Coal miners…

Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact
Put them to work building infrastucture or working in alternative energy.
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Only because they're uneducated white people, does Trump give a fuck......what can they do? Get out here and hustle with low paying jobs like the rest of us.
Coal miners need to keep their jobs because that's what they do, and alternative energy jobs do not pay anywhere near what they do. Fact

Not a fact.

The coal companies could easily diversify into other energy sectors. All of those flattened mountaintops in WV are perfect for wind or solar installations. They could simply buy into gas production. That's what's killing coal anyway. It's on them if they take the miners down with them.
Most coal mining is not done and back east, Wyoming nearby states have unlimited coal reserves...
and it's open pit mining so there is no health concerns there

WV is the second largest producer.
Coal is getting pushed out by cheaper, cleaner options.

Two Ohio coal-fired plants to close, deepening industry decline
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Only because they're uneducated white people, does Trump give a fuck......what can they do? Get out here and hustle with low paying jobs like the rest of us.
Coal miners need to keep their jobs because that's what they do, and alternative energy jobs do not pay anywhere near what they do. Fact

Not a fact.

The coal companies could easily diversify into other energy sectors. All of those flattened mountaintops in WV are perfect for wind or solar installations. They could simply buy into gas production. That's what's killing coal anyway. It's on them if they take the miners down with them.
Most coal mining is not done and back east, Wyoming nearby states have unlimited coal reserves...
and it's open pit mining so there is no health concerns there

WV is the second largest producer.
Coal is getting pushed out by cheaper, cleaner options.

Two Ohio coal-fired plants to close, deepening industry decline
There is unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states… Dig baby dig
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Bring the buggy industry back?

According to Rustic, yes. Because

Coal miners Buggy whip makers need to keep their jobs because that's what they do, and alternative energy horseless buggy jobs do not pay anywhere near what they do. Fact

THAT is exactly how these rubes "think".
Says the person who thinks that most coal mining is not open pit... lol

Post a link to where I said that.

Why do you ALWAYS have to lie?
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact
Put them to work building infrastucture or working in alternative energy.
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Bring the buggy industry back?

According to Rustic, yes. Because

Coal miners Buggy whip makers need to keep their jobs because that's what they do, and alternative energy horseless buggy jobs do not pay anywhere near what they do. Fact

THAT is exactly how these rubes "think".
Says the person who thinks that most coal mining is not open pit... lol

Post a link to where I said that.

Why do you ALWAYS have to lie?
Pussy whipped progressives constantly say that coal mining causes black lung... The problem is open pit coal mining causes no such thing Where most coal mining is done...
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact
Put them to work building infrastucture or working in alternative energy.
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact
Put them to work building infrastucture or working in alternative energy.
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...

That's why it's important that the producers diversify. As coal slides they should put more in the up and coming alternatives. If you work for coal, I would think ahead to a move.
Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.

Total Bullshit since tech companies abuse the H1 Visa program and your Coal Miners who don't want to be programmers will have gone through this training and still be out of a job.

Not only that, exactly where are they going to find a programming job in a Coal Mining Town, Comrade Shitstain?
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact
Put them to work building infrastucture or working in alternative energy.
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...

That's why it's important that the producers diversify. As coal slides they should put more in the up and coming alternatives. If you work for coal, I would think ahead to a move.
There is nothing wrong with an "all of the above" approach. Like I said there is basically unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states…
And I wonder how they got that 6 figure income you say they earn. Fromt he kind-hearted giving CEO's of the mining industry? Or from UNION bargaing!
UNIONS Forever.
F*CK "the peemeister"

Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.
Most coal mining is open pit mining which is no danger to anybody, you stupid motherfucker.
Coalminer's out here in the west get six-figure income, every benefit in the book and all the vacation time they can use.
Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.
Most coal mining is open pit mining which is no danger to anybody, you stupid motherfucker.
Coalminer's out here in the west get six-figure income, every benefit in the book and all the vacation time they can use.
In the Ewe Qae, British Petroleum Changed the Meaning of "Bringing Coals to Newcastle"

The oil industry has been behind trying to put its energy rival, coal, out of business. Trustfundie treehuggers shame coal miners in order to increase their Daddies' market share. Those spoiled brat false-flag Liberals never have to work a day in their lives and despise those who do have to.

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