Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Travis Childers is a Blue Dog. He'd have a good shot at winning if McDaniel split the GOP vote.
All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

"All the rats running to race bait...they need the Plantation protected...."

Anyone else see the overwhelming Irony right there?
If this librul windbag says it's a stupid idea, do it.. LMAO

If you ever wonder how a complete fuck-up like Obama can beat the GOP, twice, just read LGS posts.

Gee, it had nothing to do with the THUG and his librul cohorts in Congress influencing elections by using the Federal government to harass and shut down speech with the IRS..

You're a joke.. and so are your posts.. just like the rest of the liberal goons on this site.. All of you lie, race bait.. it's all you have.. :)
All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

"All the rats running to race bait...they need the Plantation protected...."

Anyone else see the overwhelming Irony right there?

I'm sure your far left Kooks agree with you.. Other than that.. HELL NO :) Enjoy
All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

"All the rats running to race bait...they need the Plantation protected...."

Anyone else see the overwhelming Irony right there?

It's amazing what people reveal about themselves here ... and seem completely clueless about it.
Travis Childers is a Blue Dog. He'd have a good shot at winning if McDaniel split the GOP vote.
The Tea Bag Brotherhood knows the GOP hates them more than Obama, yet they will still sheepishly vote for the GOP under the establishment guise of Party unity, even though they know the establishment will not support a Tea Bag Brotherhood candidate that wins a primary for that same Party unity. :cuckoo:
So....they are crying because a perfectly legal tactic...a tactic prominently used by Republicans in 2008...was used against a Tea Partier. tragic.

So you stand with the establishment of both corrupt parties and you brag about it. Wow, what courage.

What is ILLEGAL about that tactic? Explain please.

Nothing. I just happen to desire honest clean campaigns. That's why the Tea Party exists, and that's why your ilk are the problem in my country.
So....they are crying because a perfectly legal tactic...a tactic prominently used by Republicans in 2008...was used against a Tea Partier. tragic.


"I'm asking people to cross over, and if they can stomach it and I know it's a difficult thing to do, vote for Clinton." - Rush Limbaugh.
Not Operation Chaos
That's Right, Op Chaos failed miserably, this succeeded. And your MessiahRushie is pissed, calling the Blacks who voted for Cochran "Uncle Toms."

You mean Rush is using the exact same language the NAACP uses against black Conservatives all the time?? OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG NO WAY?:cuckoo:
No, your MessiahRushie is using his own language.
Apparently to the Right it is bad for a black to vote for a Republican.

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