CNN they always acted different between the DemocRATs and the Republicans, example for Joe Biden

For the American news I watch CNN and what I see right now is a lot of reporting about the coronavirus but they also talked a little bit about the fact that Joe Biden is accused of sexual aggression on the part of Tara Reade, but remember when judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of the same thing by the other crazy Christine Blasey Ford we were entitled to this Fake News 24/24 hours but for their darling Joe Biden it is no longer the same thing but it's nice to see their decomposed faces because they know that we will still live the joy and happiness of seeing Trump win the election on November 3, 2020.
Ha! Ha! The story will repeats itself as with Hillary.

Not likely Dalia. Rump is unpopular and always has been.

Neither Joe Biden nor much of anything else is getting much news coverage lately, it's all coronavirus. Also Biden is not nominated yet, it is PRESUMED he will be but that's a long way off. He's just not that important.
Trump is still as popular it all depends on where the polls come from if it is CNN it is not for sure and the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that.

Also, this part:
" the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that"

--- is not at all certain. Nominations don't take place until the summer, and no political party is bound by its primary results anyway. A political party is its own enterprise which can, and will, nominate whoever it wants to. So their choice is not only a long way off, it's wide open.
But let's say that Bernie Sanders and even Obama and everyone else have shown their support for Biden.

Ça ne fait rien, doesn't matter. It's up to the party hierarchy. It always has been. Teddy Roosevelt won the Republican primaries in 1912 and the party rejected him. He then started his own party, ran against the Republicans and beat them. Democrats in 2016 undermined Sanders and steered the nomination to Clinton. Two examples.

Add to that this very different pandemic world where nothing is normal. In a normal election year Biden, and others, would be out campaigning, holding rallies, running in primary elections. None of that is happening, the election is all but forgotten for the present. That means the circumstances are so unusual that it's easier than ever for either party to take an unexpected step. It could be done with an announcement that, say, Biden is "sick" and "voluntarily" suspends, leaving the nomination wide open.

Nominations are done by delegates voting at the convention. Depending on the party's own rules it has taken up to a hundred ballots, or more, to decide on a nominee.
The 2016 primaries did not go that way, Hillary won the primaries and that's it, they made a mistake to have given their support to Biden they went to fast now they are going backwards

Yeah they did. I sat at this computer and watched Clinton votes being counted for a state primary, before the primary happened. I watched it. She won the primary delegates but with an uncertain number of fake votes.

And they could have done that any number of ways, not just that one.
But Biden did win the primaries ? I did not follow everything because of the coronavirus, they did not talk much about the primaries. Pogo according to you the democrats will choose Cuomo?
For the American news I watch CNN and what I see right now is a lot of reporting about the coronavirus but they also talked a little bit about the fact that Joe Biden is accused of sexual aggression on the part of Tara Reade, but remember when judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of the same thing by the other crazy Christine Blasey Ford we were entitled to this Fake News 24/24 hours but for their darling Joe Biden it is no longer the same thing but it's nice to see their decomposed faces because they know that we will still live the joy and happiness of seeing Trump win the election on November 3, 2020.
Ha! Ha! The story will repeats itself as with Hillary.

Not likely Dalia. Rump is unpopular and always has been.

Neither Joe Biden nor much of anything else is getting much news coverage lately, it's all coronavirus. Also Biden is not nominated yet, it is PRESUMED he will be but that's a long way off. He's just not that important.
Trump is still as popular it all depends on where the polls come from if it is CNN it is not for sure and the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that.

Also, this part:
" the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that"

--- is not at all certain. Nominations don't take place until the summer, and no political party is bound by its primary results anyway. A political party is its own enterprise which can, and will, nominate whoever it wants to. So their choice is not only a long way off, it's wide open.
But let's say that Bernie Sanders and even Obama and everyone else have shown their support for Biden.

Ça ne fait rien, doesn't matter. It's up to the party hierarchy. It always has been. Teddy Roosevelt won the Republican primaries in 1912 and the party rejected him. He then started his own party, ran against the Republicans and beat them. Democrats in 2016 undermined Sanders and steered the nomination to Clinton. Two examples.

