CNN's Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowd, Comey tapes, but nobody had to resign

So now Trump is a "huckster" because he scared James Comey into having to tell the truth with the threat of a tape? That's preventing lies...not telling them!

Comey would have told the truth no matter what. Trump bluffed that he had a tape, and when he did, Comey told congress he wanted Trump to have a tape to bolster his testimony. And remember the result of Trumps bluff. He went from not being under investigation, to being a target of the special counsel.

I'm still waiting for you to show me another shot of the mall taken after the one you keep posting, Faun. Why is it you can't?

Maybe you aren't very observent, but the shadows in both pictures indicate they were both taken at NOON local time.
First you say it was three hours before;
(Yawn) show me where I said that....

In fact, YOU said that, not me. Nice try, again. (Did somebody say something about needing to keep his story straight? :itsok:)

BTW, thanks for the extra opportunity to post the photo again, showing the full mall that disproves your lie.

First ... my apologies for that -- you indeed did not say 3 hours.

Pleasantries aside ... your picture does nothing to refute the comparison of two photos taken from the same angle which proves conclusively that Obama had a much bigger turnout...


I'm still waiting for you to show me another shot of the mall taken after the one you keep posting, Faun. Why is it you can't?
Who said there was one after the one I posted? The one I posted was taken while Trump was speaking. Not much happened after that.

But as I pointed out, if there was a picture from the Washington Monument that showed a bigger crowd for Trump, you would have posted it. You can't post one because there isn't one.
So now Trump is a "huckster" because he scared James Comey into having to tell the truth with the threat of a tape? That's preventing lies...not telling them!

Comey would have told the truth no matter what. Trump bluffed that he had a tape, and when he did, Comey told congress he wanted Trump to have a tape to bolster his testimony. And remember the result of Trumps bluff. He went from not being under investigation, to being a target of the special counsel.
Not to mention -- intimidating a witness can easily be considered obstruction of justice by a prosecutor.
Trump didn't lie about the inauguration crowd, but the media did. They were debunked when pictures showing the crowd at its height were published (something the media didn't do until long after they'd been caught, and many of them ignored it).
That lie has already been debunked in this very thread.
No matter how many times the lies of the Right are exposed, they just keep repeating them.

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
So now Trump is a "huckster" because he scared James Comey into having to tell the truth with the threat of a tape? That's preventing lies...not telling them!

Comey would have told the truth no matter what. Trump bluffed that he had a tape, and when he did, Comey told congress he wanted Trump to have a tape to bolster his testimony. And remember the result of Trumps bluff. He went from not being under investigation, to being a target of the special counsel.

How do you arrive at the conclusion that James Comey would have told the truth "no matter what"? Let's examine the time line here...shall we? Comey is about to testify and leaks to the media are promising that his testimony is going to put Trump square in the cross hairs of an obstruction of justice charge! Trump comes out with his comment about the conversation possibly being taped right before Comey does testify and what happens when Comey gets sworn in and gives his performance? Not only is Trump not nailed for obstruction of justice...Comey actually testifies that Trump ASKED him to get to the bottom of the Russian collusion!

As for why a special counsel was named? That was a foregone conclusion as soon as Trump fired Comey. Democrats used the firing as an excuse to demand a special counsel. They don't want Mueller to investigate Russian collusion, RR...because they know there isn't anything THERE with that! Oh no...they want a special counsel to find something else on Trump! They're hoping Mueller can find something...ANYTHING...that they can use to attack Donald Trump!

I'm still waiting for you to show me another shot of the mall taken after the one you keep posting, Faun. Why is it you can't?

Maybe you aren't very observent, but the shadows in both pictures indicate they were both taken at NOON local time.

I ask again (what is this...the fourth time now?) show me a picture of the mall taken half an hour AFTER the one on the right was taken! Why is it that none exist? Was there some kind of ban on photographs taken after noontime that day?
Trump has frustrated Acosta to the point that the poor guy probably lies in bed at night staring at the ceiling. :up:

No matter what they throw at him, nothing sticks. :rofl:
Not to mention -- intimidating a witness can easily be considered obstruction of justice by a prosecutor.

