CNN's Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowd, Comey tapes, but nobody had to resign

CNN's Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowd, Comey tapes, but nobody had to resign

Now you know why Trump keeps hitting back at the media: Because they keep telling lies like this.

Trump didn't lie about the inauguration crowd, but the media did. They were debunked when pictures showing the crowd at its height were published (something the media didn't do until long after they'd been caught, and many of them ignored it).

Trump didn't lie about any Comey tapes, but the media did when they falsely claimed he had some tapes. All Trump did was say, "Comey had better hope there aren't any tapes." If you told a child, "You'd better hope there are no Easter eggs behind that tree", are you confessing you personally put some Easter eggs there? The media would then scream that, when no Easter eggs were found, you had somehow "lied". When in fact the only "lying" occurred when the media claimed you had said you put Easter eggs there, when they knew you had never said anything of the kind.

I haven't followed the birtherism nonsense. Anyone have a quote of Trump lying? Would it be any different from his so-called "lies" about tapes or crowd size?

As long as Acosta keep recycling tired, debunked media lies, he'll be correctly referred to as "Fake Media". If he doesn't like it, maybe he should stop doing it?
Riiiight.... there were just as many people to attend Trump's inauguration as there were at Obama's... :lmao: ....

CNN's Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowd, Comey tapes, but nobody had to resign

Now you know why Trump keeps hitting back at the media: Because they keep telling lies like this.

Trump didn't lie about the inauguration crowd, but the media did. They were debunked when pictures showing the crowd at its height were published (something the media didn't do until long after they'd been caught, and many of them ignored it).

Trump didn't lie about any Comey tapes, but the media did when they falsely claimed he had some tapes. All Trump did was say, "Comey had better hope there aren't any tapes." If you told a child, "You'd better hope there are no Easter eggs behind that tree", are you confessing you personally put some Easter eggs there? The media would then scream that, when no Easter eggs were found, you had somehow "lied". When in fact the only "lying" occurred when the media claimed you had said you put Easter eggs there, when they knew you had never said anything of the kind.

I haven't followed the birtherism nonsense. Anyone have a quote of Trump lying? Would it be any different from his so-called "lies" about tapes or crowd size?

As long as Acosta keep recycling tired, debunked media lies, he'll be correctly referred to as "Fake Media". If he doesn't like it, maybe he should stop doing it?
Riiiight.... there were just as many people to attend Trump's inauguration as there were at Obama's... :lmao: ....

Exactly. The media compared a picture of the Mall an hour before Trump's speech, when people were still waiting for security to let them enter, to a shot of Obama's inauguration after everyone had entered and he was making his speech.

And there are still a few fools who have swallowed the lie hook, line, and sinker.

Those interested in actual fact (radicalized liberals should stop reading here) should compare this photo (where Trump is making his speech) to the one above from Obama's speech.

Every available area is completely full. Nothing empty except a small area at the very back, which was roped off and no one was allowed to enter.

Anyone else want to be publicly debunked? Step right up.... :cuckoo:

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Yeah, he's so smart, that his bluff led to a special counsel to get assigned to investigate if Trump obstructed justice.

Oh yes, Robert Mueller investigating why his associate and friend of over 10 years was fired. I'm sure his investigation is completely impartial without prejudice that any material uncovered which he attempts to link as proof has a chance to stand up "legally". Impartiality to the circumstance of Comey is the first thing that will succeed in going after his credibility of interpreting those findings.

Since when does the right give a shit if a special counsel is partial??

Ken Starr filed a friend of the court brief on behalf of Paula Jones prior to being selected to investigate Bill Clinton -- who was being sued by Paula Jones.....

Can you name anyone on the right who objected to such obvious bias?

Can you name one who challenged Starr's charge accusation of perjury because he wasn't impartial?

You have linked facts that Ken Starr had any relationship with those he represented? Let's just see how knowledgeable you are of the facts.
The appointment was a milestone, in many senses. Starr worked at Kirkland & Ellis, a prominent Washington law firm. According to an article in Salon Magazine last November 18, he represented the tobacco industry; he was also peripherally involved in friend-of-the-court activities on behalf of the lawsuit filed by Paula Jones against the President.

