Coal miners ask Obama to stop ‘absolute lies’ ( Ohio )


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Coal miners ask Obama to stop ‘absolute lies’ ( Ohio )
The Herald-Star ^ | October 13, 2012 | CASEY JUNKINS

Coal miners ask Obama to stop

Coal miners at the American Energy Corp. Century Mine said they want President Barack Obama to stop what they term “the war on coal” – and to stop spreading “mistruths” about them.

Miners gathered Friday afternoon to express their opposition to Obama’s energy and environmental policies, which they believe threaten their jobs. Miner Mitch Miracle read aloud a letter the miners mailed to Obama that outlines some of their concerns.

The miners said Obama’s campaign team is running ads filled with “blatantly false” statements about the miners regarding their participation in Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s August campaign stop at the Century Mine. These ads assert that the miners were forced to attend the event by the mine’s owner, Robert Murray.

“There are numerous false statements and absolute lies concerning our participation in this event
Cheap natural gas and the fact that clean coal is horribly expensive is what is leading to a decline in the mining of coal. But the GOP will grab at any straw at present.

As with the logging industry, coal miners are going to have to learn to live with the fact that their jobs are going to disappear due to lack of demand and mechanization. Plus the fact that people are sick of the pollution that the industry creates. And the alternatives are already starting to compete with dirty coal in price in some areas, and are far cheaper the 'clean coal'.
Cheap natural gas and the fact that clean coal is horribly expensive is what is leading to a decline in the mining of coal. But the GOP will grab at any straw at present.

As with the logging industry, coal miners are going to have to learn to live with the fact that their jobs are going to disappear due to lack of demand and mechanization. Plus the fact that people are sick of the pollution that the industry creates. And the alternatives are already starting to compete with dirty coal in price in some areas, and are far cheaper the 'clean coal'.

well so much for your all's concerns for people losing their jobs and KEEPING the jobs here in OUR COUNTRY, as long as they are ones you don't like it's all good

but talk about teachers and heads explode
Cheap natural gas and the fact that clean coal is horribly expensive is what is leading to a decline in the mining of coal. But the GOP will grab at any straw at present.

As with the logging industry, coal miners are going to have to learn to live with the fact that their jobs are going to disappear due to lack of demand and mechanization. Plus the fact that people are sick of the pollution that the industry creates. And the alternatives are already starting to compete with dirty coal in price in some areas, and are far cheaper the 'clean coal'.

There's no lack of demand. When our lumber industry shut down, we started buying lumber from Japan. And there is definitely a demand for coal.
Cheap natural gas and the fact that clean coal is horribly expensive is what is leading to a decline in the mining of coal. But the GOP will grab at any straw at present.

As with the logging industry, coal miners are going to have to learn to live with the fact that their jobs are going to disappear due to lack of demand and mechanization. Plus the fact that people are sick of the pollution that the industry creates. And the alternatives are already starting to compete with dirty coal in price in some areas, and are far cheaper the 'clean coal'.

The lack of demand is for green energy, that's why enviro wackos like you and the dems support cap and trade. You need oil and coal to be artificially priced sky high for green energy to have any chance to compete........
people in the cities are sick and tired of the pollution..

so funny.

They don't give a shit if people who live elsewhere starve or freeze to death.
Some times we are thinking wrong . and its like our child hood .
When you were doing any wrong then your parents were against that attitude .
But at that time you thought that they are bad . But they are not really . :)
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Fox's Megyn Kelly recently hosted a lengthy segment on the coal industry featuring a Mitt Romney campaign ad and the CEOs of a coal trade group and a coal mining company. The industry representatives claimed that President Obama is waging a "war on coal," but the facts about the Obama administration's efforts to enact long overdue clean air regulations were noticeably absent.

On Fox News' America Live, host Megyn Kelly interviewed American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity CEO Mike Duncan and Murray Energy Corporation CEO Robert Murray. After Kelly aired a campaign ad featuring Romney speaking at the Century Mine, Murray belabored the "human issue" of regulations and the plight of coal miners who "just want to work in honor and dignity." But Kelly didn't mention that Murray, who owns the mine, recently came under fire for forcing miners to attend the rally without pay, or that his company has a history of labor and safety violations.
Coal miders and their families will not be voting for Obama this fall. His threats have taken their toll. This could put Pa in play and make a difference in Ohio.
Cheap natural gas and the fact that clean coal is horribly expensive is what is leading to a decline in the mining of coal. But the GOP will grab at any straw at present.

As with the logging industry, coal miners are going to have to learn to live with the fact that their jobs are going to disappear due to lack of demand and mechanization. Plus the fact that people are sick of the pollution that the industry creates. And the alternatives are already starting to compete with dirty coal in price in some areas, and are far cheaper the 'clean coal'.

Interesting that you used the term "clean coal".

Horribley expensive? Yes.
Achievable? Yes.

Why not? It's a hydrocarbon, and Obama is President.
Liberal wackos want to move from coal which is both cheap and plentiful, to natural gas which is only slightly more expensive but plentiful. They want to make this shift because they are already planning to end fracking which gives us cheap natural gas.

It isn't coal, nor is it natural gas, it isn't even oil. It's an end to the energy they produce. obama's energy policy should be well known by now.

“We can’t drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes, you know, 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that every other country is going to say OK …
Cheap natural gas and the fact that clean coal is horribly expensive is what is leading to a decline in the mining of coal. But the GOP will grab at any straw at present.

