Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

Like the teapee guy's coziness with the kkk had nothing to do with it :lol:
Not very smart black voters if they voted for Cochrane because they believed the lie from both parties. That's the point. You're not going to admit that.

Actually, they made a very rational decision. Since Mississippi is a red state, whoever wins the Republican primary is going to be their Senator for the next six years.

They chose the lesser of two evils from their perspective.

Very pragmatic.

They believed the establishment lie.

They believe McDaniel is a bigger enemy to them than Cochran. Whether or not he actually is the bigger enemy to blacks is a matter of opinion.

If I were black, I would be suspicious of a candidate that a Klansman liked enough to donate to. If a Klansman says, "This is my kind of guy" by donating a big chunk of cash, then you should understand why blacks would be extremely leery of that candidate.

McDaniel can't control who donates to him, but he obviously has said or done things that made a Klansman feel compelled to support him.
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All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

Like the teapee guy's coziness with the kkk had nothing to do with it :lol:

Wow, I didn't know that. Do you have a link to the source of that information?
With an unusual assist from African-American voters

All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

"running to race bait" ??????

Did you read the headline you wrote to this thread ??????

Physician, heal thyself
OMG look at Yahoo's title
Mississippi Senate runoff: Can black voters save Thad Cochran?

All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.


Holy shit, you are the queen of crybabies. Thanks for coming back to usmb. Really. You're a riot :rofl:
All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

Like the teapee guy's coziness with the kkk had nothing to do with it :lol:

Wow, I didn't know that. Do you have a link to the source of that information?

Tea Partier Chris McDaniel?s Mississippi KKK Connection - The Daily Beast
Cochran should go. He's been in the federal government for too long.

But you don't dislodge an Establishment fossil by choosing someone even more distasteful to have a go at him.

Figure it out!
From Twitter:
Dave Wasserman [MENTION=15859]Red[/MENTION]istrict
Looking at county data, Cochran's #MSSEN win is almost entirely attributable to a large turnout increase among black voters b/t 6/3 and 6/24
11:08 PM - 24 Jun 2014

This thread reveals how sick our politics are. Lies by both parties working together to muddy the waters. It also reveals the Tea Party is the real party of the working middle class.
Cochran should go. He's been in the federal government for too long.

But you don't dislodge an Establishment fossil by choosing someone even more distasteful to have a go at him.

Figure it out!

I'm amazed that so many just can't get the hang of that.

Seems pretty straight-forward to me.
:) The idiocy that is today's left needs the propaganda war.. Every one of their failed Socialist wet dreams has seen a dead end with their clusterfuck of a President.
You know he came very close to winning. I would run him third party.

A stupid idea. Mississippi is a red state. Whoever the GOP candidate is will win. If you run a right wing candidate as a third party candidate, that will split the Republican vote and the Democrat will win.

Travis Childers would LOVE for McDaniel to run as a third party candidate.


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You know he came very close to winning. I would run him third party.

A stupid idea. Mississippi is a red state. Whoever the GOP candidate is will win. If you run a right wing candidate as a third party candidate, that will split the Republican vote and the Democrat will win.

Travis Childers would LOVE for McDaniel to run as a third party candidate.



If this librul windbag says it's a stupid idea, do it.. LMAO
wonder how many whining threads one poster can start about this?

of course, anything that chaps his/her ass THIS bad is just priceless....

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