Oddly Trumps bluff which he claimed forced Comey to tell the truth, resulted in Trump claiming Comey lied to congress. I guess Trumps tape threat needs work.
Let me add this by the way. I DON'T believe the crowd that Trump had that day was as big as Obama had in 2009! What I also don't believe however is that the height of the crowd he did get was shown by the pictures the main stream media circulated. I think there was a coordinated narrative put forth by the same butt hurt liberal media outlets that Trump had just HUMILIATED to paint Trump as unpopular.
Exactly. The media compared a picture of the Mall an hour before Trump's speech, when people were still waiting for security to let them enter, to a shot of Obama's inauguration after everyone had entered and he was making his speech.
That lie has already been debunked in this very thread, though in your telling, your lie drops the time of Don THE Con's photo from 3 hours before to 1 hour before, even though there are photos that show the empty crowd spaces with Tramp giving his 15 minute speech on the monitor screens along the right of the photo.

I'm still waiting for you to show me another shot of the mall taken after the one you keep posting, Faun. Why is it you can't?

Maybe you aren't very observent, but the shadows in both pictures indicate they were both taken at NOON local time.

I ask again (what is this...the fourth time now?) show me a picture of the mall taken half an hour AFTER the one on the right was taken! Why is it that none exist? Was there some kind of ban on photographs taken after noontime that day?
So post a photo from the Washington Monument from any time that day, showing a bigger crowd than this...

I'm embarrassed to have this vile punk this pos represent America..The sooner he leaves the better off our country will be And those who can still support him are low lifes too
Comey would have told the truth no matter what. .

How do you arrive at the conclusion that James Comey would have told the truth "no matter what"?

Comey is no fool. He was about to testify under oath to a republican congress, and if he lied, he would face prosecution from the Trump appointed US attorney, and the Trump appointed Attorney General. The entire weight of the Trump justice department would descend upon him.

Trump hinted he had a tape of their meeting, so why would Comey think it wouldn't be used to go after every detail he wasn't 100% truthful with.
When did Trump lie about the Comey tapes?

More CNN fake news....they'll never learn, useless assholes
All liberals think that what they believe to be true is true, perception is reality.

Thus they want there to be tapes just like Watergate. So in their heads there are tapes that are damning.

So Trump says there are not tapes, thus Trump has to be lying because he goes against the liberal narrative.

What was so pathetic about Trump's claim about possible tapes was not that there never were any....but how nobody gave him any credibility once he spouted his threat

There was only one person who was worried about Trump's "credibility" with the threat of a tape, Winger...and that was James Comey! Trump's comment was directed at Comey basically daring him to lie about what was said in their meeting. I know how you folks on the left love to denigrate Trump's intelligence but when it comes to street smarts he's light years ahead of all of you.

So he is a huckster who doesn't hesitate to lie. Aren't you proud?

So now Trump is a "huckster" because he scared James Comey into having to tell the truth with the threat of a tape? That's preventing lies...not telling them!

Comey didn't change a syllable of his testimony.
Don't lie. The photo (on the left) I posted was taken while while Trump was presenting his inaugural speech; not 3 hours earlier.
It was taken one hour before he spoke. People were still lined up by the thousands waiting to get through security and enter the mall. Nice try.

The one I posted was taken while he gave his speech. You can see him there at the podium. Facing a totally full mall.

Wrong angle, used by liars because it is so deceptive.

Below is a link to every photo taken by the National Parks Services including helicopter photos and not one backs up Don THE Con's LIE that "the 20-block area all the way back to the Washington Monument was packed."

National Park Service releases OFFICIAL photographs of Trump's inauguration attendance size
Let me add this by the way. I DON'T believe the crowd that Trump had that day was as big as Obama had in 2009! What I also don't believe however is that the height of the crowd he did get was shown by the pictures the main stream media circulated. I think there was a coordinated narrative put forth by the same butt hurt liberal media outlets that Trump had just HUMILIATED to paint Trump as unpopular.
Proof that the Right can bitterly cling to their lies, even when admitting a truth, by simply fabricating a conspiracy theory that confirms their rationalizations.
I ask again (what is this...the fourth time now?) show me a picture of the mall taken half an hour AFTER the one on the right was taken! Why is it that none exist? Was there some kind of ban on photographs taken after noontime that day?


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