Code Red For Democrats: FBI Officials Find ZERO “Factual Inaccuracies” In FISA Memo

"Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News – adding that the officials 'could not point to any factual inaccuracies.'”

What are the names of the two FBI officials?

undisclosed and anonymous

Those two are all your liberal sources...
Christopher Wray said it wasn't accurate. This thread is a lie, but that is expected. The Democrats in the Intel committee wanted to make and release their own memo stating how the Nunes memo was taking things out of context and stretching the truth. The Republicans who hold the majority voted that down. Typical scumbag move. I hope the Democrat's memo is "leaked."
I hope they leak it too. I want to see what they say about it.

We are smart enough to consider the spin of both sides.
Without anyone having access to the underlying documents (which will not be released--they are classified and I believe they will remain so)--no one is going to be able to determine what is spin. Having both responses might help, but in the end, it will just cause endless arguing back and forth.
"There are “material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy,” the bureau said".
Okay, that's pretty much what the Democrats are saying, too. Keep in mind, though, that this memo does point fingers AT the FBI, so of course the bureau is going to say it's wrong.
Just keep that in mind.

2 FBI Reps read the Summary of Evidence and declares there is NOTHING factually inaccurate.

Wray came to Congress, read the Summary, returned to the FBI, and immediately fired / booted / pressured McCabe to GTFO...

And now, as the President signals he is all for releasing the Summary, Wray - whose FBI is implicated in criminal activity, to include Treason - runs to the WH to beg Trump not to release the Summary, telling anyone who will listen now that the Summary DOES have inaccuracies in it ... and, oh by the way, 'it is a risk to our national security', which has proven NOT to be the case.

..and despite the evidence of crimes and inappropriate actions perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ - for which one FBI agent has been demoted and squirreled away out of sight and the Deputy Director has been forced out for their actions, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE / TRUST THEM NOW?

The cockroaches are pleading for the kitchen light NOT to be turned on..... thanks.

"Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News – adding that the officials 'could not point to any factual inaccuracies.'”

What are the names of the two FBI officials?
What? anon is good enough for you when it is used against Trump, now you need names?

Feel free to find a post from me where I said such a thing
dude that is a stupid assignment full of waste of time. you are who you are, we all know it. implication to the facts is all anyone needs today.

2 FBI Reps read the Summary of Evidence and declares there is NOTHING factually inaccurate.

Wray came to Congress, read the Summary, returned to the FBI, and immediately fired / booted / pressured McCabe to GTFO...

And now, as the President signals he is all for releasing the Summary, Wray - whose FBI is implicated in criminal activity, to include Treason - runs to the WH to beg Trump not to release the Summary, telling anyone who will listen now that the Summary DOES have inaccuracies in it ... and, oh by the way, 'it is a risk to our national security', which has proven NOT to be the case.

..and despite the evidence of crimes and inappropriate actions perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ - for which one FBI agent has been demoted and squirreled away out of sight and the Deputy Director has been forced out for their actions, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE / TRUST THEM NOW?

The cockroaches are pleading for the kitchen light NOT to be turned on..... thanks.


Yeah your post would make sense if the initial report were true. It wasn't.
"Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News – adding that the officials 'could not point to any factual inaccuracies.'”
The FBI did not say that.... a Republican congress critter ASSUMED that and right wing news took it as fact, even though the FBI refused to comment on their story...

The FBI director Christopher Ray said this morning that the memo was misleading and inaccurate in the way it was portrayed and that it hurt our national releasing it the way it was misleadingly scripted.
2 FBI Reps read the Summary of Evidence and declares there is NOTHING factually inaccurate.

Wray came to Congress, read the Summary, returned to the FBI, and immediately fired / booted / pressured McCabe to GTFO...

And now, as the President signals he is all for releasing the Summary, Wray - whose FBI is implicated in criminal activity, to include Treason - runs to the WH to beg Trump not to release the Summary, telling anyone who will listen now that the Summary DOES have inaccuracies in it ... and, oh by the way, 'it is a risk to our national security', which has proven NOT to be the case.

..and despite the evidence of crimes and inappropriate actions perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ - for which one FBI agent has been demoted and squirreled away out of sight and the Deputy Director has been forced out for their actions, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE / TRUST THEM NOW?

