Coal miners…

Can you think of a shittier job?
You obviously don't understand open pit coal mining, you watch too much TV thought up by fucked up progressives.
Coal miners operate heavy equipment in climate controlled environment You stupid motherfucker...
Put them to work building infrastucture or working in alternative energy.
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...

That's why it's important that the producers diversify. As coal slides they should put more in the up and coming alternatives. If you work for coal, I would think ahead to a move.
There is nothing wrong with an "all of the above" approach. Like I said there is basically unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states…

So what?

Why dig it out if no one's buying it?
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact

The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...
And I wonder how they got that 6 figure income you say they earn. Fromt he kind-hearted giving CEO's of the mining industry? Or from UNION bargaing!
UNIONS Forever.
F*CK "the peemeister"

Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.
Most coal mining is open pit mining which is no danger to anybody, you stupid motherfucker.
Coalminer's out here in the west get six-figure income, every benefit in the book and all the vacation time they can use.
It has nothing to do with the unions in right to work states... it's just the fact that coal mining pays really good...
Coal mining is dying and it is not because of Obama. The reason is natural gas is cheap and plentiful. No one wants to live near a coal powered plant..
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact

The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?
Better check your facts!

And I wonder how they got that 6 figure income you say they earn. Fromt he kind-hearted giving CEO's of the mining industry? Or from UNION bargaing!
UNIONS Forever.
F*CK "the peemeister"

Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.
Most coal mining is open pit mining which is no danger to anybody, you stupid motherfucker.
Coalminer's out here in the west get six-figure income, every benefit in the book and all the vacation time they can use.
It has nothing to do with the unions in right to work states... it's just the fact that coal mining pays really good...
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...

That's why it's important that the producers diversify. As coal slides they should put more in the up and coming alternatives. If you work for coal, I would think ahead to a move.
There is nothing wrong with an "all of the above" approach. Like I said there is basically unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states…

So what?

Why dig it out if no one's buying it?
Like it or not fossil fuel's will be here for very, very long time… Fact
Better check your facts!

And I wonder how they got that 6 figure income you say they earn. Fromt he kind-hearted giving CEO's of the mining industry? Or from UNION bargaing!
UNIONS Forever.
F*CK "the peemeister"

Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.
Most coal mining is open pit mining which is no danger to anybody, you stupid motherfucker.
Coalminer's out here in the west get six-figure income, every benefit in the book and all the vacation time they can use.
It has nothing to do with the unions in right to work states... it's just the fact that coal mining pays really good...
The free market dictates pay more than any other factor… Fact
And! it has gone from under ground mining to table top mining.
Where there are less workers needed. But those right wing fools think its all from regulations.

Coal mining is dying and it is not because of Obama. The reason is natural gas is cheap and plentiful. No one wants to live near a coal powered plant..
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact

The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...
Coal is polluting, there's no such thing as "clean coal".
More pay for?????????? Or you must mean more profit..that goes to the top.
Check your facts.

Better check your facts!

And I wonder how they got that 6 figure income you say they earn. Fromt he kind-hearted giving CEO's of the mining industry? Or from UNION bargaing!
UNIONS Forever.
F*CK "the peemeister"

Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.
Most coal mining is open pit mining which is no danger to anybody, you stupid motherfucker.
Coalminer's out here in the west get six-figure income, every benefit in the book and all the vacation time they can use.
It has nothing to do with the unions in right to work states... it's just the fact that coal mining pays really good...
The free market dictates pay more than any other factor… Fact
The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn
The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...
Coal is polluting, there's no such thing as "clean coal".
Where do you live at?
Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?

After the coal is mined and sold and burned for fuel they may as well pack up and move to another state because the that land can never be used again. Nothing will grow on it.

And since Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs maybe they can move to where those jobs are.

Or they can go back to school, or start their own business. This is the same advice Republicans gave blue collar workers when Bush sent all their jobs overseas.
Coal mining is dying and it is not because of Obama. The reason is natural gas is cheap and plentiful. No one wants to live near a coal powered plant..
That's why you put those plants where no one cares - like in western South Dakota, Wyoming and the like
And! it has gone from under ground mining to table top mining.
Where there are less workers needed. But those right wing fools think its all from regulations.

Coal mining is dying and it is not because of Obama. The reason is natural gas is cheap and plentiful. No one wants to live near a coal powered plant..
Where the coal is at there is no real mountains in Wyoming… Dip shit
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…
You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…

True. There's no one there.

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