Add to that this very different pandemic world where nothing is normal. In a normal election year Biden, and others, would be out campaigning, holding rallies, running in primary elections. None of that is happening, the election is all but forgotten for the present. That means the circumstances are so unusual that it's easier than ever for either party to take an unexpected step. It could be done with an announcement that, say, Biden is "sick" and "voluntarily" suspends, leaving the nomination wide open.

Nominations are done by delegates voting at the convention. Depending on the party's own rules it has taken up to a hundred ballots, or more, to decide on a nominee.
The 2016 primaries did not go that way, Hillary won the primaries and that's it, they made a mistake to have given their support to Biden they went to fast now they are going backwards

Yeah they did. I sat at this computer and watched Clinton votes being counted for a state primary, before the primary happened. I watched it. She won the primary delegates but with an uncertain number of fake votes.

And they could have done that any number of ways, not just that one.
But Biden did win the primaries ? I did not follow everything because of the coronavirus, they did not talk much about the primaries. Pogo according to you the democrats will choose Cuomo?

They could. They could choose anyone.

Biden won some of the primary elections -- they take place in various states all over the country. Many of them were put off or are still in the future. Those elections amass delegates, which then vote in the party convention, which is more than three months away. When a certain number of delegates votes for a given candidate, they get nominated. Biden has a lead in those delegates but not yet enough. What happens between now and then ---- and what happens with those delegates as far as shifting their votes ---- is an unknown until the time comes.

As I said yesterday those votes at the convention can go on and on and on and on if they fail to tally enough votes to make a choice.
For the American news I watch CNN and what I see right now is a lot of reporting about the coronavirus but they also talked a little bit about the fact that Joe Biden is accused of sexual aggression on the part of Tara Reade, but remember when judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of the same thing by the other crazy Christine Blasey Ford we were entitled to this Fake News 24/24 hours but for their darling Joe Biden it is no longer the same thing but it's nice to see their decomposed faces because they know that we will still live the joy and happiness of seeing Trump win the election on November 3, 2020.
Ha! Ha! The story will repeats itself as with Hillary.

Not likely Dalia. Rump is unpopular and always has been.

Neither Joe Biden nor much of anything else is getting much news coverage lately, it's all coronavirus. Also Biden is not nominated yet, it is PRESUMED he will be but that's a long way off. He's just not that important.
Trump is still as popular it all depends on where the polls come from if it is CNN it is not for sure and the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that.

Also, this part:
" the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that"

--- is not at all certain. Nominations don't take place until the summer, and no political party is bound by its primary results anyway. A political party is its own enterprise which can, and will, nominate whoever it wants to. So their choice is not only a long way off, it's wide open.
But let's say that Bernie Sanders and even Obama and everyone else have shown their support for Biden.

Ça ne fait rien, doesn't matter. It's up to the party hierarchy. It always has been. Teddy Roosevelt won the Republican primaries in 1912 and the party rejected him. He then started his own party, ran against the Republicans and beat them. Democrats in 2016 undermined Sanders and steered the nomination to Clinton. Two examples.

Add to that this very different pandemic world where nothing is normal. In a normal election year Biden, and others, would be out campaigning, holding rallies, running in primary elections. None of that is happening, the election is all but forgotten for the present. That means the circumstances are so unusual that it's easier than ever for either party to take an unexpected step. It could be done with an announcement that, say, Biden is "sick" and "voluntarily" suspends, leaving the nomination wide open.

Nominations are done by delegates voting at the convention. Depending on the party's own rules it has taken up to a hundred ballots, or more, to decide on a nominee.
The 2016 primaries did not go that way, Hillary won the primaries and that's it, they made a mistake to have given their support to Biden they went to fast now they are going backwards

Yeah they did. I sat at this computer and watched Clinton votes being counted for a state primary, before the primary happened. I watched it. She won the primary delegates but with an uncertain number of fake votes.

And they could have done that any number of ways, not just that one.
But Biden did win the primaries ? I did not follow everything because of the coronavirus, they did not talk much about the primaries. Pogo according to you the democrats will choose Cuomo?

They could. They could choose anyone.

