Coal-Fired Power Plants Produce Insignificant Mercury (This will open your eyes)

You people really don't give a shit about your children and their future at all. And it's just because of your ideology.
Do you know one of the fastest growing and in-demand professions is? Respiratory Therapy. My daughter is a Regional Manager of a national respiratory therapy healthcare company. They can't hire therapist fast enough. Why? Because of the increase in respiratory diseases and this is happening despite the great decline in cigarette smoking. The cause is air pollution!
But because your ideology says regulating coal is killing jobs, I guess in your minds, that's more important than it's killing people.

The cause of the multiplication of respiratory therapists is mostly likely hypochondria. If there's a legitimate cause, it's allergies. No one has ever tied the location of coal fired power plants with the incidence of respiratory problems. The eco-nutburgers have been claiming for years that coal plants are responsible for Mercury contamination, but the charts above show that can't possibly be the case.

Face it, you're all a bunch of hysterical Chicken Littles.

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