Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Those damn blacks. We should never have given them the vote! How dare they exercise it!

Not very smart black voters if they voted for Cochrane because they believed the lie from both parties. That's the point. You're not going to admit that.
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All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Those damn blacks. We should never have given them the vote! How dare they exercise it!

Not very smart black voters if they voted for Cochrane because they believed the lie from both parties. That's the point. You're not going to admit that.

Exactly.. The were USED by both Cochran, GOP elites and the NAACP/Democrat Party..
All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.
"You have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes that while not appearing to." - Once said by a famous republican.

Bonus points for any one who can
name that republican.

Sarah Palin?

Just kidding. It was RMN
he should run third party

then the dems would have to either vote for their guy

or for the progressive rino

Exactly. McDaniels no matter what happened in the general would win a huge victory for conservatives.

He wins the seat or even by losing he splits the vote and defeats Cochran in the general and sends him packing.

It's a win win.

it is a win win

then next cycle he runs again

No Jon. McDaniel either makes nice with the state gop or he's a done deal. He only got this far because of outside money. Essentially this election was McDaniel - direct election of senators v. Cochran election by the state legislature. I just really don't see the club 4 growth giving him another 6 or 8 million dollars for a do over.
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Cochran knows that he only won by cheating. He has his marching orders and he knows how vulnerable he really is.

Obviously, Republicans don't understand that "voting suppression" is cheating. Not getting people to vote FOR you.
Cochran needed the black democrat vote to "trounce,destroy,humiliate" the tea party candidate.

So settle down Libs.

And for Republicans...

This is your primary...This is how you run things?...

No one is surprised that white Mississippi conservatives would be horrified at the notion of black Mississippians having an influence on the outcome of a Mississippi election.

We get it.

Leave it up to the standard liberal lowlifes to bring race in to what was an obvious RACIAL targeting by DEMOCRATS in order to beat the Tea Party Candidate. Have you ever noticed how libruls obsess on race and they're always the one who is guilty of using it, the nasty terminology, etc?

Um. Who brought race into this?

All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Those damn blacks. We should never have given them the vote! How dare they exercise it!

Not very smart black voters if they voted for Cochrane because they believed the lie from both parties. That's the point. You're not going to admit that.

Actually, they made a very rational decision. Since Mississippi is a red state, whoever wins the Republican primary is going to be their Senator for the next six years.

They chose the lesser of two evils from their perspective.

Very pragmatic.
Cochran needed the black democrat vote to "trounce,destroy,humiliate" the tea party candidate.

So settle down Libs.

And for Republicans...

This is your primary...This is how you run things?...

No one is surprised that white Mississippi conservatives would be horrified at the notion of black Mississippians having an influence on the outcome of a Mississippi election.

We get it.

Leave it up to the standard liberal lowlifes to bring race in to what was an obvious RACIAL targeting by DEMOCRATS in order to beat the Tea Party Candidate. Have you ever noticed how libruls obsess on race and they're always the one who is guilty of using it, the nasty terminology, etc?

You brought race into the op. You really are one stupid, disgusting human being.
Those damn blacks. We should never have given them the vote! How dare they exercise it!

Not very smart black voters if they voted for Cochrane because they believed the lie from both parties. That's the point. You're not going to admit that.

Actually, they made a very rational decision. Since Mississippi is a red state, whoever wins the Republican primary is going to be their Senator for the next six years.

They chose the lesser of two evils from their perspective.

Very pragmatic.

Never listen to a librul masquerading as an Independent who openly on this forum called for the Filmmaker to be HUNG without a trial, without evidence- for the 9/11 attack on Benghazi.. He was in a total meltdown-- RABIES.. lol
No one is surprised that white Mississippi conservatives would be horrified at the notion of black Mississippians having an influence on the outcome of a Mississippi election.

We get it.

Leave it up to the standard liberal lowlifes to bring race in to what was an obvious RACIAL targeting by DEMOCRATS in order to beat the Tea Party Candidate. Have you ever noticed how libruls obsess on race and they're always the one who is guilty of using it, the nasty terminology, etc?

You brought race into the op. You really are one stupid, disgusting human being.

OMG Plz.. I listed the NY Times article that Black democrats gave the win to Cochran.. Listen to the 26% KOOK BRIGADE ooooooze and race bait.. LMFAO!!!!!
Those damn blacks. We should never have given them the vote! How dare they exercise it!

Not very smart black voters if they voted for Cochrane because they believed the lie from both parties. That's the point. You're not going to admit that.

Actually, they made a very rational decision. Since Mississippi is a red state, whoever wins the Republican primary is going to be their Senator for the next six years.

They chose the lesser of two evils from their perspective.

Very pragmatic.

They believed the establishment lie.
For the record. 'We' are not racist.

Your comments are incorrect and based on emotion. But I get it


Then why is the GOP 90% white?

What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? -

Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

No one is surprised that white Mississippi conservatives would be horrified at the notion of black Mississippians having an influence on the outcome of a Mississippi election.

We get it.

Leave it up to the standard liberal lowlifes to bring race in to what was an obvious RACIAL targeting by DEMOCRATS in order to beat the Tea Party Candidate. Have you ever noticed how libruls obsess on race and they're always the one who is guilty of using it, the nasty terminology, etc?

You brought race into the op. You really are one stupid, disgusting human being.

The establishment of both corrupt parties brought race into this. You're too late.
Didn't that guy get beat up in Alaska a few years ago. I think he used a different name, but he seems like the same jerk.

Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.


ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE NEW YORK TIMES TITLE/Editorial TO THEIR ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't make this stuff up.. Like good drunken little communists they always step in the proverbial shitcan with their stupidity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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