Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

I think it's pretty funny actually. Did you have a problem with limbaugh when he launched that crap called "Operation Chaos"? I think that it is actually a good thing because it shows people the power of their vote, this may make some Black people be more open to voting Republican. Do you think that the Black people who voted have more in common with the Tea Party candidates stances or the Republican candidate's stances?

I don't have a problem with Cross-over votes so long as they didn't already vote in a Democrat primary..

Whoa, flip flop of the day.

She had to - I busted her pretty bad on her other thread for lying about that claim.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.
Oh, my! Those evil darkies.


Hey, you cannot mention skin color on a thread about Blacks. New rule I guess.

:lol: they are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. :)
How did they know the democrat voters who voted in the republycan primary were black? Is this a state that makes the voters show ID?
If a voter in Mississippi crosses over and votes for the other "side" in a Primary, then yes.. they will not be allowed to cross back over in the election cycle.. so Democrats have actually screwed themselves .. LOL

Hehehehe. I was rubbing my eyes (only second cup of coffee) thinking the Dems are legally FUBAR'd when I read it.

I wanted to double check with someone who knew. Too funny!

I think that her assertion is bullshit. The law states that if they voted in the Democratic primary, then they can't vote in the republican primary, key words being PRIMARY. In the general election they can vote for who they want to vote for because it's supposed to be private and people can vote for who they want in a GENERAL ELECTION.

Maybe I am wrong, if someone can provide a link to information showing that I am wrong, I will laugh and apologize.

I don't think you'll be apologizing - pure B.S. No one can tell you who to vote for - PERIOD. If you are eligible to vote in an election, then you are eligible to vote for whoever you want to.
NAACP which is a Jewish man's creation, does not control how people vote...
The GOP and the Dems are closer than you think...they know when to join muscle and push out extremest candidates...
If a voter in Mississippi crosses over and votes for the other "side" in a Primary, then yes.. they will not be allowed to cross back over in the election cycle.. so Democrats have actually screwed themselves .. LOL

Hehehehe. I was rubbing my eyes (only second cup of coffee) thinking the Dems are legally FUBAR'd when I read it.

I wanted to double check with someone who knew. Too funny!

I think that her assertion is bullshit. The law states that if they voted in the Democratic primary, then they can't vote in the republican primary, key words being PRIMARY. In the general election they can vote for who they want to vote for because it's supposed to be private and people can vote for who they want in a GENERAL ELECTION.

Maybe I am wrong, if someone can provide a link to information showing that I am wrong, I will laugh and apologize.

There is also a state law that basically says a voter must support in the general election the same candidate they voted for in the primary. However, the attorney general and sec of state, and I believe a court have all said that's unenforceable. And, it's bs. McDaniel admitted to crossing over at least once. I personally voted for Obama over Hillary, but it'd be a cold day in hell when I'd vote for Obama in any general election.

If you really want links, send me a PM and I'll look when I get a chance
I think it's pretty funny actually. Did you have a problem with limbaugh when he launched that crap called "Operation Chaos"? I think that it is actually a good thing because it shows people the power of their vote, this may make some Black people be more open to voting Republican. Do you think that the Black people who voted have more in common with the Tea Party candidates stances or the Republican candidate's stances?


Pheonixops - 1.
LGS - 0


Ohh lookie.. It's Dora's score card right here on an adult forum.. :eek:

It was a joke. Roll with it, it will only add to your beauty.

All the rats running to race bait .. they need the Plantation protected, working.. Disinformation campaign, propaganda, incite, instill fear.. It's the Democrat way.. and apparently it's Thad Cochrans also.

Thanks for illustrating your hypocrisy, that's why many of you dirt bags turn me off. More of the "Blacks on the Democrat plantation" crap. Notice you dirt bags don't say similar things about the Jewish people who vote democrat. Why aren't you stating that the "Jews are in the Democrat concentration camp", and that the Asians who vote Democrat are on the "Democrat Rica Paddy, and the Hispanics who vote Democrat are on the "Democrat hacienda"? Why don't you jerk offs state that "The Jews who vote Democrat, want hand outs".

No you disgusting dirt bags save most of your angst and prejudices for "the Blacks". Go FUCK YOURSELVES. :)
The GOP and the Dems are closer than you think...they know when to join muscle and push out extremest candidates...

Citizens who support constitutional government and low taxes are "extreme". So what were the founders?
NAACP which is a Jewish man's creation, does not control how people vote...

The NAACP is a leftist corrupt organization.

The NAACP was founded by:


It has nothing to do with Judaism, it is not corrupt, it is neither Leftist nor Rightist and it is not the subject of this thread.

Stop trying to derail the fucking thread.

Thank you.

THIS is the OP to the thread:

Cochran primary won by Black Democrats
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