CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

The rats are starting to abandon ship:

CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist
Forget ‘settled’ science or ‘consensus’ – that is a political construct designed to quash debate in the interests of promoting a command-and-control Net Zero agenda. One of the great drivers of continual changes in the climate is heat exchange within both the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. Current understanding of the entire picture is limited, and it seems the opportunity has been taken to fill this gap by blaming carbon dioxide almost entirely for the recent gentle warming. A new paper on the so-called ‘greenhouse’ effect highlights the vital role played by oceans and water vapour flows. CO2 is said to have “minimal effect” on the Earth’s temperature and climate.
The paper has been published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) and is written by meteorologist William Kininmonth, a former consultant to the World Meteorological Organisation’s Commission for Climatology and former head of the Australian Government’s National Climate Centre. Kininmonth argues that the oceans are the “vital inertial and thermal flywheels” of the climate system. If one wants to control climate, it will be necessary to control the oceans, he argues. “Efforts to decarbonise in the hope of affecting global temperatures will be in vain,” he adds.
In Kininmonth’s view, the recent warming is “probably simply the result of fluctuations in the ever-changing ocean circulation”. CO2 “must be recognised” as a very minor contributor to the observed warming, and one that is unlikely to prolong the warming trend beyond the peak generated by the natural oceanic oscillations, he notes. He explains that the main driver of global temperature is the movement of energy in water, both in the oceans and the atmosphere after evaporation.
As CO₂ concentration increases from 0 to 600 parts per million (green bars), the total strength of the greenhouse effect, measured as the energy the greenhouse gases radiate to the Earth’s surface, barely changes (orange line). Source: Kininmonth 2022
So Sorry!
He's been a denier for 20 years.
And, ergo, he's already been shown Wrong.

William Kininmonth is a retired Australian meteorologist and climate change skeptic.
Kininmonth runs the Australasian Climate Research Institute (trading as Australasian Climate Research) from his home in Kew, Victoria, Australia.[1]
The Institute is listed as simply a trading name for "Kininmonth, William Robert".
It has No website, phone number or existence separate from Kininmonth.

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Do you love it when Biden reads the teleprompter and then reads the directions too?
Reading is fine…you should try it sometimes. Trump can’t read covfefe . It s amazing how you criticize Biden in areas trump is 10x worse, like indictments.
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Obviously, you're a dumbfuck.

The stutter meme is a talking point. It's a lie, in other words. Biden didn't "stutter" 5 years ago.
You are a fucking idiot. You might want to check your facts. Biden has been stuttering his entire life.
It's worse when you have Alzheimer's.
It's worse when people conclude its associated with low intelligence.

It's worse when people conclude its associated with low intelligence.

Well, we already knew about Biden's low intelligence.
Remember when he said he graduated at the top of his class?

That was hilarious!!!
You are a fucking idiot. You might want to check your facts. Biden has been stuttering his entire life.
Utter horsehit There's pleny of video showing Biden speaking perfect English.

Do you scumbags actually believe anyone is fooled by these lies?
Utter horsehit There's pleny of video showing Biden speaking perfect English.

Do you scumbags actually believe anyone is fooled by these lies?
You seem to be one of the more vulnerable people I've ever seen at being fooled by lies.
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That is true of businesses. My wife has a small one and Google has offered her better coverage for money. That is not true of scholarly article searches.
technically, the number of hits should place a site in priority.

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