CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

Hey remember how your treasonous Russian compromised guy said CC was a Chinese hoax? What an idiot and your lot voted for him, just as well President Biden booted him out of the WH.
The Climate Change narrative certainly enriches the Chi Coms. They make the solar panels. It’s good for them to push the narrative even though there is no real science to it.
Carbon Isotope ratios prove the increase in CO2 conc is from burning fossil fuels. It has also been known for over 100 years that CO2 is a GHG. You denying simple scientific evidence is not proof.
You just don’t get it apparently. No one denies CO2 is a green house gas. You just can’t provide scientific proof it will cause cataclysmic, global climate change at the miniscule rate humans contribute to it. There is, in fact, no life threatening effect from it globally today.
You just don’t get it apparently. No one denies CO2 is a green house gas. You just can’t provide scientific proof it will cause cataclysmic, global climate change at the miniscule rate humans contribute to it. There is, in fact, no life threatening effect from it globally today.
A change from 300ppm to 414 ppm in just 50 years is not miniscule and we know from Carbon isotope ratios the increase is from burning fossil fuels. Yes CC is killing people right now.
Which part tells you that it's not a scientific fact a 33 % increase in CO2 conc in just 50 years is not causing CC. I'd really like to see your evidence that CC is not occurring an CO2 is not a GHG.
You want me to prove a negative which is ridiculous. How about YOU prove humans can cause the earth's climate to change? Show me the scientific experiment where humans have caused a global change in climate. You speak of science why don't you use the scientific method to prove your theory? Ask your climate god Al Gore to SHOW you!! So far all he has done is bloviate arrogantly telling everyone they are creating too much GHG, meanwhile he jets around creating more GHG in his plane that you or I will create in our liftimes.
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A change from 300ppm to 414 ppm in just 50 years is not miniscule and we know from Carbon isotope ratios the increase is from burning fossil fuels. Yes CC is killing people right now.
Which death certificates list CC as cause of death?
Only in the imagination of right wing conservatives. CO2 is a GHG, fact, CO2 conc is now 415ppm, fact, Climate change is occurring right now, fact.
Ok bucko... Tell me how much warming was supposed to have been seen with the PPM increase from 285ppm to 415ppm. Let me help you.. Here is the log that show the potential warming by CO2 ALONE, absent other forcings.


Now tell me what the expected warming is to be from that increase.
A change from 300ppm to 414 ppm in just 50 years is not miniscule and we know from Carbon isotope ratios the increase is from burning fossil fuels. Yes CC is killing people right now.
This is a BALD FACE LIE! It has been nearly 150 years in the rise, long before anthropogenic factors became a concern. Only about 45ppm is rise from 1960.
Where I live you pay an increased insurance premium, if you can get it, for your house in some places. The insurance companies are not stupid.
But the lenders are stupid, right? You get insured for replacement cost, which is less than the value of Obama and other AGW high Priests oceanfront mansions
CO2 has Zero IR Transitive Properties and this has been known for decades.

Anthropogenic Global Warming was pointed out as a fraud almost as soon as that half baked theory came out.

The original data which is still used today was a complete fabrication. There is no hockey stick and the scientist who came up with this nonsense theory was originally debunked, until people like The UN and Al Gore got on the gravy train. Now Billions of taxpayer dollars are flushed down the toilet on this nonsense.

The only reason people still talk about Global Warming is because Marxist Fascists Globalists like DemNazis realized they could use it to push for more Goverment Control over various Nation's Economies. So it's never gong away because it is a good vehicle to gain power over people's lives, if not entire nations.

This is why Satanic Treaties like The Paris Accords were formed. It's nothing but a stepping stone to a 666 New World Order.
This post of yours just garnered you a homerun with the bases loaded!
You want me to prove a negative which is ridiculous. How about YOU prove humans can cause the earth's climate to change? Show me the scientific experiment where humans have caused a global change in climate. You speak of science why don't you use the scientific method to prove your theory? Ask your climate god Al Gore to SHOW you!! So far all he has done is bloviate arrogantly telling everyone they are creating too much GHG, meanwhile he jets around creating more GHG in his plane that you or I will create in our liftimes.
Experiment to show, I have but you can't comprehend simple science. I'm not repeating what I've already posted. You prove your denial. You must have proof for your denial, show me.
BS you do not have a background in science to be a CC denier.
Degreed engineer and 37 years as a practicing engineer. I’ve probably forgotten more science than you ever knew.

What about you? What’s your background in science?
Which part tells you that it's not a scientific fact a 33 % increase in CO2 conc in just 50 years is not causing CC. I'd really like to see your evidence that CC is not occurring an CO2 is not a GHG.
It was 2C warmer in the past with 120 ppm less CO2.

The planet cooled for 50 million years with atmospheric CO2 starting at 600 to 1000 ppm.

The temperature of the present Interglacial period is 2C below the temperature of previous interglacial periods.

The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing.

That’s just for starters.
Carbon Isotope ratios prove the increase in CO2 conc is from burning fossil fuels. It has also been known for over 100 years that CO2 is a GHG. You denying simple scientific evidence is not proof.
Yes, so what? Prior to the Industrial Revolution CO2 correlated to temperature. Post Industrial Revolution CO2 correlates to emissions. But temperature has never correlated to CO2.

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