CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

Experiment to show, I have but you can't comprehend simple science. I'm not repeating what I've already posted. You prove your denial. You must have proof for your denial, show me.
I do. It’s called the geologic record. Are you familiar with the oxygen isotope curve which is the well established and accepted record of earth’s temperature?
Degreed engineer and 37 years as a practicing engineer. I’ve probably forgotten more science than you ever knew.

What about you? What’s your background in science?
An engineer an a CC denier, wonders.
It was 2C warmer in the past with 120 ppm less CO2.

The planet cooled for 50 million years with atmospheric CO2 starting at 600 to 1000 ppm.

The temperature of the present Interglacial period is 2C below the temperature of previous interglacial periods.

The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forcing.

That’s just for starters.
So what, how is that relevant to man made CC happening now. A 2 C change would be devistating to millions of people.
Yes, so what? Prior to the Industrial Revolution CO2 correlated to temperature. Post Industrial Revolution CO2 correlates to emissions. But temperature has never correlated to CO2.
CO2 causes temperature on Earth, without GHGs the planet would radiate too much heat.
It seems you have no clue my point, you can’t articulate it
Oh contaire'.... your point is there is no man-made global warming, or that the warming is just part of a geological cycle of events. How did I do? Did I get close? Where am I off?

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