Co-Conspirators Continue To Turn On Each Other


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The FBI's top counsel says he and other FBI officials were seriously concerned former FBI Director Comey was attempting to blackmail President Trump with the manufactured Dossier....

"On the latest episode of the Yahoo News podcast "Skullduggery" published Tuesday, former FBI general counsel James Baker said he and others were so concerned about Comey briefing Trump on Jan. 6, 2017, on Russia's interference in the election as well as the controversial dossier that "analogies" were made to J.Edgar Hoover, the former FBI director who famously abused his power to blackmail individuals."

Baker is now one of the FBI officials who find themselves in the cross-hairs of the investigations of Hillary being protected from legal justice for her proven crimes and the investigation of the seditious conspiracy against the President.

The plan seems to be 'Everyone Throw Comey Under The Bus', as former Deputy US AG Rosenstein, former NSA Director Clapper, and former CIA Director Brennan have all done so to some degree this week. Comey already threw his former Deputy McCabe under the bus, resulting in McCabe being recommended for indictment by the US IG. (How quickly do you think McCabe will cut a deal giving up his former boss now...?)

'No honor among thieves', as they say. Obviously that applies to traitors as well.

Watching the noose tighten and them begin to turn on themselves is just down-right entertaining! :p

My only question right now is this: 'Will James Comey's 'sacrifice' by his fellow co-conspirators to appease the US AG and his investigation team going to be enough ... Or is Barr determined to track every single person down and bring them to Justice?

Ex-FBI lawyer: Officials were 'quite worried' Comey appeared to be blackmailing Trump with dossier

Baker is a central figure in the deep state coup attempt.
He's the one who stopped the 25th Amendment plot.
So if he turns evidence some people are toast.
He is also the one who wanted to have Hillary indicted for her crimes instead of protecting her...before he finally caved.
The FBI's top counsel says he and other FBI officials were seriously concerned former FBI Director Comey was attempting to blackmail President Trump with the manufactured Dossier....

"On the latest episode of the Yahoo News podcast "Skullduggery" published Tuesday, former FBI general counsel James Baker said he and others were so concerned about Comey briefing Trump on Jan. 6, 2017, on Russia's interference in the election as well as the controversial dossier that "analogies" were made to J.Edgar Hoover, the former FBI director who famously abused his power to blackmail individuals."

Baker is now one of the FBI officials who find themselves in the cross-hairs of the investigations of Hillary being protected from legal justice for her proven crimes and the investigation of the seditious conspiracy against the President.

The plan seems to be 'Everyone Throw Comey Under The Bus', as former Deputy US AG Rosenstein, former NSA Director Clapper, and former CIA Director Brennan have all done so to some degree this week. Comey already threw his former Deputy McCabe under the bus, resulting in McCabe being recommended for indictment by the US IG. (How quickly do you think McCabe will cut a deal giving up his former boss now...?)

'No honor among thieves', as they say. Obviously that applies to traitors as well.

Watching the noose tighten and them begin to turn on themselves is just down-right entertaining! :p

My only question right now is this: 'Will James Comey's 'sacrifice' by his fellow co-conspirators to appease the US AG and his investigation team going to be enough ... Or is Barr determined to track every single person down and bring them to Justice?

I have the impression the Democrats have really pissed him off, and he will stick to them like Javert.
I have the impression the Democrats have really pissed him off, and he will stick to them like Javert.
You have a great point.

I can see where calling him before Congress and insulting him, demanding he break the law, holding him in Contempt for NOT breaking the law, and then joking about throwing him in the 'Congressional Jail' could piss him off....

Barr is going to need to go after more people than just Comey. He also needs to make it clear that those who have been involved in covering up the corruption (people like Wray and others) will get one chance to come forward and tell what they know or face charges later down the road.

'Spy Versus Spy'

"Then-FBI Director James Comey told bureau subordinates that then-CIA Director John Brennan insisted the dossier, referred to as the "crown material", be included in the intelligence community assessment on Russian interference, known as the ICA."

A former one of Brennan's spooks has come forward to back Former CIA Director and Former NSA Director Clapper's story that it was they who opposed James Comey’s recommendation that the Steele Dossier be included in the intelligence report
-- Of course this former spook also stated that the Dossier was in 'no way used' to author the Intel Community Assessment, which already-released evidence proves is a lie, that Brennan used to brief (and commit Perjury in front of) Congress, citing Dossier contents as 'legitimate Intel'.
--- The Morning Briefing: SPY vs. SPY as Comey, Brennan Point Fingers

When these people sit down individually with the 'pitbull' to answer questions and their lies don't match the lies being told by the others, I wonder which ones will be the 1st 'Contestants' on 'Let's Make A Deal, B!tch'!


My money is still on McCabe - he still owes Comey for throwing him under the bus already....
The practice of Omerta inside the Deep State would make La Cosa Nostra weep with jealousy.

Here's an article from The Hill --

Jim Comey's own words justify Bill Barr's review

AG Barr understands well that the FBI is dead as an agency — undeserving of the nation’s trust — if it is commonly perceived to be a weapon for political vagaries rather than an impartial, objective enforcer of the rule of law so vital to the survival of democratic governance.

It is. The FBI is dead. Done. Kaput.

If I'm ever called to Federal Jury Duty and the FBI is involved in the case, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR conviction under any circumstances because I DO NOT TRUST THE fbi.

They are America's Gestapo, the American version of the NKVD.

The FBI needs to be closed and merged into something else -- Maybe The US Marshals Service. But the FBI, IMO, is dead and useless

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