CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

Experiment to show, I have but you can't comprehend simple science. I'm not repeating what I've already posted. You prove your denial. You must have proof for your denial, show me.
No you haven’t. A simple experiment where humans change world climate would require no special comprehension. You have not provided that.
So what, how is that relevant to man made CC happening now. A 2 C change would be devistating to millions of people.
It’s not irrelevant at all. It proves the disconnect between CO2 and temperature. If CO2 s such a powerful driver of the climate why isn’t warmer than the previous interglacial period which had 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today but was 2C warmer than today.
CO2 causes temperature on Earth, without GHGs the planet would radiate too much heat.
Actually it’s the presence of an atmosphere which slows the transfer of heat to outer space. CO2 is just one component of it. Which I don’t deny. I deny the theoretical feedback of 3 times the GHG effect of CO2. That’s not real at all. Thats fake news. You probably didn’t even know the feedback was 3 times greater than the GHG effect of CO2. That’s how little you know.
I’ve been studying it for 20 years. What would you like to know about the earth’s climate?
Apparently ‘shareprofit’ thinks ocean cycles, atmospheric water vapor, deep ocean vents, volcanic activity and the thousands of other natural climate drivers are miniscule compared to human activity. He’s got it exactly backwards as most Marxists do. ‘Shareprofit’ my ass.
Bull shit if you're a denier of Climate change.
What have I denied? I didn’t deny the GHG effect of CO2. I denied computer models piling on 3 times more warming based upon controversial feedbacks that empirical evidence doesn’t support.

You do realize the planet cooled go the last 50 million years with atmospheric CO2 concentrations of 600 to 1,000 ppm, right?
I know arguing against climate change is as stupid as saying gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
But you have knowledge of gravity. What knowledge do you have of the earth’s climate? For instance do you even know the planet is in the middle of an ice age?

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