Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Wow, I didn't know that. Do you have a link to the source of that information?

Tea Partier Chris McDaniel?s Mississippi KKK Connection - The Daily Beast

No big deal because Virginia Democrat Jim Webb is also connected to the KKK according to the article.

Perhaps you can give us an actual link to that cloths line gossip rumor mongering cowardly trash talk about a genuine war hero.

Jim Webb
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As opposed to what?

It's a simple yes or no. Do you approve of campaign posters like this one?

It's not a simple yes or no. I approve of politicians using campaign posters as part of their campaigns,

as long as they take them down after the election.


Translated: I'm a librul propaganda machine and approve of all lies, scare tactics, whatever it takes to win so long as you take the poster down. OMG. <spits on the ground>
It's a simple yes or no. Do you approve of campaign posters like this one?

as opposed to what other types of campaign posters? ones for people you like?

again... what was untrue in the poster?

So you honestly believe the tea party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're part of the problem.

Yes they do. Any suppression - legal or illegal, ethical or unethical - of the black vote in any race involving the Tea Party, just on a purely mathematical basis, is going to help the Tea Party candidate.
as opposed to what other types of campaign posters? ones for people you like?

again... what was untrue in the poster?

So you honestly believe the tea party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're part of the problem.

Yes they do. Any suppression - legal or illegal, ethical or unethical - of the black vote in any race involving the Tea Party, just on a purely mathematical basis, is going to help the Tea Party candidate.

Rasmussen just released a poll about the Conservative Boogeyman.. Only 26% of KOOKS believe that shit.. you're looking at one now^^^^.. 74% call it for what it is : a propaganda campaign of lies
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.
[MENTION=27958]LadyGunSlinger[/MENTION] -

There is no doubt that black Democrats helped Cochran to victory. Thad Cochran made it clear that this was part of his end-strategy. It was a very open-secret, if you will.

This is also legal in Mississippi.

Now, I want to take just a sec and remind you that because of Federalism, each state gets to make it's own rules about the nuts-and-bolts of "electioneering", since strict provisions for this aspect of holding elections was not written into the US Constitution.

I also put out an extremely large thread about this very issue many months ago:

But I can understand your feelings. What happened was, essentially, a dirty trick, but a LEGAL dirty trick.

Having seen black voter suppression attempts backfire in 2012, Cochran latched onto that. And it worked.

Now, actually, the Democrats likely threw away their chances for making this race competitive in the Fall, but I doubt that is much consolation for Conservatives who hold the view that Cochran is a RINO.

Either way, it is now electoral history.

I just watched McDaniel's non-concession concession speech (about 10 minutes in length).

Hey, is that a Confederate Flag behind him, or the flag of Mississippi? I really cannot tell...

McDaniel, in his speech, called MS the most Conservative state in the Union. I wonder where he gets his data to back that claim up. I bet that Utahns, Wyomingers and Sooners would disagree with him on that point.

I could be wrong, but at the 8 minute mark, it sure sounds like he is calling for a recount.

I am thinking that a write-in campaign for McDaniel in the Fall could be a possibility.

It may surprise you, but I thank you for making this thread. I also think you should ask the mods to move it into the elections section. Would you consider doing that?

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All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.
[MENTION=27958]LadyGunSlinger[/MENTION] -

There is no doubt that black Democrats helped Cochran to victory. Thad Cochran made it clear that this was part of his end-strategy. It was a very open-secret, if you will.

This is also legal in Mississippi.

Now, I want to take just a sec and remind you that because of Federalism, each state gets to make it's own rules about the nuts-and-bolts of "electioneering", since strict provisions for this aspect of holding elections was not written into the US Constitution.

I also put out an extremely large thread about this very issue many months ago:

But I can understand your feelings. What happened was, essentially, a dirty trick, but a LEGAL dirty trick.

Having seen black voter suppression attempts backfire in 2012, Cochran latched onto that. And it worked.