Smoke in Starr's Chamber

If there is no relationship of any form among any of the clients he represented, including Paula Jones, there is no reason he can't represent them. If a judge hearing the case is buddies or close friends of the prosecutor, it's the responsibility of that judge to recuse his or herself.

Robert Mullier has a close developed business relationship over 10 years with one of those effected, Comey, from the Trump administration which Mullier AS A RESULT has taken over as part of a special investigation.

Do we have a clear understanding now under what circumstances a prosecutor has to recuse themselves from a legal case, or are you still in need of some help?
Now you're venturing into strawman territory. I said nothing about when a prosecutor "has to recuse" themselves. I said Starr was not impartial and pointed to him filing a friend of the court brief on behalf of the person suing Clinton.
CNN's Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowd, Comey tapes, but nobody had to resign

Now you know why Trump keeps hitting back at the media: Because they keep telling lies like this.

Trump didn't lie about the inauguration crowd, but the media did. They were debunked when pictures showing the crowd at its height were published (something the media didn't do until long after they'd been caught, and many of them ignored it).

Trump didn't lie about any Comey tapes, but the media did when they falsely claimed he had some tapes. All Trump did was say, "Comey had better hope there aren't any tapes." If you told a child, "You'd better hope there are no Easter eggs behind that tree", are you confessing you personally put some Easter eggs there? The media would then scream that, when no Easter eggs were found, you had somehow "lied". When in fact the only "lying" occurred when the media claimed you had said you put Easter eggs there, when they knew you had never said anything of the kind.

I haven't followed the birtherism nonsense. Anyone have a quote of Trump lying? Would it be any different from his so-called "lies" about tapes or crowd size?

As long as Acosta keep recycling tired, debunked media lies, he'll be correctly referred to as "Fake Media". If he doesn't like it, maybe he should stop doing it?
Riiiight.... there were just as many people to attend Trump's inauguration as there were at Obama's... :lmao: ....

Exactly. The media compared a picture of the Mall an hour before Trump's speech, when people were still waiting for security to let them enter, to a shot of Obama's inauguration after everyone had entered and he was making his speech.

And there are still a few fools who have swallowed the lie hook, line, and sinker.
Don't lie. The photo (on the left) I posted was taken while while Trump was presenting his inaugural speech; not 3 hours earlier.
Shame on CNN and Donald Trump for being fake news purveyors. Great point by Acosta.

CNN's Jim Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowds, and Comey tapes, but "nobody had to resign"

Donald Trump is the president of the USA, he's not a journalist.

You should try to learn the difference. I know it's difficult in the times where "news" network have zero integrity left. Indeed, the Presiden's twitter opinion pieces are more grounded in truth than the news of today.
Don't lie. The photo (on the left) I posted was taken while while Trump was presenting his inaugural speech; not 3 hours earlier.
It was taken one hour before he spoke. People were still lined up by the thousands waiting to get through security and enter the mall. Nice try.

The one I posted was taken while he gave his speech. You can see him there at the podium. Facing a totally full mall.

Don't lie. The photo (on the left) I posted was taken while while Trump was presenting his inaugural speech; not 3 hours earlier.
It was taken one hour before he spoke. People were still lined up by the thousands waiting to get through security and enter the mall. Nice try.

The one I posted was taken while he gave his speech. You can see him there at the podium.

You can't even keep your own story straight. First you say it was three hours before; now you say it was one hour before. Meanwhile ... again ... the photo I posted was taken at roughly the same time yours was taken -- while Trump was speaking. Not three hours before. Not one hour before. Trump can be seen in the monitors amid the crowd.
First you say it was three hours before;
(Yawn) show me where I said that....

In fact, YOU said that, not me. Nice try, again. (Did somebody say something about needing to keep his story straight? :itsok:)

BTW, thanks for the extra opportunity to post the photo again, showing the full mall that disproves your lie.

He didn't lie about the Comey tapes nor did he lies about the inauguration. That has already been proven.
Right wing nuts in this board pretended Trump was a genius by pretending he had tapes. Trump did it on purpose and it was awesome, these wingers argued after Trump admitted he had no such tapes.
Today they pretend Trump had no master stroke after all. Make up your minds guys.
First you say it was three hours before;
(Yawn) show me where I said that....

