CNN Undecideds: Bitter Biden acted like a buffoon, very disappointed!

My wife and I thought the same thing. What the hell? The guy was either laughing all the time or pointing fingers and scolding the moderator every time she dared to second guess his answers.
When he wasn't doing that he was interrupting his opponent.
He acted like it wasn't a serious debate.

I could ALMOST understand a challanger acting that way....but for the sitting Vice President of the United tTates acting like a child on national TV? Whining about the amount of time he was allowed; interrupting his oppponenet; acting sarcastic when his opponent spoke?

It was an insult to the position of Vice President.
Biden was very disrespectful! I couldn't believe it. He also was not for sure about some stuff.. Millions or billions.. millions or trillions. Joe you don't even know! At first, I was not so sure about Ryan, but now I am. He EARNED my support last night. I was on Joes side about Afghanistan and abortion. But weighing the pros and cons of each... ROmney/Ryan 2012 baby! I truely believe they are on the right track!
Being a disrespectful clown on the national stage can=losing. People don't put up with this shit.

[ame=]BUSH - THE DECIDER - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]DICK Cheney "SO" - YouTube[/ame]


Denver radio talk show host says "if they were in a blue collar bar and Biden kept interrupting and laughing like that, he would have been knocked off his barstool."



[ame=]CNN Focus Group Member: Biden Was Acting Like A Buffoon - YouTube[/ame]
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All the buzz this morning is biden's uncontrolled laughing, condescending, rude, cranky old man impressions. The momentum continues towards romney.
All the buzz this morning is biden's uncontrolled laughing, condescending, rude, cranky old man impressions. The momentum continues towards romney.

So, instead of riddling the debate with gaffes, he riddles it with actions that make him look like he had ants in his pants and had one too many "uppers".

Oh Joe...always the screw up.
CNN Focus Group Member: Biden Was Acting Like A Buffoon | RealClearPolitics

It's all the talk this morning but most of us with common sense KNEW Bitter Biden did NOTHING but give angry orgasms to his zombie herd.. LOL!!

The rest of America says, NO Mr. Biden, it's not ok to disrespect the office of the Vice Presidency.

You don’t win a nationally televised debate by being rude and obnoxious. You don’t win by interrupting your opponent time after time after time or by being a blowhard. You don’t win with facial expressions, especially smirks or fake laughs, or by pretending to be utterly exasperated with what your opponent is saying.

Denver radio talk show host says "if they were in a blue collar bar and Biden kept interrupting and laughing like that, he would have been knocked off his barstool."



Paul Ryan in a blue collar bar?

biden won

Very intellectual statement... Care to elaborate?

Ryan wants to privatize SS and Medicare. How would that work out in a crash like 2008?

Ryan did not even know the facts on the ground in Afghanistan. He was embarrassing.

This is the guy you want to be vice president?


What... We want a guy who asks people in wheelchairs to stand up? Please...
Biden did a nice job.

Now the Republican spin begins.

You're right....he did a nice job of making an ASS of himself! Lol!
And that's no spin!

Liberals routinely makes azzes of themselves.. I think it's why they think Crazy Bitter Biden's behavior is acceptable.. even as the Vice President of the United States.. Can you imagine what other dignataries think??? How embarassing that we have a literal BUFFOON as our VP!
Yet another conservative sore loser thread, fixating on CNN's bad poll? How long is this going to go on?

Why can't they just admit Ryan got spanked? You didn't see anywhere near this level of crying from liberals when Obama lost, nor the level of reality-denial.
Yet another conservative sore loser thread, fixating on CNN's bad poll? How long is this going to go on?

Why can't they just admit Ryan got spanked? You didn't see anywhere near this level of crying from liberals when Obama lost, nor the level of reality-denial.

You don’t win a nationally televised debate by being rude and obnoxious. You don’t win by interrupting your opponent time after time after time or by being a blowhard. You don’t win with facial expressions, especially smirks or fake laughs, or by pretending to be utterly exasperated with what your opponent is saying.
Partisans seem to over estimate their importance.... these debates ain't about you. They are about the undecideds. And on those, Biden boobed.
Partisans seem to over estimate their importance.... these debates ain't about you. They are about the undecideds. And on those, Biden boobed.

very true, obama and Biden blew it big time..

tsk tsk for them

but you can see obama's base ate up Bidens rude, crude and buffoonish behavior

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