Coal, If Hillary is elected what will it cost the average consumer?

I saw the chart

It was irrelevant to any national energy policy. It only covered energy sources for one supplier
Aka, it doesn't accurately depict your narrative so you just dismiss it.

Can't say I'm surprised.
One company is not a narrative
Look at the chart & respond directly to the op.

You can't

It doesn't fit the narrative that is IN YOUR HEAD so you have to obfuscate.
Saw your chart and it is irrelevant

Why don't you explain its significance?
Backstroke to ignore for the troll. It's significance was spelled out in the op that you've been ignoring. Bye bye troll
I'm on ignore?

Now I get to mock you and you will have no idea why everyone is laughing at you
Hillary like Obama wants to kill the coal industry. The following link contains a chart that shows how our electricity is generated here in the KC area. As with every metro area KC has a large poor population and killing coal as Hillary would, would have a dramatic impact on their day to day budgets.

Electricity Generation - KCPL

Do YOU believe coal jobs need to be killed & the use of it restricted or banned?

No..she doesn't want to kill the industry. She recognizes that it is dying....and that the people it employs ( vastly reduced by free market mechanism ) will need new kinds of jobs. Her plan is to promote the industries that will develop those jobs....and to stop promoting a dying industry.

Try harder to be accurate.

That's as accurate as can be. She wants to bring new ideas to the industry SHE PLANS TO KILL.
Aka, it doesn't accurately depict your narrative so you just dismiss it.

Can't say I'm surprised.
One company is not a narrative
Look at the chart & respond directly to the op.

You can't

It doesn't fit the narrative that is IN YOUR HEAD so you have to obfuscate.
Saw your chart and it is irrelevant

Why don't you explain its significance?
Backstroke to ignore for the troll. It's significance was spelled out in the op that you've been ignoring. Bye bye troll
I'm on ignore?

Now I get to mock you and you will have no idea why everyone is laughing at you

Unless someone quotes you in their reply, that is.
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious
Look at the chart & compare it to your ridiculous statement. Then try again.
Looked at the chart. So what would that chart have looked at 20 years ago? What is going to look like 20 years from now? Barring the advent of fusion, coal will be one of the minor sources. Too damned expensive and polluting.

No matter how you resent it, the future does arrive. And the future does not include a major role for coal.
Hillary like Obama wants to kill the coal industry. The following link contains a chart that shows how our electricity is generated here in the KC area. As with every metro area KC has a large poor population and killing coal as Hillary would, would have a dramatic impact on their day to day budgets.

Electricity Generation - KCPL

Do YOU believe coal jobs need to be killed & the use of it restricted or banned?

No..she doesn't want to kill the industry. She recognizes that it is dying....and that the people it employs ( vastly reduced by free market mechanism ) will need new kinds of jobs. Her plan is to promote the industries that will develop those jobs....and to stop promoting a dying industry.

Try harder to be accurate.

That's as accurate as can be. She wants to bring new ideas to the industry SHE PLANS TO KILL.

Sorry. That was take out of context. You are dishonest and therefore have no problem posting things which are taken out of context. Next you'll tell me that she wants to raise taxes on the middle class.

Boring dishonesty is boring.
The coal industry...due to investment in labor saving technology...needs fewer workers to mine the shit. Therefore, they have been the primary killers of coal jobs.
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious
Look at the chart & compare it to your ridiculous statement. Then try again.
Looked at the chart. So what would that chart have looked at 20 years ago? What is going to look like 20 years from now? Barring the advent of fusion, coal will be one of the minor sources. Too damned expensive and polluting.

No matter how you resent it, the future does arrive. And the future does not include a major role for coal.
Probably not a whole lot different 20 years ago. The nuclear & wind power has been a thing in Kansas for several decades. Short of the renewables becoming cheaper or government forced regulations I doubt the chart would look much different in the next decade or two.
By the way, didn't even give us a chart that attempts to tell us that moving to other sources of energy in MO will raise utility bills. All you did was tell us what a power company uses to generate its product.

Super lame thread.
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious

Agreed, Mr. Rightwinger. A question the real right wingers should ask themselves: If coal is so wonderful, why are coal mining towns so very poor? An industry that has been around for over 250 years and yet they keep their workers ignorant and in abject poverty, not to mention carelessly endangering their lives. Disgusting.
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious

Agreed, Mr. Rightwinger. A question the real right wingers should ask themselves: If coal is so wonderful, why are coal mining towns so very poor? An industry that has been around for over 250 years and yet they keep their workers ignorant and in abject poverty, not to mention carelessly endangering their lives. Disgusting.
You are a good lemming.

Coal Mining Industry Salary, Average Salaries | PayScale
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious
Look at the chart & compare it to your ridiculous statement. Then try again.
Looked at the chart. So what would that chart have looked at 20 years ago? What is going to look like 20 years from now? Barring the advent of fusion, coal will be one of the minor sources. Too damned expensive and polluting.