Now, actually, the Democrats likely threw away their chances for making this race competitive in the Fall, but I doubt that is much consolation for Conservatives who hold the view that Cochran is a RINO.

Either way, it is now electoral history.

I just watched McDaniel's non-concession concession speech (about 10 minutes in length).

Hey, is that a Confederate Flag behind him, or the flag of Mississippi? I really cannot tell...

McDaniel, in his speech, called MS the most Conservative state in the Union. I wonder where he gets his data to back that claim up. I bet that Utahns, Wyomingers and Sooners would disagree with him on that point.

I could be wrong, but at the 8 minute mark, it sure sounds like he is calling for a recount.

I am thinking that a write-in campaign for McDaniel in the Fall could be a possibility.

It may surprise you, but I thank you for making this thread. I also think you should ask the mods to move it into the elections section. Would you consider doing that?


Thank you for a well thought out response. Some of what you stated I agree with. It's also politics .. so why do you want it moved now? This is around the time Conservatives begin posting.. after work.. No deal.. it's been here all day in politics because it is politics.
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No big deal because Virginia Democrat Jim Webb is also connected to the KKK according to the article.

Perhaps you can give us an actual link to that cloths line gossip rumor mongering cowardly trash talk about a genuine war hero.

Jim Webb

It's in the same link I was given. Ignorant twit.

You added the comment to promote the rumor. You liked the rumor because if mentioned a Democrat who received a small political donation years ago from a lawyer who represented a KKK member. That makes you a rumor monger. You are slandering a decorated war hero.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.
[MENTION=27958]LadyGunSlinger[/MENTION] -

There is no doubt that black Democrats helped Cochran to victory. Thad Cochran made it clear that this was part of his end-strategy. It was a very open-secret, if you will.

This is also legal in Mississippi.

Now, I want to take just a sec and remind you that because of Federalism, each state gets to make it's own rules about the nuts-and-bolts of "electioneering", since strict provisions for this aspect of holding elections was not written into the US Constitution.

I also put out an extremely large thread about this very issue many months ago:

But I can understand your feelings. What happened was, essentially, a dirty trick, but a LEGAL dirty trick.

Having seen black voter suppression attempts backfire in 2012, Cochran latched onto that. And it worked.

Now, actually, the Democrats likely threw away their chances for making this race competitive in the Fall, but I doubt that is much consolation for Conservatives who hold the view that Cochran is a RINO.

Either way, it is now electoral history.

I just watched McDaniel's non-concession concession speech (about 10 minutes in length).

Hey, is that a Confederate Flag behind him, or the flag of Mississippi? I really cannot tell...

McDaniel, in his speech, called MS the most Conservative state in the Union. I wonder where he gets his data to back that claim up. I bet that Utahns, Wyomingers and Sooners would disagree with him on that point.

I could be wrong, but at the 8 minute mark, it sure sounds like he is calling for a recount.

I am thinking that a write-in campaign for McDaniel in the Fall could be a possibility.

It may surprise you, but I thank you for making this thread. I also think you should ask the mods to move it into the elections section. Would you consider doing that?


Thank you for a well thought out response. Some of what you stated I agree with. It's also politics .. so why do you want it moved now? This is around the time Conservatives begin posting.. after work.. No deal.. it's been here all day in politics because it is politics.

Because in the elections section, there is already a great deal of data over the Cochran/McDaniel races, your thread would add to the richness of that data, and in the future, a search in one sub-forum is quicker than a search in the entire forum. So, there is a method to my madness, here....

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It's a simple yes or no. Do you approve of campaign posters like this one?

as opposed to what other types of campaign posters? ones for people you like?

again... what was untrue in the poster?

So you honestly believe the tea party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're part of the problem.

No. I understand what the efforts at voter suppression have been about. The far right hasn't exactly been coy in admitting it.

Yesterday, Dallas Tea Party activist Ken Emanuelson said, “I’m going to be real honest with you. The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they are going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.”

