Coal miners…

Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
What are coalminers supposed to do without their jobs? Collect welfare? Lol

Funny you should mention that .

Coal miners actually have their own welfare program!
Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation (DCMWC) |
Just another drag on the country

...Quit falling down the well
Why would any fuel be doomed? it is your utter ignorance about them and power production that is doomed just like the man-made climate change LIE. There is POLUTION, The greatest threat to mans existence on earth is liberal havens like LAC, NYC, CHI, >>>> and any area containing more than one million people, INCLUDING Shanghai, Moscow, and all other areas like them. There is also the majority of The European continent that is covered by cities that are centuries old layered on the polluted areas of plague ridden corpses. You liberal piles Know nothing but chanting garbage that is fed you by your ruling class idols. All they are doing is boiling the water to stew you in.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Bring the buggy industry back?

According to Rustic, yes. Because

Coal miners Buggy whip makers need to keep their jobs because that's what they do, and alternative energy horseless buggy jobs do not pay anywhere near what they do. Fact

THAT is exactly how these rubes "think".
You would almost have a point if...and it's a huge part of this comparison. If the government had stepped in and subsidized the auto makers at the expense of the buggy people and forced everyone to purchase model T's instead of horses when they really needed a horse more.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
I'm not wetting my bed. I'm pointing out the utter absurdity of your post.

And fossil fuels are doomed to the ashcan of history. Don't you believe that there are safer, cheaper and less polluting ways of producing power?

I don't get their resistance,(no pun intended), to alternate energy. It just makes sense to do it sustainably and cleanly. Who cares as long as the lights come on when you hit the switch?
Their information comes exclusively from right wing sources. Those sources are in the pockets of energy producers. Oil companies, electric utilities, etc. That's also why they believe climate change is a hoax.

Their news sources reinforce their views rather than challenge them.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
I'm not wetting my bed. I'm pointing out the utter absurdity of your post.

And fossil fuels are doomed to the ashcan of history. Don't you believe that there are safer, cheaper and less polluting ways of producing power?
Like I am for all of the above, but renewables have to be absolutely reliable, absolutely affordable and absolutely feasible...
The perfect is the enemy of the good. Alternatives present far more benefits that defects.
Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…

True. There's no one there.
But there's plenty coal and oil and natural gas to harvest…
Alternative does not pollute.
Coal may be dirty and not the best or most efficient form of energy but it is the cheapest. There are some people who can't afford higher energy bills and still eat. So some of them freeze to death in northern cities.
Thanks, regressive party.
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
why can't you give a number for the alternative energy employees? and where does alternative energy fall into on the list? got that? because if you say there are many more in the alternative energy field seems like a waste of money if it can't out rank the coal miners. meaning coal is more advanced.
Coal mining now accounts for fewer than 70,000 U.S. jobs. By contrast, renewable energy — including wind, solar and biofuels — now accounts for more than 650,000 U.S. jobs. This doesn't even have to be a "tree hugger climate change" issue. Renewable energy is where the jobs are.
Coal mining now accounts for fewer than 70,000 U.S. jobs. By contrast, renewable energy — including wind, solar and biofuels — now accounts for more than 650,000 U.S. jobs. This doesn't even have to be a "tree hugger climate change" issue. Renewable energy is where the jobs are.

Coal mining is advanced? What a stupid statement.
Last edited:
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…

True. There's no one there.
But there's plenty coal and oil and natural gas to harvest…
Alternative does not pollute.

Alternative is unreliable.

That is why you don't see sailing vessels anymore or solar-powered anything that requires substantial power.
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
why can't you give a number for the alternative energy employees? and where does alternative energy fall into on the list? got that? because if you say there are many more in the alternative energy field seems like a waste of money if it can't out rank the coal miners. meaning coal is more advanced.
Coal mining now accounts for fewer than 70,000 U.S. jobs. By contrast, renewable energy — including wind, solar and biofuels — now accounts for more than 650,000 U.S. jobs. This doesn't even have to be a "tree hugger climate change" issue. Renewable energy is where the jobs are.
Coal mining now accounts for fewer than 70,000 U.S. jobs. By contrast, renewable energy — including wind, solar and biofuels — now accounts for more than 650,000 U.S. jobs. This doesn't even have to be a "tree hugger climate change" issue. Renewable energy is where the jobs are.

Coal mining is advanced? What a stupid statement.

There are approximately 174,000 blue-collar, full-time, permanent jobs related to coal in the U.S.: mining (83,000), transportation (31,000), and power plant employment (60,000).

Cherry-picking your data? Just like a liberal!
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
I'm not wetting my bed. I'm pointing out the utter absurdity of your post.

And fossil fuels are doomed to the ashcan of history. Don't you believe that there are safer, cheaper and less polluting ways of producing power?

I don't get their resistance,(no pun intended), to alternate energy. It just makes sense to do it sustainably and cleanly. Who cares as long as the lights come on when you hit the switch?

Alternative energy is still more costly than coal or natural gas. A lot of people can't afford the higher prices for alternative sources of energy. One day that will change but that day is not here yet.

Agree. It's getting there.
Coal may be dirty and not the best or most efficient form of energy but it is the cheapest. There are some people who can't afford higher energy bills and still eat. So some of them freeze to death in northern cities.
Thanks, regressive party.

You like seeing poor people freeze to death? Especially older people on a fixed income, maybe not this year but it has happened before and will happen again if liberals insist on using higher priced alternative forms of energy.
Coal may be dirty and not the best or most efficient form of energy but it is the cheapest. There are some people who can't afford higher energy bills and still eat. So some of them freeze to death in northern cities.
Thanks, regressive party.

You like seeing poor people freeze to death? Especially older people on a fixed income, maybe not this year but it has happened before and will happen again if liberals insist on using higher priced alternative forms of energy.
And you enjoy them dying for lack of healthcare?
Gasp! You mean the coal miners union doesn't give their members HCI? I'm totally shocked!

You didn't answer my question: You like seeing poor people freeze to death? Especially older people on a fixed income, maybe not this year but it has happened before and will happen again if liberals insist on using higher priced alternative forms of energy.
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
I'm not wetting my bed. I'm pointing out the utter absurdity of your post.

And fossil fuels are doomed to the ashcan of history. Don't you believe that there are safer, cheaper and less polluting ways of producing power?
Like I am for all of the above, but renewables have to be absolutely reliable, absolutely affordable and absolutely feasible...
The perfect is the enemy of the good. Alternatives present far more benefits that defects.
Until they perfect alternatives people should not be forced into them…
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?

What are their jobs, exactly?

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