CNN Still Failing As Journalists!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Last night, CNN ran two stories where they ignored their duty to be a responsible journalistic organization. The first one was a story which involved an African American young man lost his father to Covid 19 and the situation was that when he was infected with the virus he took his father to several hospitals and even though he had very labored breathing they wouldn't admit him they sent him home and he died, in part, because the health care system didn't try to help him. The theme that CNN pounded to the viewers in the piece was that because this person was black he was not provided care at these hospitals implying or maybe stating that if he was white he would have been treated. CNN repeatedly condemns President Trump for needlessly dividing the nation but that is what they did here! First off, I want to say what happened to that family was wrong and I hope the young man will not let the incident make him anti-white; what his family should do if they want to be nice is write to the head of the hospitals and outside board of directors tell their story and ask the hospital to take action to never see this wrongdoing happens again to another family if the family wants to really get some justice they should see a tort lawyer this is not a legal opinion but from a lay perspective the hospitals seemed to be negligent when an incoming patient has severe labored breathing at minimum the hospital should have put him on oxygen and not released him unless he had continuous oxygen treatment for at least the immediate future.

Back to CNN's performance the only thing the facts provided established is that the hospitals provided terrible care which should be of no surprise to prudent people in March I went to a local hospital because I had a lung infection and asked for a Covid 19 test and an X-ray, the radiologist said the lung X Ray was fine no problem at all and they suggested I get over the counter medicine, approximately a week later I got a copy of the lung X-ray and looked at it and I saw a huge white cloud over one of the lobes of my lung indicating infection - by the way I am caucasian! The truth of the matter in America that the establishment does not want to talk about because health care is big big money in America, it represents something like fifteen percent of our economy is that in America many doctors are terrible and many doctors are outstanding and many hospitals are terrible and many hospitals are outstanding if a person needs healthcare in America one should be careful it is not a given that one gets good care. In America people even the medical profession should talk about this reality widespread so at minimum doctors would be inclined to be more humble and lose that divinity air they have and treat patients like customers and explain their actions, America would be a much better place if this occurred! Back to CNN, if they wanted to make this allegation that black patients were being treated differently at these hospitals interview the emergency room personnel at these hospitals about why this family was treated that way find out who was admitted into those hospitals from the emergency rooms that day and why and what was these patients race. Journalism 101 is if you want to make an allegation you have to prove it!

The other story that CNN was irresponsible on is this blanket condemnation of critiques of universal mail in ballots. Although President Trump and the Republicans have to stop conflating registered voter requested mail-in-ballot voting with universal mail-in-ballot voting; the former is definitely okay the nation has a pandemic on their hands people have children, spouses, parents that depend on them they cannot risk catching a fatal disease from voting where they have to enter a room with other people where one or more might have the disease to vote. Universal mail-in-ballot voting on the other hand should be held unconstitutional by the Supreme Court because it violates the bedrock principle of the Nation's Democracy which is that citizens are free to vote any way they wish and such a vote will be counted! CNN dramatically argues that fraud or mischief has never been proven with universal mail in ballot and the nation has five states doing such voting and since there is no outstanding proof universal mail-in- ballot voting is completely legitimate. I have not researched law enforcement activity on this issue so I cannot say for sure there is no proof. But I do not there is studies that say at least some states voting rolls are significantly bad they have registered voters that should not be on the rolls, these states do a lousy job at updating their voter rolls when voters move and when voters die. Obviously, a universal mail-in-ballot system in these states would be sending out ballots inappropriately and wrongdoers could get their hands on these ballots and illegitimately vote. Moreover, it is common knowledge that both parties have big get out the vote efforts in each states, CNN and other news outlets should do extensive interviews with the staff of these organizations and most importantly keeping these interviews anonymous where the identity of the interviewees cannot be ascertained by anyone so the American people can learn the truth and question them on whether they fill out people's ballots or watch people fill out their ballot seeing who the person voted for thereby violating that person's right to be able to exercise their right to voluntary voting. If CNN and other media outlets would be responsible and thoroughly investigate this issue my sense is that the American people would learn that universal mail-in-ballot voting alarmingly undermines America's Democracy!
CNN is pure propaganda at this point. Race hustlers and CCP ass kissers. They want this country to burn, and will run any story to make America look bad.
I plan voting in person. I don't trust all mail carriers will not dump the load in a sewer. I want my vote to count!
The Democrats have thoroughly infiltrated the USPS with anti-USA traitors. They just throw out the ballots from heavily Republican neighborhoods or sometimes hand them over to others who will steam open the envelopes and replace the ballots inside with counterfeit ballots.

Always vote in person!
To fail at being a journalist, you would have had to, at some time in your life, at lease once, attempted to BE a journalist.

So the phrase doesn't apply to CNN.
Yep pretty typical of "orange man bad" "news" network. Believe it or not, Don Lemon is listed on the CNN website as a an "anchor" on CNN what a joke!!! The guy is a straight-up left wing commentator. He should have his own show like right wing commentator Sean Hannity on Fox.

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