In fact, YOU said that, not me. Nice try, again. (Did somebody say something about needing to keep his story straight? :itsok:)

BTW, thanks for the extra opportunity to post the photo again, showing the full mall that disproves your lie.

First ... my apologies for that -- you indeed did not say 3 hours.

Pleasantries aside ... your picture does nothing to refute the comparison of two photos taken from the same angle which proves conclusively that Obama had a much bigger turnout...

He didn't lie about the Comey tapes nor did he lies about the inauguration. That has already been proven.
Right wing nuts in this board pretended Trump was a genius by pretending he had tapes. Trump did it on purpose and it was awesome, these wingers argued after Trump admitted he had no such tapes.
Today they pretend Trump had no master stroke after all. Make up your minds guys.

You never get smarter do you? He had the Master Stroke and he did not lie. I'm sure that very simple concept is totally above you ability to reason.
Shame on CNN and Donald Trump for being fake news purveyors. Great point by Acosta.

CNN's Jim Acosta: Trump lied about birtherism, Inauguration crowds, and Comey tapes, but "nobody had to resign"

Don't forget all the violence against reporters that Trumps rhetoric has caused


Who are you and what did you do with ColonelAngus ?

Sorry but I'm just not used to you telling the truth about trumpery.


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Exactly. The media compared a picture of the Mall an hour before Trump's speech, when people were still waiting for security to let them enter, to a shot of Obama's inauguration after everyone had entered and he was making his speech.

And there are still a few fools who have swallowed the lie hook, line, and sinker.

Let's compare apples with apples. Your picture was cropped to 1/5th of the mall, so it looked full. But Obama didn't fill just the first quadrant, but four more as far as the eye could see.

Note: The statue the arrow points to, in each picture. Showing the difference in scale.
Exactly. The media compared a picture of the Mall an hour before Trump's speech, when people were still waiting for security to let them enter, to a shot of Obama's inauguration after everyone had entered and he was making his speech.

And there are still a few fools who have swallowed the lie hook, line, and sinker.

Let's compare apples with apples. Your picture was cropped to 1/5th of the mall, so it looked full. But Obama didn't fill just the first quadrant, but four more as far as the eye could see.

Note: The statue the arrow points to, in each picture. Showing the difference in scale.
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It simply boggles the mind that rightwingnuts continue to fight this losing argument when there's clear photographic evidence that they're wrong.

Just goes to show how much of a cult conservatism is.
When did Trump lie about the Comey tapes?

More CNN fake news....they'll never learn, useless assholes
All liberals think that what they believe to be true is true, perception is reality.

Thus they want there to be tapes just like Watergate. So in their heads there are tapes that are damning.

So Trump says there are not tapes, thus Trump has to be lying because he goes against the liberal narrative.

What was so pathetic about Trump's claim about possible tapes was not that there never were any....but how nobody gave him any credibility once he spouted his threat

There was only one person who was worried about Trump's "credibility" with the threat of a tape, Winger...and that was James Comey! Trump's comment was directed at Comey basically daring him to lie about what was said in their meeting. I know how you folks on the left love to denigrate Trump's intelligence but when it comes to street smarts he's light years ahead of all of you.

So he is a huckster who doesn't hesitate to lie. Aren't you proud?

So now Trump is a "huckster" because he scared James Comey into having to tell the truth with the threat of a tape? That's preventing lies...not telling them!
First you say it was three hours before;
(Yawn) show me where I said that....

In fact, YOU said that, not me. Nice try, again. (Did somebody say something about needing to keep his story straight? :itsok:)

BTW, thanks for the extra opportunity to post the photo again, showing the full mall that disproves your lie.

First ... my apologies for that -- you indeed did not say 3 hours.

Pleasantries aside ... your picture does nothing to refute the comparison of two photos taken from the same angle which proves conclusively that Obama had a much bigger turnout...


I'm still waiting for you to show me another shot of the mall taken after the one you keep posting, Faun. Why is it you can't?

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