNN give him that chance?

My guess is that it was a Hail Mary pass in light of their tanking ratings. With Foxnews hemoraging viewers for throwing Tucker under the bus, they thought they might pick some of them up by being the first network to give Trump a platform for his 2024 run.

Or they may see Trump as they guy they love to hate and want him back so they can attack him for four more years. If he loses the primary or the general, their continued pursuit of him will seem pointless, even to low-IQ CNN viewers.
Great post. Democrats are like Anheuser-Busch. Mulvaney gender bender thing: Democrats are tone deaf to basic human nature and ignored US, the majority. Totally in the spirit of a Democratic republic. We want our wishes ignored over the will of .01% Nothing says "democracy" than ignoring the will of the people for a tiny ill-defined minority!
The CNN Trump rally did have the benefit of reinforcing the fact that Trump is a danger to America and wholly unfit to be president.
The CNN Trump rally did have the benefit of reinforcing the fact that Trump is a danger to America and wholly unfit to be president.
CNN hand picked the audience and made a rule that no one could boo. They were either registered repubs are self described independents. trump thought he was talking to cult members at Mar-a-lago.

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