The cockroaches are pleading for the kitchen light NOT to be turned on..... thanks.


Yeah your post would make sense if the initial report were true. It wasn't.

....says YOU, who are as desperate as the DOJ, FBI, and Libs for the report NOT to be released. :p
Adam Schiffs reaction to the news.


Adam Schiff Busted! FBI Officials Find ZERO 'Factual Inaccuracies' In 'Shocking' FISA Memo
Where's the memo?
2 FBI Reps read the Summary of Evidence and declares there is NOTHING factually inaccurate.

Wray came to Congress, read the Summary, returned to the FBI, and immediately fired / booted / pressured McCabe to GTFO...

And now, as the President signals he is all for releasing the Summary, Wray - whose FBI is implicated in criminal activity, to include Treason - runs to the WH to beg Trump not to release the Summary, telling anyone who will listen now that the Summary DOES have inaccuracies in it ... and, oh by the way, 'it is a risk to our national security', which has proven NOT to be the case.

..and despite the evidence of crimes and inappropriate actions perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ - for which one FBI agent has been demoted and squirreled away out of sight and the Deputy Director has been forced out for their actions, WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE / TRUST THEM NOW?

The cockroaches are pleading for the kitchen light NOT to be turned on..... thanks.


Yeah your post would make sense if the initial report were true. It wasn't.

....says YOU, who are as desperate as the DOJ, FBI, and Libs for the report NOT to be released. :p
We're ALL waiting for this memo.....where is it? Why is it taking so long?
WH waiting so as not to take spotlight off of a tremendously positive SOTU bump... IMHO. We'll likely see it in the next 48 hr's or not at all.
Typical... MSM wringing every bit of coverage out of the train accident to distract / avoid covering the aftermath of Trump's big night.
Let's see....

will the president follow his oath to protect us from both foreign and national enemies, or will he release the memo without redaction, for his own personal and partisan purpose?

Nunes has not even viewed the underlying top secret info that his staffers created and conjured up this memo from?

Why would Nunes staffers meet with the president's office on this before the memo was written and during the writing of it?

I thought Congress was suppose to be the "check" on the executive branch? NOT WORKING WITH THEM. to create a political story?
There has been great abuse uncovered in the intelligence community! Exposing the cancer in agencies such as the FBI and NSA and additionally the FISA court is the antithesis of unpatriotic and 'undermining'. On the contrary, exposing and rectifying the cancer is the patriotic and responsible course of action!
IMPLICATED DOJ and FBI Desperate To Deny Transparency To American People....

Obama sought to fundamentally change the US, and although he promised to run the most Transparent Administration Evuh, he has turned into a 3rd World socialist state that was / is the most criminal and secretive in US history.

Obama set records for ILLEGAL NON-COMPLIANCE with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.
-- Hillary Clinton herself violated those 2 more than 30,000 times

Obama lied about knowing about Hillary's server / e-mails. Within a week it was exposed he knew long before then, used a pseudonym, and used his own private e-mails to communicate with her. When this became known he SEALED his and Hillary's e-mails between each other, citing Executive Privilege to cover is ass.

Let's not forget how the man who promised to be the most Transparent Evuh sealed all of his personal records during the campaign, while making that promise... :p

And now the remnants of his implicated DOJ and FBI seek to keep more damaging / embarrassing information (to them) sealed / hidden....


Despite what liberals are saying, Americans are not too stupid to understand what is in the memo.
The FBI offered no comment to Fox News regarding bureau officials’ review of the document. Senior DOJ officials told Fox News after this story first posted, however, that they “dispute the characterization” that no inaccuracies could be cited.

FBI officials review surveillance memo, could not cite 'any factual inaccuracies': source

gee, looks like the fbi says fox is full of shit

didn't see that coming....
Not only that, FAUX used "unnamed sources" which I guess are now suddenly gospel!
Communication can be factually accurate yet still be intellectually dishonest.

All you have to do is leave out facts that are contrary to the point you want to make.

The media can tell you about that.
Like a typical Right-winger you blame the "media" for the main technique of the Right.

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