CNN’s admits that evidence of Chinese funneling money to Biden family ‘doesn’t look good’

Trump, right again.

Oh jeepers, his son gets paid for being a consultant. Just like Trump's daughter and son-in-law made a bunch of cash from the Saudis.
Yep. Whole lotta nothing coming right up. None of the children will ever be yeah...don't care.
this is total BS, so only to the extent that he keeps the garbage lies going....
Well, we will see what Comer has in the coming days...So, why are you so quick to dismiss this as "lies"? Would it not be pretty bad to have a President in the pocket of our #1 geo political foe?
Oh jeepers, his son gets paid for being a consultant. Just like Trump's daughter and son-in-law made a bunch of cash from the Saudis.
Yep. Whole lotta nothing coming right up. None of the children will ever be yeah...don't care.
The question is how much did Joe funnel off the top? And what does China expect from him for the millions?
Well, we will see what Comer has in the coming days...So, why are you so quick to dismiss this as "lies"? Would it not be pretty bad to have a President in the pocket of our #1 geo political foe?
We shall see And so far there has been no right wing evidence of anything at all in any case let alone this one.... the president has absolutely nothing to do with it at all.... your media and Internet nuts and politicians are absolute liars. anything for the big money... including anti American divisive hate at all times.
So it's OK if the Trump actual crime family gets 2 billion dollars from the Saudis? this is just ridiculous garbage propaganda Repeated endlessly for 30% of the pop....

But Trump, But Trump...............Russia, Russia, Russia.......................

The left have been and are continuing to be exposed.............Daily.

Oh jeepers, his son gets paid for being a consultant. Just like Trump's daughter and son-in-law made a bunch of cash from the Saudis.
Yep. Whole lotta nothing coming right up. None of the children will ever be yeah...don't care.


Trump was right..............Again.

Deal with it, oh I forgot, you don't care.

The question is how much did Joe funnel off the top? And what does China expect from him for the millions?
That's the kind of stupid charge that absolutely evaporates the closer you get to a courtroom. Your media and your politicians lie endlessly. Anything for the big money, Super Duper.

Trump was right..............Again.

Deal with it, oh I forgot, you don't care.

I don't. And neither will the majority of Americans.
But you there's that. Nothing will happen.
So get used to disappointment. :)

Trump was right..............Again.

Deal with it, oh I forgot, you don't care.

Hunter got a million from the Chinese, the Trumps got 2000 million from the Saudis....hello?!? by the way, all this Hunter stuff has been totally discredited by law enforcement and real journalists.... they have been investigating it for five years LOL....
I don't. And neither will the majority of Americans.
But you there's that. Nothing will happen.
So get used to disappointment. :)

Oh jeepers, his son gets paid for being a consultant. Just like Trump's daughter and son-in-law made a bunch of cash from the Saudis.
Yep. Whole lotta nothing coming right up. None of the children will ever be yeah...don't care.

Here's your cup of sugar.

Wash the cup before you bring it back.

CNN has become a joke of a network, so who cares what they report. And since it is established fact that Fox News lies to their viewers on a daily basis, who cares what Fox says CNN supposedly said.
You won't watch anything soon as even the legacy media are being forced to actually report the truth. I guess you'll still be able to get your information from the DailyKOS and the Democrat Underground!

How many years did it take for the New York Times to acknowledge that Hunter's laptops were real and not Russian misinformation?


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