"Coal Rollers"

The faster we can put 20,000,000 out of work the faster we'll clean the air. :thup:

I bet you Libs didn't care getting dirt kicked in your face in kindergarten did you?

Remember- this is a statement, an expression of revolt. Or is such behavior reserved for Liberals? :dunno:

Air pollution shouldn't be a partisan issue but it is? Why?
Facts prove air pollution is harmful to one's health. People die thanks to pollution. Yet, we have mental midgets who think it's really cool to pollute the air as a symbol of revolting against the Big Bad Government!
My guess is if these same people had a loved one die from respiratory disease or fight just to be able to breath thanks to air pollution ,they'd be singing a far different tune.
As Dave here is kind enough to illustrate, whenever a conservative can't address what a liberal says, he instantly deflects and evades by whining about how he's being called a racist. That is, most conversations with conservatives now go like this:

Normal Person: "Nice weather today, eh?"


And that's why people now avoid speaking with conservatives. There's no chance of any rational conversation.
You seem to be under the vastly mistaken impression I'm making this up.

I am not, and here's proof.

Perhaps you should just stop embarrassing yourself now. Oh, wait, silly me -- you lack the self-awareness to be embarrassed by what you say.

That's because you're a progressive.
Though I wouldn't qualify as a tree hugger, I do have a daughter who has been hospitalized with severe asthma attacks which resulted from air pollution. That's right, air pollution threatens by daughters life.
I so glad you folks are so grown up and think this whole thing is a fucking joke.

Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S.
29 August, 2013
This graphic shows the annual average concentrations of fine particulates from U.S. sources of combustion emissions from (a) electric power generation; (b) industry; (c) commercial and residential sources; (d) road transportation; (e) marine transportation; (f) rail transportation; (g) sum of all combustion sources; (h) all sources.
Researchers from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment have come out with some sobering new data on air pollution’s impact on Americans’ health.
The group tracked ground-level emissions from sources such as industrial smokestacks, vehicle tailpipes, marine and rail operations, and commercial and residential heating throughout the United States, and found that such air pollution causes about 200,000 early deaths each year. Emissions from road transportation are the most significant contributor, causing 53,000 premature deaths, followed closely by power generation, with 52,000.
Air pollution causes 200,000 early deaths each year in the U.S. | MIT Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment

You know, I think that there is likely a basis for serious lawsuit if someone in the car that gets dusted with this action were to have an asthma attack immediatly following the dusting. The idiot with the 'funny bone' might well find themselves much poorer after their day in court.
But remember, folks -- it's okay when the EPA does it.
A suit filed in federal court charges the Environmental Protection Agency with conducting illegal and potentially lethal experiments on hundreds of financially needy people who were paid $12/hour without even informing them of risks. Based upon thousands of documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, procedures undertaken since 2004 and continuing through the Obama administration exposed subjects at the University of North Carolina’s School of Medicine to very high levels of toxic air pollutants. Many of these subjects were already health-impaired, suffering from asthma, metabolic syndrome, and aging (up to 75 years old).

One of the pollutants was a fine particulate substance known as PM2.5, a major component of diesel exhaust which EPA had determined to be unsafe for inhalation at any level, particularly for health-impaired and elderly populations.​
Bump for the "Pollution is BAAAAAD!!" crowd.
I'll address it. You're repeating illogical nonsense to deflect from the actual issues. You're parroting the propaganda of denier serial liar Larry Bell, which further destroys any credibility you may have had remaining.

It was a controlled medical study that people _volunteered_ for, after being fully informed. The only crank saying people were misinformed was kook denier Larry Bell. I have volunteered for similar asthma studies. I willingly breathed some crap. That did not make me a victim, and anyone who says I was victimized is a loony. Anyone who thinks a few puffs in a controlled experiment is the same as breathing something constantly is should not be wasting the time of the grownups with such stupidity.

Now, why don't you lose your evasions and address the actual issue, which is that only malicous dumbasses deliberately pollute? Is it that you approve of being a malicious dumbass, so long as it's for the glory of your cult?
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Its good to see that not ALL American men had been de-balled.

