Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

"When Cochran has to go begging for Democrat voters to turn out for him in a primary with all the backing he had from the inside the Beltway crowd means he can be taken out permanently.

I consider this great news because it means he is completely vulnerable"

Perhaps you are right but McDaniel's lost. Perhaps a much better candidate would have won. That's what I see and believe about this race.

Alas, but he didn't lose by much. With all the odds against him he got very close to the old bastard in numbers.

The point is now not to give up if one is a conservative but to push Cochran into retirement
I was just reading about a strange election law in Mississippi. That whoever you vote for in the primary you have to vote for in the general.

Is this true?

If a voter in Mississippi crosses over and votes for the other "side" in a Primary, then yes.. they will not be allowed to cross back over in the election cycle.. so Democrats have actually screwed themselves .. LOL
They can't vote in the Democrat primary. They can vote for the Democrat in the general election. They screwed the tea party, not themselves. That's the part driving you most crazy.
Now that's two people cow-on-the-train-track stupid enough to think in a general election voters are forced to vote for a certain party.

Think on that for just a minute now.

Take a few minutes of your remaining brain cells to rub together and think on that.
If a voter in Mississippi crosses over and votes for the other "side" in a Primary, then yes.. they will not be allowed to cross back over in the election cycle.. so Democrats have actually screwed themselves .. LOL

Hehehehe. I was rubbing my eyes (only second cup of coffee) thinking the Dems are legally FUBAR'd when I read it.

I wanted to double check with someone who knew. Too funny!
Major plutonium grade stupidity going on here, squared.

To ask a question is now major grade stupidity? Wow you libs are in full bitch mode this morning.

Cochran knows that he only won by cheating. He has his marching orders and he knows how vulnerable he really is.
You know he came very close to winning. I would run him third party.

he should run third party

then the dems would have to either vote for their guy

or for the progressive rino

Exactly. McDaniels no matter what happened in the general would win a huge victory for conservatives.

He wins the seat or even by losing he splits the vote and defeats Cochran in the general and sends him packing.

It's a win win.
Cochran knows that he only won by cheating. He has his marching orders and he knows how vulnerable he really is.

How did he cheat? What was illegal? Vulnerable? Cochran is too old to give a shit. He's in for SIX more years.

The Tea Party is the Klan. ..and they don't hide is. McDaniel didn't.
Once you understand that, the vote of black Dems makes a lot of sense.

Cochran needed the black democrat vote to "trounce,destroy,humiliate" the tea party candidate.

So settle down Libs.

And for Republicans...

This is your primary...This is how you run things?...

No one is surprised that white Mississippi conservatives would be horrified at the notion of black Mississippians having an influence on the outcome of a Mississippi election.

We get it.

Leave it up to the standard liberal lowlifes to bring race in to what was an obvious RACIAL targeting by DEMOCRATS in order to beat the Tea Party Candidate. Have you ever noticed how libruls obsess on race and they're always the one who is guilty of using it, the nasty terminology, etc?
You know he came very close to winning. I would run him third party.

he should run third party

then the dems would have to either vote for their guy

or for the progressive rino

Exactly. McDaniels no matter what happened in the general would win a huge victory for conservatives.

He wins the seat or even by losing he splits the vote and defeats Cochran in the general and sends him packing.

It's a win win.

it is a win win

then next cycle he runs again
and if McDaniel runs as in independent..he can split the GOP vote and the Dems could win...a state where they're out numbered...

Go Tea Party Gov. Sarah and Crazy laura today!! They'll 'help' you again
Now that's two people cow-on-the-train-track stupid enough to think in a general election voters are forced to vote for a certain party.

Think on that for just a minute now.

Take a few minutes of your remaining brain cells to rub together and think on that.:cuckoo:

It'll take more than a few minutes.
They watch FOX.
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Thread has been cleaned of a considerable amount of litter :doubt:

Let's get on back on topic and remember - posts in Politics must include content in addition to any flames.

For those who wish to continue off topic - we have rooms available in the Flame Zone, rates are cheap, and temperatures above average.

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Thanks, Coyote!

What a mess.
You know he came very close to winning. I would run him third party.

he should run third party

then the dems would have to either vote for their guy

or for the progressive rino

Exactly. McDaniels no matter what happened in the general would win a huge victory for conservatives.

He wins the seat or even by losing he splits the vote and defeats Cochran in the general and sends him packing.

It's a win win.

Big John Hiatt fan.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Those damn blacks. We should never have given them the vote! How dare they exercise it!

Race baiting Librul ^^^^

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