Tea Partier Admits Republicans Don't Want African Americans To Vote. No Sh*t. | The Daily Banter

and in Florida, after the deposition of a party official:

The comments, if true (he is facing felony corruption charges and has an interest in scorning his party), would confirm what critics have long suspected. Florida Gov. Rick Scott is currently facing inquiries from the Justice Department and pressure from civil rights groups over his purging of voter rolls in the state, an effort that critics say has disproportionately targeted minorities and other Democratic voters. One group suing the state claims up to 87 percent of the voters purged from the rolls

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes -

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated | The Nation

and a video

so now do you want to pull a willie nelson and ask if i'm going to believe you or my lying eyes?
as opposed to what other types of campaign posters? ones for people you like?

again... what was untrue in the poster?

So you honestly believe the tea party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're part of the problem.

No. I understand what the efforts at voter suppression have been about. The far right hasn't exactly been coy in admitting it.

Tea Partier Admits Republicans Don't Want African Americans To Vote. No Sh*t. | The Daily Banter

and in Florida, after the deposition of a party official:

The comments, if true (he is facing felony corruption charges and has an interest in scorning his party), would confirm what critics have long suspected. Florida Gov. Rick Scott is currently facing inquiries from the Justice Department and pressure from civil rights groups over his purging of voter rolls in the state, an effort that critics say has disproportionately targeted minorities and other Democratic voters. One group suing the state claims up to 87 percent of the voters purged from the rolls

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes -

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated | The Nation

and a video

so now do you want to pull a willie nelson and ask if i'm going to believe you or my lying eyes?

So apparently FACTS are "part of the problem"
So you honestly believe the tea party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're part of the problem.

No. I understand what the efforts at voter suppression have been about. The far right hasn't exactly been coy in admitting it.

Tea Partier Admits Republicans Don't Want African Americans To Vote. No Sh*t. | The Daily Banter

and in Florida, after the deposition of a party official:

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes -

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated

Ohio GOP Admits Early Voting Cutbacks Are Racially Motivated | The Nation

and a video

so now do you want to pull a willie nelson and ask if i'm going to believe you or my lying eyes?

So apparently FACTS are "part of the problem"

This happens often.
[MENTION=27958]LadyGunSlinger[/MENTION] -

There is no doubt that black Democrats helped Cochran to victory. Thad Cochran made it clear that this was part of his end-strategy. It was a very open-secret, if you will.

This is also legal in Mississippi.

Now, I want to take just a sec and remind you that because of Federalism, each state gets to make it's own rules about the nuts-and-bolts of "electioneering", since strict provisions for this aspect of holding elections was not written into the US Constitution.

I also put out an extremely large thread about this very issue many months ago:

But I can understand your feelings. What happened was, essentially, a dirty trick, but a LEGAL dirty trick.

Having seen black voter suppression attempts backfire in 2012, Cochran latched onto that. And it worked.

Now, actually, the Democrats likely threw away their chances for making this race competitive in the Fall, but I doubt that is much consolation for Conservatives who hold the view that Cochran is a RINO.

Either way, it is now electoral history.

I just watched McDaniel's non-concession concession speech (about 10 minutes in length).

Hey, is that a Confederate Flag behind him, or the flag of Mississippi? I really cannot tell...

McDaniel, in his speech, called MS the most Conservative state in the Union. I wonder where he gets his data to back that claim up. I bet that Utahns, Wyomingers and Sooners would disagree with him on that point.

I could be wrong, but at the 8 minute mark, it sure sounds like he is calling for a recount.

I am thinking that a write-in campaign for McDaniel in the Fall could be a possibility.

It may surprise you, but I thank you for making this thread. I also think you should ask the mods to move it into the elections section. Would you consider doing that?


Thank you for a well thought out response. Some of what you stated I agree with. It's also politics .. so why do you want it moved now? This is around the time Conservatives begin posting.. after work.. No deal.. it's been here all day in politics because it is politics.