Biden won some of the primary elections -- they take place in various states all over the country. Many of them were put off or are still in the future. Those elections amass delegates, which then vote in the party convention, which is more than three months away. When a certain number of delegates votes for a given candidate, they get nominated. Biden has a lead in those delegates but not yet enough. What happens between now and then ---- and what happens with those delegates as far as shifting their votes ---- is an unknown until the time comes.

As I said yesterday those votes at the convention can go on and on and on and on if they fail to tally enough votes to make a choice.
Thank you for the explanation Pogo, but Biden do have good advance in any case for what I could see not so long ago it was said to be the winner but the coronavirus and also the accusation of sexual assault change and shake everything up.
For the American news I watch CNN and what I see right now is a lot of reporting about the coronavirus but they also talked a little bit about the fact that Joe Biden is accused of sexual aggression on the part of Tara Reade, but remember when judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of the same thing by the other crazy Christine Blasey Ford we were entitled to this Fake News 24/24 hours but for their darling Joe Biden it is no longer the same thing but it's nice to see their decomposed faces because they know that we will still live the joy and happiness of seeing Trump win the election on November 3, 2020.
Ha! Ha! The story will repeats itself as with Hillary.

Not likely Dalia. Rump is unpopular and always has been.

Neither Joe Biden nor much of anything else is getting much news coverage lately, it's all coronavirus. Also Biden is not nominated yet, it is PRESUMED he will be but that's a long way off. He's just not that important.
Trump is still as popular it all depends on where the polls come from if it is CNN it is not for sure and the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that.

Also, this part:
" the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that"

--- is not at all certain. Nominations don't take place until the summer, and no political party is bound by its primary results anyway. A political party is its own enterprise which can, and will, nominate whoever it wants to. So their choice is not only a long way off, it's wide open.
But let's say that Bernie Sanders and even Obama and everyone else have shown their support for Biden.

Ça ne fait rien, doesn't matter. It's up to the party hierarchy. It always has been. Teddy Roosevelt won the Republican primaries in 1912 and the party rejected him. He then started his own party, ran against the Republicans and beat them. Democrats in 2016 undermined Sanders and steered the nomination to Clinton. Two examples.

Add to that this very different pandemic world where nothing is normal. In a normal election year Biden, and others, would be out campaigning, holding rallies, running in primary elections. None of that is happening, the election is all but forgotten for the present. That means the circumstances are so unusual that it's easier than ever for either party to take an unexpected step. It could be done with an announcement that, say, Biden is "sick" and "voluntarily" suspends, leaving the nomination wide open.

Nominations are done by delegates voting at the convention. Depending on the party's own rules it has taken up to a hundred ballots, or more, to decide on a nominee.
The 2016 primaries did not go that way, Hillary won the primaries and that's it, they made a mistake to have given their support to Biden they went to fast now they are going backwards

Yeah they did. I sat at this computer and watched Clinton votes being counted for a state primary, before the primary happened. I watched it. She won the primary delegates but with an uncertain number of fake votes.

And they could have done that any number of ways, not just that one.
But Biden did win the primaries ? I did not follow everything because of the coronavirus, they did not talk much about the primaries. Pogo according to you the democrats will choose Cuomo?

They could. They could choose anyone.

Biden won some of the primary elections -- they take place in various states all over the country. Many of them were put off or are still in the future. Those elections amass delegates, which then vote in the party convention, which is more than three months away. When a certain number of delegates votes for a given candidate, they get nominated. Biden has a lead in those delegates but not yet enough. What happens between now and then ---- and what happens with those delegates as far as shifting their votes ---- is an unknown until the time comes.

As I said yesterday those votes at the convention can go on and on and on and on if they fail to tally enough votes to make a choice.
Thank you for the explanation Pogo, but Biden do have good advance in any case for what I could see not so long ago it was said to be the winner but the coronavirus and also the accusation of sexual assault change and shake everything up.

Yes exactly, this is a most unusual year in which we should expect the unexpected.
For the American news I watch CNN and what I see right now is a lot of reporting about the coronavirus but they also talked a little bit about the fact that Joe Biden is accused of sexual aggression on the part of Tara Reade, but remember when judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of the same thing by the other crazy Christine Blasey Ford we were entitled to this Fake News 24/24 hours but for their darling Joe Biden it is no longer the same thing but it's nice to see their decomposed faces because they know that we will still live the joy and happiness of seeing Trump win the election on November 3, 2020.
Ha! Ha! The story will repeats itself as with Hillary.

