Coal miners…

Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
Put them to work building infrastucture or working in alternative energy.
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...
Well, most of your right wing friends would tell them to move.
Fossil feels are here to stay for a very long, long time… Live with it. Bed wetter
Understandably, you don't want to lose your customer base so keep that dream alive.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.

We still have a need for inexpensive energy in this country. When alternative fuels become as cheap and plentiful as coal then let's talk. All those other jobs died out from lack of need or demand. Not so for coal, at least not yet.
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
why can't you give a number for the alternative energy employees? and where does alternative energy fall into on the list? got that? because if you say there are many more in the alternative energy field seems like a waste of money if it can't out rank the coal miners. meaning coal is more advanced.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?

After the coal is mined and sold and burned for fuel they may as well pack up and move to another state because the that land can never be used again. Nothing will grow on it.

And since Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs maybe they can move to where those jobs are.

Or they can go back to school, or start their own business. This is the same advice Republicans gave blue collar workers when Bush sent all their jobs overseas.
Have you ever been to the eastern Wyoming? There's nothing too lose there... lol

Maybe we can give that land back to the Indians and the white man can get out.

You obviously don't understand Indian culture up here. Indian culture does view land as an possession… Dip shit

Yea but they are against ruining that land.

Peoples from Bolivia, Alaska, and throughout Indian country gathered at
the 7th Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum and told the same story:
Uranium mining is a hate crime in Indian country.

"Leave it in the ground," said Native Americans whose parents,
brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles died from cancer, respiratory
diseases, and brain tumors resulting from uranium mining.

Native Americans protest $6bn Arizona copper mine plan in front of US Capitol
More than 100 members of the San Carlos Apaches travelled to Washington DC in hopes that lawmakers will repeal deal to build mine on land sacred to tribe

If I had to point to a segment of the natural resources sector with the lowest investor sentiment right now, it might well be coal.

Coal is thought of as antiquated and brutish, a relic that will soon be excised from the ranks of global energy markets.

It's easy to see why. On the surface, there's a lot to dislike about coal. The biggest strike against the industry is environmental. This month, the news has been rife with stories about record air pollution nearly shutting down a number of cities in northern China.
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
why can't you give a number for the alternative energy employees? and where does alternative energy fall into on the list? got that? because if you say there are many more in the alternative energy field seems like a waste of money if it can't out rank the coal miners. meaning coal is more advanced.
Progressives really don't have a clue on the sausage making of their energy they use every day... when it comes to the environment there are no bigger hypocrites than progressives... fact
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?

After the coal is mined and sold and burned for fuel they may as well pack up and move to another state because the that land can never be used again. Nothing will grow on it.

And since Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs maybe they can move to where those jobs are.

Or they can go back to school, or start their own business. This is the same advice Republicans gave blue collar workers when Bush sent all their jobs overseas.
Have you ever been to the eastern Wyoming? There's nothing too lose there... lol

Maybe we can give that land back to the Indians and the white man can get out.

You obviously don't understand Indian culture up here. Indian culture does view land as an possession… Dip shit

Yea but they are against ruining that land.

Peoples from Bolivia, Alaska, and throughout Indian country gathered at
the 7th Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum and told the same story:
Uranium mining is a hate crime in Indian country.

"Leave it in the ground," said Native Americans whose parents,
brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles died from cancer, respiratory
diseases, and brain tumors resulting from uranium mining.

Native Americans protest $6bn Arizona copper mine plan in front of US Capitol
More than 100 members of the San Carlos Apaches travelled to Washington DC in hopes that lawmakers will repeal deal to build mine on land sacred to tribe

If I had to point to a segment of the natural resources sector with the lowest investor sentiment right now, it might well be coal.

Coal is thought of as antiquated and brutish, a relic that will soon be excised from the ranks of global energy markets.

It's easy to see why. On the surface, there's a lot to dislike about coal. The biggest strike against the industry is environmental. This month, the news has been rife with stories about record air pollution nearly shutting down a number of cities in northern China.
The vast majority of us Indians up here in the northern plains are all for fossil fuel harvesting... fact
Coal mining is dying and it is not because of Obama. The reason is natural gas is cheap and plentiful. No one wants to live near a coal powered plant..
That's why you put those plants where no one cares - like in western South Dakota, Wyoming and the like

The fact is that these are areas are not densely populated and you cannot sell enough coal to make it profitable. Also you do not address the cheapness of natural gas which is also clean burning.,

No doubt. Gas doesn't need a mile long coal train travelling hundreds or thousands of miles to get to where it's needed.
Coal-fired energy plants can be anywhere, the electricity can be brought to anywhere from them.