Because in the elections section, there is already a great deal of data over the Cochran/McDaniel races, your thread would add to the richness of that data, and in the future, a search in one sub-forum is quicker than a search in the entire forum. So, there is a method to my madness, here....


I can't view your video. Is that from last night, or has he spoken today?

Anyway, I wasted away my lunch hour by looking over county by county vote tallies from the June 3 and yesterday's votes, and as far as race goes, I think it's a mixed bag. Cochran probably picked up some African American votes, but to say that was the only thing going on ..... oversimplification.

The best evidence for African American influence is Hinds County, where the capital is. Cochran gained 7000 but McDaniel LOST 1500. Those weren't black votes. Moreover, Cochran was campaigning at the states three largest hospitals where medicare is the bomb.

Moreover, in the capital's two major suburbs, Cochran gained 3200 votes. Those are mostly white.

In Jackson County on the Coast, which is largely white, Cochran flipped it. He gained 950votes and McDaniel lost 1000.

Cochran cut into McDaniel's victory margin in several counties

Washington and Warren no doubt had some African American votes for Cochran. An alphabetical list of counties that I thought showed a significant statistical change from June 3.

Desoto (Memphis suburb. On June 3, Cochran was stunned to lose this county because of all the economic development from infrastructure, but as it turned out most people in this county are NOT natives of Mississippi, thus the loyalty Cochran expected was nonexistent.)
In the runoff, McDaniel still won by 1600, but Cochran narrowed that margin by 450. White county. Cochran out campaigned him. It’s the best school district in the state, and possibly McDaniel’s comments on no federal dollars for education came back to bite him.

Forrest. (Pinebelt considered to be McDaniel home turf) In the runoff, McDaniel again won this county with 5600 votes, but Cochran cut the margin by 700. There’s a reason the county’s named for nathan bedford forrest.

Hinds. (66% african american. Also home to three major hospitals getting federal dollars) Cochran won with almost 18,000 votes. In the runoff, Cochran gained 7,000 votes but McDaniel lost 1,500 votes. Obviously, african americans played some role, but a lot of white folks work in healthcare. McDaniel’s totals show some buyers remorse. Possibly breaking into the county courthouse was a negative to voters.

Jackson (A southern gulf of mexico county. Largely White. On June 3, Cochran was surprised to lose it) In the runoff, Cochran flipped it. He gained 950 votes and McDaniel lost 1000. Cochran campaigned heavily here the last two weeks.

Lafayette (Cochran’s home and the home of THE OLE MISS REBELS. Largely White) Cochran increased his vote totals by 700 over McDaniel in the runoff.

Madison (the most affluent county. Largely white, but integrated) Cochran increased his margin of victory by 2,000 in the runoff. The local leaders and transportation people were all over the tea party folks the past two weeks.

Oktibbeha (home of Mississippi State University, and imo a nice place. I think there’s racial diversity here, but obviously a lot of people work for the school) Cochran gained 750 votes in the runoff.

Rankin (another urban suburb, though this is a tad more redneck. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It is VERY white and has pretty decent public schools) Cochran increased his margin by 1,200 in the runoff.

Washington (the largest Delta county and very african american. Cochran got 2350 votes for with a gain of 950 But interestingly, McDaniel gained 250 votes to get all the way to 850.)

Warren (also VERY black. Home of Vicksburg, which surrendered to the Yankee Scum US Grant on July 4, 1863, leading the city to not celebrate the Fourth of July for about one century.) Cochran picked up 600 votes to win with 3150, but McDaniel picked up 200 in the runoff)

A couple of random McDaniel counties that got my attention.

Marshall County (Northern part of the state above Ole Miss. Racially about 50-50) McDaniel picked up 550. I have no idea why.

Pearl River (another Katrina kicked their azz county) McDaniel won by 5800 to 2150, gaining 1000 votes in the runoff.

Tate County (just South of DeSoto, home of where Cochran got his azz kicked on June 3, and largely White) McDaniel picked up another 700.

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