Not likely Dalia. Rump is unpopular and always has been.

Neither Joe Biden nor much of anything else is getting much news coverage lately, it's all coronavirus. Also Biden is not nominated yet, it is PRESUMED he will be but that's a long way off. He's just not that important.
Trump is still as popular it all depends on where the polls come from if it is CNN it is not for sure and the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that.

Also, this part:
" the democRATS are stuck with Biden, i am pretty sure of that"

--- is not at all certain. Nominations don't take place until the summer, and no political party is bound by its primary results anyway. A political party is its own enterprise which can, and will, nominate whoever it wants to. So their choice is not only a long way off, it's wide open.
But let's say that Bernie Sanders and even Obama and everyone else have shown their support for Biden.

Ça ne fait rien, doesn't matter. It's up to the party hierarchy. It always has been. Teddy Roosevelt won the Republican primaries in 1912 and the party rejected him. He then started his own party, ran against the Republicans and beat them. Democrats in 2016 undermined Sanders and steered the nomination to Clinton. Two examples.

Add to that this very different pandemic world where nothing is normal. In a normal election year Biden, and others, would be out campaigning, holding rallies, running in primary elections. None of that is happening, the election is all but forgotten for the present. That means the circumstances are so unusual that it's easier than ever for either party to take an unexpected step. It could be done with an announcement that, say, Biden is "sick" and "voluntarily" suspends, leaving the nomination wide open.

Nominations are done by delegates voting at the convention. Depending on the party's own rules it has taken up to a hundred ballots, or more, to decide on a nominee.
The 2016 primaries did not go that way, Hillary won the primaries and that's it, they made a mistake to have given their support to Biden they went to fast now they are going backwards

Yeah they did. I sat at this computer and watched Clinton votes being counted for a state primary, before the primary happened. I watched it. She won the primary delegates but with an uncertain number of fake votes.

And they could have done that any number of ways, not just that one.
But Biden did win the primaries ? I did not follow everything because of the coronavirus, they did not talk much about the primaries. Pogo according to you the democrats will choose Cuomo?

They could. They could choose anyone.

Biden won some of the primary elections -- they take place in various states all over the country. Many of them were put off or are still in the future. Those elections amass delegates, which then vote in the party convention, which is more than three months away. When a certain number of delegates votes for a given candidate, they get nominated. Biden has a lead in those delegates but not yet enough. What happens between now and then ---- and what happens with those delegates as far as shifting their votes ---- is an unknown until the time comes.

As I said yesterday those votes at the convention can go on and on and on and on if they fail to tally enough votes to make a choice.
Thank you for the explanation Pogo, but Biden do have good advance in any case for what I could see not so long ago it was said to be the winner but the coronavirus and also the accusation of sexual assault change and shake everything up.

Yes exactly, this is a most unusual year in which we should expect the unexpected.
Yes Pogo, we cannot know what will happen in a few months at least here in France there are scientists who strongly fear a second wave even more deadly than the first one in the fall :confused:
For the American news I watch CNN and what I see right now is a lot of reporting about the coronavirus but they also talked a little bit about the fact that Joe Biden is accused of sexual aggression on the part of Tara Reade, but remember when judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of the same thing by the other crazy Christine Blasey Ford we were entitled to this Fake News 24/24 hours but for their darling Joe Biden it is no longer the same thing but it's nice to see their decomposed faces because they know that we will still live the joy and happiness of seeing Trump win the election on November 3, 2020.
Ha! Ha! The story will repeats itself as with Hillary.

CNN is marginally entertaining for comic relief, but not for news. There is no single, viable source for news in the US at this point.

So, as Trump released new campaign video "American Comeback", CNN is demanding that they stop using "distorted" video clips. Suddenly they don't approve of using video clips with their own words, but they can cut and edit president's words any way they want.

lol. the OP surely is one very welcome foreigner here on this board. what a suckup

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