No matter how you resent it, the future does arrive. And the future does not include a major role for coal.
Coal is and will remain the despatchable base load energy source because it is so cheap, and clean.....
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious
Look at the chart & compare it to your ridiculous statement. Then try again.
Looked at the chart. So what would that chart have looked at 20 years ago? What is going to look like 20 years from now? Barring the advent of fusion, coal will be one of the minor sources. Too damned expensive and polluting.

No matter how you resent it, the future does arrive. And the future does not include a major role for coal.
Coal is and will remain the despatchable base load energy source because it is so cheap, and clean.....
Hillary wants to end coal, then what? have humans spinning bicycles and wheels to generate power?
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious
Look at the chart & compare it to your ridiculous statement. Then try again.
Looked at the chart. So what would that chart have looked at 20 years ago? What is going to look like 20 years from now? Barring the advent of fusion, coal will be one of the minor sources. Too damned expensive and polluting.

No matter how you resent it, the future does arrive. And the future does not include a major role for coal.
Coal is and will remain the despatchable base load energy source because it is so cheap, and clean.....
Hillary wants to end coal, then what? have humans spinning bicycles and wheels to generate power?
She owns a cave REIT.....:lol:
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious

Agreed, Mr. Rightwinger. A question the real right wingers should ask themselves: If coal is so wonderful, why are coal mining towns so very poor? An industry that has been around for over 250 years and yet they keep their workers ignorant and in abject poverty, not to mention carelessly endangering their lives. Disgusting.
You are a good lemming.

Coal Mining Industry Salary, Average Salaries | PayScale

Drilling down past the managerial and professional listings you refer to was this for miners: Miner Salary
As low as $13/hour to work in one of the most dangerous jobs in America.
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious

Agreed, Mr. Rightwinger. A question the real right wingers should ask themselves: If coal is so wonderful, why are coal mining towns so very poor? An industry that has been around for over 250 years and yet they keep their workers ignorant and in abject poverty, not to mention carelessly endangering their lives. Disgusting.
You are a good lemming.

Coal Mining Industry Salary, Average Salaries | PayScale

Drilling down past the managerial and professional listings you refer to was this for miners: Miner Salary
As low as $13/hour to work in one of the most dangerous jobs in America.
What the fuck business is it of yours what people decide to do for a living?
Coal is an obsolete energy source

It is being killed by natural gas and low cost oil......Hillary had nothing to do with it, she is just stating the obvious
Look at the chart & compare it to your ridiculous statement. Then try again.
Looked at the chart. So what would that chart have looked at 20 years ago? What is going to look like 20 years from now? Barring the advent of fusion, coal will be one of the minor sources. Too damned expensive and polluting.

No matter how you resent it, the future does arrive. And the future does not include a major role for coal.
Coal is and will remain the despatchable base load energy source because it is so cheap, and clean.....
Hillary wants to end coal, then what? have humans spinning bicycles and wheels to generate power?

Ever heard of fracking? It's why gasoline is $1.70 in my neck of the woods. So much for that rumor about if Obama was elected gasoline would go to $5 a gallon.
Larry Elder - $5 Gas Predicted Under Obama -- What, No Pitchforks?

Do you silly people ever learn?
“Solar is Taking Off in Texas”
“Solar is taking off in Texas,” said Jim Hughes, CEO of First Solar, a global provider of photovoltaic solar energy solutions. “Our Barilla Solar project is the first solar power plant in the country to offer electricity on an open contract basis, and it illustrates how solar has become a reliable, competitively priced component in the state’s balanced energy portfolio. We see an enormous growth opportunity for solar in Texas.” First Solar (NASDAQ: FSLR) is a vertically integrated solar power provider with more than 10 GW of installed capacity worldwide. Along with the Barilla power plant, First Solar has several other projects in various stages of development in Texas.

“Advanced energy is alive and well in Texas,” said Susan Reilly, president of Renewable Energy Systems Americas, Inc. (RES Americas), and current chair of the American Wind Energy Association. RES Americas and its many Texas projects are profiled in the TAEBA report. “Texas is the nation’s leader in wind energy, today and going forward – just look at what’s in the pipeline. RES Americas is proud of the wind and solar installations we’ve worked on in Texas and we look forward to many more in the future.”

RES Americas is a renewable energy, transmission, and energy storage developer. Its projects in Texas total nearly 2,500 MW, including the 278 MW King Mountain Wind Ranch, the 60 MW Whirlwind Energy Center, and the 166 MW Hackberry Wind Farm. RES Americas was also a contractor for the 30 MW Webberville and 41 MW Alamo 1 solar projects. Near completion is its Keechi wind project, owned by Enbridge Inc., which will power Microsoft Corp. near Dallas–Fort Worth.

Texas Advanced Energy Going Big: 10GW Solar by 2029 - SolarLove

This is just the beginning. And just for Texas. All the southern states have this power available. And, with Austin putting in 1.2 GW for under 5 cents a watt, and solar still declining in price, you will see many more projects like this, while you will not see many new coal fired plants built in the future.

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