As with the logging industry, coal miners are going to have to learn to live with the fact that their jobs are going to disappear due to lack of demand and mechanization. Plus the fact that people are sick of the pollution that the industry creates. And the alternatives are already starting to compete with dirty coal in price in some areas, and are far cheaper the 'clean coal'.
So that makes Obama lying about coal miners okay? a mindless Obama boot-licker, I suppose it does.
Fair & Balanced: Fox Hosts Two Coal CEOs To Attack Obama | Blog | Media Matters for America
Fox's Megyn Kelly recently hosted a lengthy segment on the coal industry featuring a Mitt Romney campaign ad and the CEOs of a coal trade group and a coal mining company. The industry representatives claimed that President Obama is waging a "war on coal," but the facts about the Obama administration's efforts to enact long overdue clean air regulations were noticeably absent.

On Fox News' America Live, host Megyn Kelly interviewed American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity CEO Mike Duncan and Murray Energy Corporation CEO Robert Murray. After Kelly aired a campaign ad featuring Romney speaking at the Century Mine, Murray belabored the "human issue" of regulations and the plight of coal miners who "just want to work in honor and dignity." But Kelly didn't mention that Murray, who owns the mine, recently came under fire for forcing miners to attend the rally without pay, or that his company has a history of labor and safety violations.
Posting a Media Matters story that repeats Obama's lies does not refute the charge that Obama lied.

Just so's you won't make that stupid mistake again. You're welcome.
Fair & Balanced: Fox Hosts Two Coal CEOs To Attack Obama | Blog | Media Matters for America
Fox's Megyn Kelly recently hosted a lengthy segment on the coal industry featuring a Mitt Romney campaign ad and the CEOs of a coal trade group and a coal mining company. The industry representatives claimed that President Obama is waging a "war on coal," but the facts about the Obama administration's efforts to enact long overdue clean air regulations were noticeably absent.

On Fox News' America Live, host Megyn Kelly interviewed American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity CEO Mike Duncan and Murray Energy Corporation CEO Robert Murray. After Kelly aired a campaign ad featuring Romney speaking at the Century Mine, Murray belabored the "human issue" of regulations and the plight of coal miners who "just want to work in honor and dignity." But Kelly didn't mention that Murray, who owns the mine, recently came under fire for forcing miners to attend the rally without pay, or that his company has a history of labor and safety violations.
Posting a Media Matters story that repeats Obama's lies does not refute the charge that Obama lied.

Just so's you won't make that stupid mistake again. You're welcome.

no kidding, my gawd now media matters is the site for the truth and NOTHING but the truth..:lol:
no wonder liberals all think like sheep, they don't question a DAMN thing said from their masters politicians
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Fair & Balanced: Fox Hosts Two Coal CEOs To Attack Obama | Blog | Media Matters for America
Fox's Megyn Kelly recently hosted a lengthy segment on the coal industry featuring a Mitt Romney campaign ad and the CEOs of a coal trade group and a coal mining company. The industry representatives claimed that President Obama is waging a "war on coal," but the facts about the Obama administration's efforts to enact long overdue clean air regulations were noticeably absent.

On Fox News' America Live, host Megyn Kelly interviewed American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity CEO Mike Duncan and Murray Energy Corporation CEO Robert Murray. After Kelly aired a campaign ad featuring Romney speaking at the Century Mine, Murray belabored the "human issue" of regulations and the plight of coal miners who "just want to work in honor and dignity." But Kelly didn't mention that Murray, who owns the mine, recently came under fire for forcing miners to attend the rally without pay, or that his company has a history of labor and safety violations.

Your name should be emptyhead.

Did you not read the OP before posting ANOTHER echo of the same lie it decries?

Damn, you libs are clueless AND illiterate!
Cheap natural gas and the fact that clean coal is horribly expensive is what is leading to a decline in the mining of coal. But the GOP will grab at any straw at present.

As with the logging industry, coal miners are going to have to learn to live with the fact that their jobs are going to disappear due to lack of demand and mechanization. Plus the fact that people are sick of the pollution that the industry creates. And the alternatives are already starting to compete with dirty coal in price in some areas, and are far cheaper the 'clean coal'.

Interesting that you used the term "clean coal".

Horribley expensive? Yes.
Achievable? Yes.

Why not? It's a hydrocarbon, and Obama is President.

What libturds mean by the term "clean coal" is coal that doesn't produce CO2. That will never be achieved, and it would be stupid to even try. Coal burning technology as it now exists is more than clean enough. it's the cheapest form of energy. We don't need to spend a dime on coal to make it clean enough. It's already clean enough.
Miners Ask President Obama To Stop the ‘Absolute Lies’​

October 13, 2012

By CASEY JUNKINS - Staff Writer , The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
Miners Ask President Obama To Stop the

BEALLSVILLE - Coal miners at the American Energy Corp. Century Mine said they want President Barack Obama to stop what they term "the war on coal" - and to stop spreading "mistruths" about them.

Miners gathered Friday afternoon to express their opposition to Obama's energy and environmental policies, which they believe threaten their jobs. Miner Mitch Miracle read aloud a letter the miners mailed to Obama that outlines some of their concerns.

The miners said Obama's campaign team is running ads filled with "blatantly false" statements about the miners regarding their participation in Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's August campaign stop at the Century Mine. These ads assert that the miners were forced to attend the event by the mine's owner, Robert Murray.

"There are numerous false statements and absolute lies concerning our participation in this event, mostly started by a local 'shock jock' radio host," the miners' letter to Obama states. "Why would you (Obama) lie about the 500 working miners who have signed this letter? We, the employees of the Century Mine would request you immediately stop these false ads."

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The ends justify the means to Team Obama.

Stephanie "The Whore" Cutter could not care less about miners who won't save her ass.

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