CNN Undecideds: Bitter Biden acted like a buffoon, very disappointed!

Gloria Borger is a know-nothing motormouth bitch.

You never suprise......even Moonglow will agree with the other side once in a while......amazing.......why dont you marry Maddow, she likes people with vaginas
It's another great morning in America! All the polls give the debate to Ryan!!
No kidding...he was really pissing me off with his laughing, shaking his head and talking over Ryan....he was VERY rude and just acted like a smart ass. You could see he was pissing Ryan off too, but at least Ryan acted like the adult in the room!
No kidding...he was really pissing me off with his laughing, shaking his head and talking over Ryan....he was VERY rude and just acted like a smart ass. You could see he was pissing Ryan off too, but at least Ryan acted like the adult in the room!

Never mind pissing Ryan off ... that's what Biden was there to do. I find it more disrespectful to the viewers at home that sat there on their couch asking ... "Why isn't Joe Biden taking this debate seriously?"
My wife and I thought the same thing. What the hell? The guy was either laughing all the time or pointing fingers and scolding the moderator every time she dared to second guess his answers.
When he wasn't doing that he was interrupting his opponent.
He acted like it wasn't a serious debate.
Ryan had two things against.. Biden interrupting and the moderator not stopping it.. Since The moderators on Obama side ( went to their wedding) Biden had more time since Ryan did not interrupt Biden
A debate is more than just talking...It's partly about Imagine and how you come off.

Honestly, if Biden would of been respectful with given Ryan his time slot and didn't make stupid faces. I think he would of won. People don't like a asshole. This is how a child acts in a debate...Not even high school students are allowed to debate like this.

Nixion in 1960(I believe) loses the debate over a sweaty forehead, Bushs vice president was destroyed over a stupid word. So words and actions can win or lose a debate.

Biden went way over the top...I can't see this not hurting him with the moderates.

10% likeability space between Ryan and Biden should tell the story...This is cnn we're talking about. Being a asshole doesn't pay.

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