CNN’s admits that evidence of Chinese funneling money to Biden family ‘doesn’t look good’

You won't watch anything soon as even the legacy media are being forced to actually report the truth. I guess you'll still be able to get your information from the DailyKOS and the Democrat Underground!

I rarely watch "legacy" or mainstream media these days. It's too opinionated, too shallow. I get my info from a variety of sources, including from overseas.
Hunter was paid for his work as a experienced educated international Business Consultant and shared it with his uncle and brother who knows? total baloney as always. Of course it doesn't look good on a bumper sticker which is about the type of coverage it gets on FOX.
We shall see And so far there has been no right wing evidence of anything at all in any case let alone this one.... the president has absolutely nothing to do with it at all.... your media and Internet nuts and politicians are absolute liars. anything for the big money... including anti American divisive hate at all times.
There’s plenty of evidence out there, just for whatever reason libs like you are placing your fingers in your ears, and at the top of your lungs, screaming…TRUMP!
There’s plenty of evidence out there, just for whatever reason libs like you are placing your fingers in your ears, and at the top of your lungs, screaming…TRUMP!
i'm not talking about just Trump, everything you know is total BS. the Democrats are better for the economy and everything else, but thanks for the worst stupidest wars ever after allowing 911 through Sheer incompetence giving us a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust and recession or depression every time your stupid greedy party gets eight years. And in this case trump only needed four years.... the GOP base has been the most ignorant voters in the modern world forever, with only the Tories in the UK Giving them any competition..... they used to be the ignorant silent majority, now they are the ignorant loud mouth brainwashed majority....
Yea…. While the Left loses their shit over hush payments to a no name stripper.
that is against the law like most of the things trump has been doing his whole his whole life. There are always a couple 1000 lawsuits following him around.... he is always stiffing his vendors and attacking women, please run him in 2024, we need a democratic landslide so bad after 40 years of giveaway to the rich and total baloney from the GOP....
Like I said!

DailyKOS and the Democrat Underground!
And every respected media outlet in the world and basically everywhere but Russia China and North Korea and maybe Vietnam LOL. try the BBC or France or France 24 or DW the German network or the Hindustani times, ignoramus. the more you listen to Murdoch and Internet nut jobs, The more ignorant you get.
that is against the law like most of the things trump has been doing his whole his whole life. There are always a couple 1000 lawsuits following him around.... he is always stiffing his vendors and attacking women, please run him in 2024, we need a democratic landslide so bad after 40 years of giveaway to the rich and total baloney from the GOP....
Enjoy your party’s payments from China; bought, sold, and owned you are.
that is against the law like most of the things trump has been doing his whole his whole life. There are always a couple 1000 lawsuits following him around.... he is always stiffing his vendors and attacking women, please run him in 2024, we need a democratic landslide so bad after 40 years of giveaway to the rich and total baloney from the GOP....
You don’t complain when your guys “attack” women.
They can be forthcoming a little now that the swamp is in full control. It makes us look like we have a true 4th estate again to a certain point. If Deplorables forget what these shills have spewed over the years than we deserve the worst.
Such as, Super Duper? Just tell us anything you believe you believe and we will show you that it is absolute crap. your charges of election fraud, vaccine hoax, global warming hoax, the rich pay too much in taxes crap, and on and on and on... All total BS from greedy idiot catastrophe garbage pundits. you miss 90% of the news and the 10% You do get is totally unrecognizable to 99% of the world.
What the hell baloney are you talking about now... I can tell you that it has been totally discredited and your scumbag pundits would never would try to say it in court. That would be a crime.
You have provided nothing of substance in terms of validation about anything I said was discredited. Then again, you are a Democrat who feels entitled and that should be sufficient. Try accountability sometime vs. what lies between your ears.

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