That's not really true. Electrical transmission is not infinite and is really inefficient. The further it goes, the more that is lost.
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
why can't you give a number for the alternative energy employees? and where does alternative energy fall into on the list? got that? because if you say there are many more in the alternative energy field seems like a waste of money if it can't out rank the coal miners. meaning coal is more advanced.
Coal mining is dying and it is not because of Obama. The reason is natural gas is cheap and plentiful. No one wants to live near a coal powered plant..
That's why you put those plants where no one cares - like in western South Dakota, Wyoming and the like

The fact is that these are areas are not densely populated and you cannot sell enough coal to make it profitable. Also you do not address the cheapness of natural gas which is also clean burning.,

No doubt. Gas doesn't need a mile long coal train travelling hundreds or thousands of miles to get to where it's needed.
Coal-fired energy plants can be anywhere, the electricity can be brought to anywhere from them.

That's not really true. Electrical transmission is not infinite and is really inefficient. The further it goes, the more that is lost.
True, but the supply of coal is almost unlimited...
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
They are here to stay because no one's using them anymore.

Ireland Becomes The First Country To Fully Divest From Fossil Fuels

New report: Clean energy employment leaving fossil fuels in the dust - The Progressive Pulse

Stop trying to be cotton pickers. They have this new machine that does it for you.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
They are here to stay because no one's using them anymore.

Ireland Becomes The First Country To Fully Divest From Fossil Fuels

New report: Clean energy employment leaving fossil fuels in the dust - The Progressive Pulse

Stop trying to be cotton pickers. They have this new machine that does it for you.
I'm all for it if it's feasible, but why not use all of the above?
Idiot thing to say.

Ever heard of computers? Right now, libs/dems are training miners for better work, more modern work, work that has a future, pays well and doesn't poison their water like drumpf is now doing.

I just watched miners on the stage with that lying pos and he did it again. Lied to them.

Last week, he did the same to vets. Got a bunch to go to DC, they paid and had to pay for their expensive DC hotels as well.

Damn trump sat with them long enough for the photo op, then told them they would have the actual meeting in Florida and that they would have to travel there and find hotel rooms. Some of them did and he stood them up a second time to go play golf.

The prick didn't even give them a bumper sticker like he did with the vets group he lied about donating to.

Coal has been dying since the 70s. Its not "clean", like the cheeto lied. Its not "coming back", like the cheeto lied. But, it IS true he's poisoning their water, but he forgot to mention that.

Total Bullshit since tech companies abuse the H1 Visa program and your Coal Miners who don't want to be programmers will have gone through this training and still be out of a job.

Not only that, exactly where are they going to find a programming job in a Coal Mining Town, Comrade Shitstain?

Abusing H1 Visa program ... You meant to say the anti-America trump bunch, right?

Or is that different?

How come you RWNJ traitors agree with the drumpf's making their crap in other countries, hiring illegals and foreign workers? Why do you lie for him?
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…
Wanna bet?

Solar | Northern Plains Electric Cooperative

Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact

The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

Not surprised that you agree with poisoning the water that children drink.
You're making shit up again…
Closing down coal mines just resulted in more welfare… fact

The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

Not surprised that you agree with poisoning the water that children drink.

If there's a good chance he might die if he works in that coal mine for 30 years, yet he still takes the job, do you think he cares if some people he doesn't know die of cancer because of his pollution? Fuck no. All he wants is that $50K a year. Best job in town. So what some people will die. That didn't stop Rick Snyder in Michigan when he wanted to save some money he still gave people lead poisoning.
Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…
Wanna bet?

Solar | Northern Plains Electric Cooperative

All small projects... not the answer
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
why can't you give a number for the alternative energy employees? and where does alternative energy fall into on the list? got that? because if you say there are many more in the alternative energy field seems like a waste of money if it can't out rank the coal miners. meaning coal is more advanced.
seems like alternative energy is way inefficient if it takes that many people to operate their limited energy supply. what a fking waste of money.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
They are here to stay because no one's using them anymore.

Ireland Becomes The First Country To Fully Divest From Fossil Fuels

New report: Clean energy employment leaving fossil fuels in the dust - The Progressive Pulse

Stop trying to be cotton pickers. They have this new machine that does it for you.
too funny. I bet the irish won't ever divest, what will they run their cars on? What about their grid? too funny, yes trump will be laughing at them not with them. that is for sure.

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