Coal miners…

They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…

True. There's no one there.
But there's plenty coal and oil and natural gas to harvest…
Alternative does not pollute.
You can't be that stupid? Where do you think the materials for building alternative energy come from? Building batteries takes toxic materials they have to be at mined.. dip shit
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?

What are their jobs, exactly?
Holy shit you caught him before he corrected. That makes this even funnier.
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
why can't you give a number for the alternative energy employees? and where does alternative energy fall into on the list? got that? because if you say there are many more in the alternative energy field seems like a waste of money if it can't out rank the coal miners. meaning coal is more advanced.
Coal mining now accounts for fewer than 70,000 U.S. jobs. By contrast, renewable energy — including wind, solar and biofuels — now accounts for more than 650,000 U.S. jobs. This doesn't even have to be a "tree hugger climate change" issue. Renewable energy is where the jobs are.
Coal mining now accounts for fewer than 70,000 U.S. jobs. By contrast, renewable energy — including wind, solar and biofuels — now accounts for more than 650,000 U.S. jobs. This doesn't even have to be a "tree hugger climate change" issue. Renewable energy is where the jobs are.

Coal mining is advanced? What a stupid statement.
Why not all of the above strategy?
Nantucket whalers need to keep on doing their jobs. Carriage makers need to keep on doing their jobs. Milk men need to keep on doing their jobs. Lamplighters and town criers need to keep on doing their jobs.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
I'm not wetting my bed. I'm pointing out the utter absurdity of your post.

And fossil fuels are doomed to the ashcan of history. Don't you believe that there are safer, cheaper and less polluting ways of producing power?
Like I am for all of the above, but renewables have to be absolutely reliable, absolutely affordable and absolutely feasible...
The perfect is the enemy of the good. Alternatives present far more benefits that defects.
Until they perfect alternatives people should not be forced into them…
Were you "forced" into coal? Do you know what fuel provides your power? Do you know what plant produces your power?
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
What are coalminers supposed to do without their jobs? Collect welfare? Lol

What are government employees supposed to do without their jobs?
Get a real job
And coal miners can't?
Well coal miners get six-figure incomes, two weeks on two weeks off, profit-sharing, many times at least triple pay on holidays... and they are not fleecing the American public like civilian federal government jobs to do.
Fossil fuel's are here to stay… Live with it bed wetter
I'm not wetting my bed. I'm pointing out the utter absurdity of your post.

And fossil fuels are doomed to the ashcan of history. Don't you believe that there are safer, cheaper and less polluting ways of producing power?
Like I am for all of the above, but renewables have to be absolutely reliable, absolutely affordable and absolutely feasible...
The perfect is the enemy of the good. Alternatives present far more benefits that defects.
Until they perfect alternatives people should not be forced into them…
Were you "forced" into coal? Do you know what fuel provides your power? Do you know what plant produces your power?
No, because it's the only viable source, Powder River coal power plant...
I'm not wetting my bed. I'm pointing out the utter absurdity of your post.

And fossil fuels are doomed to the ashcan of history. Don't you believe that there are safer, cheaper and less polluting ways of producing power?
Like I am for all of the above, but renewables have to be absolutely reliable, absolutely affordable and absolutely feasible...
The perfect is the enemy of the good. Alternatives present far more benefits that defects.
Until they perfect alternatives people should not be forced into them…
Were you "forced" into coal? Do you know what fuel provides your power? Do you know what plant produces your power?
No, because it's the only viable source, Powder River coal power plant...
And is Powder River 'perfect'? Where do they dispose of their coal ash? Do they have scrubbers on the stacks? Can they burn high sulfur coal?

How close to the Powder River perfect standard do alternatives have to get?
Like I am for all of the above, but renewables have to be absolutely reliable, absolutely affordable and absolutely feasible...
The perfect is the enemy of the good. Alternatives present far more benefits that defects.
Until they perfect alternatives people should not be forced into them…
Were you "forced" into coal? Do you know what fuel provides your power? Do you know what plant produces your power?
No, because it's the only viable source, Powder River coal power plant...
And is Powder River 'perfect'? Where do they dispose of their coal ash? Do they have scrubbers on the stacks? Can they burn high sulfur coal?

How close to the Powder River perfect standard do alternatives have to get?
First of all renewables don't fill all gaps, till then it's best with an all of the above strategy.

Powder river is up to the standards that Wyoming requires… That's all that is needed
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The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

Not surprised that you agree with poisoning the water that children drink.