History Channel should make a series about it. Coal Rollers forever!
There are many states that have some pretty solid laws concerning vehicle emissions. Seems that the alteration involved would be breaking those laws by quite a bit. Perhaps someone should look up which states have such laws, and publish a list. Then, in those states, when one of these childish dolts blows his smoke, a call to the enforcement agency of that state, a license number, and perhaps one more idiot off of the road.

the rw dolts are prolly cashing-out their spawn's college savings accts for these rw pollution machines as well :eusa_doh: just so they can say YEE HAW!!! :rolleyes:
I can't even scratch my ass without being labeled a racist or a denier of science and education or a hater of women immigrants the environment blacks hispanics jews midgets conjoined twins can openers and malfunctioning trash compactors.

I hate to tell you this, but it's not the ass scratching that's setting that off.
As Dave here is kind enough to illustrate, whenever a conservative can't address what a liberal says, he instantly deflects and evades by whining about how he's being called a racist. That is, most conversations with conservatives now go like this:

Normal Person: "Nice weather today, eh?"


And that's why people now avoid speaking with conservatives. There's no chance of any rational conversation.
^ that

Why has davemen- the rw spazz, scattershot poster returned? :( WHY?!!! :mad: He's the male version of LGS or TPS.
Is there a "Pollution is GOOOOOD!!" crowd somewhere?

:up: Repub-voters
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There are many states that have some pretty solid laws concerning vehicle emissions. Seems that the alteration involved would be breaking those laws by quite a bit. Perhaps someone should look up which states have such laws, and publish a list. Then, in those states, when one of these childish dolts blows his smoke, a call to the enforcement agency of that state, a license number, and perhaps one more idiot off of the road.

the rw dolts are prolly cashing-out their spawn's college savings accts for these rw pollution machines as well :eusa_doh: just so they can say YEE HAW!!! :rolleyes:

I was envisioning a lot of "hyuk hyuk hyuk"s
Its good to see that not ALL American men had been de-balled.

History Channel should make a series about it. Coal Rollers forever!

So instead of actually doing something productive, harming oneself and one's family shows "balls".

Interesting take on it but in fact, that kind of passive-aggressive silliness is the very definition of cowardice.
There are many states that have some pretty solid laws concerning vehicle emissions. Seems that the alteration involved would be breaking those laws by quite a bit. Perhaps someone should look up which states have such laws, and publish a list. Then, in those states, when one of these childish dolts blows his smoke, a call to the enforcement agency of that state, a license number, and perhaps one more idiot off of the road.

the rw dolts are prolly cashing-out their spawn's college savings accts for these rw pollution machines as well :eusa_doh: just so they can say YEE HAW!!! :rolleyes:

Yep, they really have their priorities screwed on straight ...








"Cowardice" is not protesting the country where the REAL pollution is coming from: China.

If you REALLY think pollution is gonna killus all the you should fly your ass over there and confront the Chinese Govt.

Or are you just too cowardly?
You gonna buy us a ticket?

And, hey, you know this thing you're reading this on? Were you aware that it connects to wires that actually GO all the way to China? Just like your telephone. It is actually possible in this day and age to communicate with people in China FROM YOUR VERY OWN LIVING ROOM. Heck, you could even do it while sitting on the can.

Amazing, eh!
And since you're the one who seems to think China needs first to be addressed, I have to ask you what you've told them so far? I'm sure they'd listen to an American Communist.
Mr. H? :eusa_think:

There are many states that have some pretty solid laws concerning vehicle emissions. Seems that the alteration involved would be breaking those laws by quite a bit. Perhaps someone should look up which states have such laws, and publish a list. Then, in those states, when one of these childish dolts blows his smoke, a call to the enforcement agency of that state, a license number, and perhaps one more idiot off of the road.

the rw dolts are prolly cashing-out their spawn's college savings accts for these rw pollution machines as well :eusa_doh: just so they can say YEE HAW!!! :rolleyes:

Yep, they really have their priorities screwed on straight ...








And since you're the one who seems to think China needs first to be addressed, I have to ask you what you've told them so far? I'm sure they'd listen to an American Communist.
I've asked them: "How do like all those really Productive and High Paying Jobs we shipped to you through Free Trade Agreements?"

I usually get a response along the lines of;

"Oh it's sooo great! Now we have all this money to menace your Military all over the World! Stupid Amelican think he get cheap stuff but rearry he get lower quality stuff for same price. Haha! Amelican SOOOOO Stupid!
Best part when we visit America for Business and have sex with American Big Breast Prostitutes! There are soooo many! And they all addicted to Crack so they have sex for just small price! That's only job they can get!"

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