If there's a good chance he might die if he works in that coal mine for 30 years, yet he still takes the job, do you think he cares if some people he doesn't know die of cancer because of his pollution? Fuck no. All he wants is that $50K a year. Best job in town. So what some people will die. That didn't stop Rick Snyder in Michigan when he wanted to save some money he still gave people lead poisoning.
Coal miners get six-figure incomes, and most times They get two weeks on two weeks off, profit-sharing and triple time at least on Holidays...
By the way I don't work for coal mine I've been self-employed for over 20 years selling firearms and ammo…
I just looked it up. They make $50k. You just proved what I've always said. Cut in half whatever people say they make.

PS. You may mean they used to make six figures. Past tense
Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

Not surprised that you agree with poisoning the water that children drink.

If there's a good chance he might die if he works in that coal mine for 30 years, yet he still takes the job, do you think he cares if some people he doesn't know die of cancer because of his pollution? Fuck no. All he wants is that $50K a year. Best job in town. So what some people will die. That didn't stop Rick Snyder in Michigan when he wanted to save some money he still gave people lead poisoning.
Coal miners get six-figure incomes, and most times They get two weeks on two weeks off, profit-sharing and triple time at least on Holidays...
By the way I don't work for coal mine I've been self-employed for over 20 years selling firearms and ammo…
I just looked it up. They make $50k. You just proved what I've always said. Cut in half whatever people say they make.

PS. You may mean they used to make six figures. Past tense
They may make 50K before overtime... most people I know that work in the fields and mines work 90+ hour weeks.
No most of them make six figures… Your sources wrong
The perfect is the enemy of the good. Alternatives present far more benefits that defects.
Until they perfect alternatives people should not be forced into them…
Were you "forced" into coal? Do you know what fuel provides your power? Do you know what plant produces your power?
No, because it's the only viable source, Powder River coal power plant...
And is Powder River 'perfect'? Where do they dispose of their coal ash? Do they have scrubbers on the stacks? Can they burn high sulfur coal?

How close to the Powder River perfect standard do alternatives have to get?
First of all renewables don't feel all gaps, till then it's best with an all of the above strategy.

Powder river is up to the standards that Wyoming requires… That's all that is needed
So you're willing to overlook all the imperfections of coal, but demanding perfection from alternatives. Is your position thought out, or part of a political agenda?
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
What are coalminers supposed to do without their jobs? Collect welfare? Lol

What are government employees supposed to do without their jobs?
They could mine coal and be productive.
Cutting the government in half is one thing I hope the Republicans do. The EPA, Dept of energy, education, etc could all be shrunk and I think we will all survive.
Coal is third behind petroleum and natural gas in the US.
Coal employs about 70,000. Alternative energy employs several times that number.
What are coalminers supposed to do without their jobs? Collect welfare? Lol

What are government employees supposed to do without their jobs?
Get a real job
And coal miners can't?
Well coal miners get six-figure incomes, two weeks on two weeks off, profit-sharing, many times at least triple pay on holidays... and they are not fleecing the American public like civilian federal government jobs to do.
We should pay them well for producing something that's not needed? Talk about welfare.
Until they perfect alternatives people should not be forced into them…
Were you "forced" into coal? Do you know what fuel provides your power? Do you know what plant produces your power?
No, because it's the only viable source, Powder River coal power plant...
And is Powder River 'perfect'? Where do they dispose of their coal ash? Do they have scrubbers on the stacks? Can they burn high sulfur coal?

How close to the Powder River perfect standard do alternatives have to get?
First of all renewables don't feel all gaps, till then it's best with an all of the above strategy.

Powder river is up to the standards that Wyoming requires… That's all that is needed
So you're willing to overlook all the imperfections of coal, but demanding perfection from alternatives. Is your position thought out, or part of a political agenda?
Reliability and cost are the two most important things for energy... both are major problems for renewables.
Like I said I'm for all of the above, as long as they are reliable, affordable and consistent.
What are coalminers supposed to do without their jobs? Collect welfare? Lol

What are government employees supposed to do without their jobs?
Get a real job
And coal miners can't?
Well coal miners get six-figure incomes, two weeks on two weeks off, profit-sharing, many times at least triple pay on holidays... and they are not fleecing the American public like civilian federal government jobs to do.
We should pay them well for producing something that's not needed? Talk about welfare.
We could not exist up here without coal and oil…
Need to keep on doing their jobs, because without their jobs, coal mining jobs what would they do?
Hillary had the only plan for the coal miners. Job retraining.
Coal is the dirtiest fuel on earth and a major contributor to global warming.

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