Code Red For Democrats: FBI Officials Find ZERO “Factual Inaccuracies” In FISA Memo

There has been great abuse uncovered in the intelligence community! Exposing the cancer in agencies such as the FBI and NSA and additionally the FISA court is the antithesis of unpatriotic and 'undermining'. On the contrary, exposing and rectifying the cancer is the patriotic and responsible course of action!
Liberals seek to keep Americans deaf, dumb, and blind.

We already know - by testimony from OBAMA NSA Director James Clapper - that the Obama administration ILLEGALLY spied on Americans - civilians, reporters, and the media.

We already know - thanks to D-Diane Feinstein who exposed it - that the Obama administration ILLEGALLY spied on US Senators.

We already know - from previously reported evidence - that Obama ILLEGALLY spied on USSC JUSTICES.

We now know and will find the confirmed proof within the memo that Obama and Democrats ILLEGALLY spied on a political opponent during an election.

These FAR surpass the crimes exposed during Watergate which led to Nixon's forced stepping down. Obama could have / should have been IMPEACHED SEVERAL TIMES OVER for these CRIMES.
"Two senior FBI officials have now reviewed a controversial Republican staff memo alleging abuses of government surveillance programs during the 2016 presidential campaign, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News – adding that the officials 'could not point to any factual inaccuracies.'”

What are the names of the two FBI officials?
The same as the "UNNAMED SOURCE" Mr Nonexistent.
Adam Schiffs reaction to the news.


Adam Schiff Busted! FBI Officials Find ZERO 'Factual Inaccuracies' In 'Shocking' FISA Memo anonymous source from gateway pundit vs. this...

The FBI came close to publicly opposing the memo’s release, saying in a statement Wednesday that it has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Opposes Memo Release Because of Inaccuracies, Source Says

An official statement from the FBI. Yeah, I'll go with the official statement over anonymous sources anyday.
So we are back to the IMPLICATED DOJ and FBI desperate NOT to have the Summary of Evidence against them presented. Democrats are desperate not to have it released. Snowflakes are desperate for it not to be released.

Those who have been implicated in / for abuses and crimes as well as those who partisanly defend them want to keep the American people in the dark about what their own govt is doing.

That is part of Obama's 'Legacy'
The FBI offered no comment to Fox News regarding bureau officials’ review of the document. Senior DOJ officials told Fox News after this story first posted, however, that they “dispute the characterization” that no inaccuracies could be cited.

FBI officials review surveillance memo, could not cite 'any factual inaccuracies': source

gee, looks like the fbi says fox is full of shit

didn't see that coming....
I guess reading comprehension wasn't your strong point in school.
Christopher Wray said it wasn't accurate. This thread is a lie, but that is expected. The Democrats in the Intel committee wanted to make and release their own memo stating how the Nunes memo was taking things out of context and stretching the truth. The Republicans who hold the majority voted that down. Typical scumbag move. I hope the Democrat's memo is "leaked."
I hope they leak it too. I want to see what they say about it.

We are smart enough to consider the spin of both sides.
that's how comey got his info out - just leak away. precedent set that it's ok.
The FBI offered no comment to Fox News regarding bureau officials’ review of the document. Senior DOJ officials told Fox News after this story first posted, however, that they “dispute the characterization” that no inaccuracies could be cited.

FBI officials review surveillance memo, could not cite 'any factual inaccuracies': source

gee, looks like the fbi says fox is full of shit

didn't see that coming....
I guess reading comprehension wasn't your strong point in school.

I was gonna say something but I wanted as many people as possible to see it so as to provide more impact when he gets called on it.
I do not think Trump did anything illegal during the election, never have.
Yeah, Tramp just kept lying about his campaign's Russian contacts purely for the fun of lying.
Makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:
Apparently the only thing protecting your lying Democrats is the classified nature of the I.G. report.
They can tell any lie and nobody can prove they're full of shit without violating a disclosure agreement.
Trump should simply declassify the whole thing and watch the Democrats scurry like roaches for the exits.
And the other shoe just dropped. Nunes won't say if he coordinated with the White House in the creation of the memo.

Devin Nunes Won’t Say If He Worked With White House on Anti-FBI Memo
More distraction from the fact that the DOJ and FBI has been exposed for crimes to include Treason and as another tactic to try to prevent the Summary to be released.

They are so panicked it is going to come out they are doing everything they can to keep it from being released.....
Let's see....

will the president follow his oath to protect us from both foreign and national enemies, or will he release the memo without redaction, for his own personal and partisan purpose?

Nunes has not even viewed the underlying top secret info that his staffers created and conjured up this memo from?

Why would Nunes staffers meet with the president's office on this before the memo was written and during the writing of it?

I thought Congress was suppose to be the "check" on the executive branch? NOT WORKING WITH THEM. to create a political story?
Yet when the dems ran things and did so for Obama not a peep from you.
And the other shoe just dropped. Nunes won't say if he coordinated with the White House in the creation of the memo.

Devin Nunes Won’t Say If He Worked With White House on Anti-FBI Memo
Yeah....won't say or simply wouldn't answer a ridiculous hypothetical question.

I don't think 'hypothetical' means what you think it means. They didn't ask Nunes if he WOULD coordinate with the White House. They asked him if he DID coordinate with the White House.

He refused to answer.
Communication can be factually accurate yet still be intellectually dishonest.

All you have to do is leave out facts that are contrary to the point you want to make.

The media can tell you about that.
Like a typical Right-winger you blame the "media" for the main technique of the Right.
You obviously don't know my politics.

Not everyone is a winger. True story.
GREAT NEWS: WH Keeping its Resolve - The Memo WILL Be Released Soon

FBI has 'grave concerns' about 'omissions' in surveillance memo

“It'll be released here pretty quick I think and the whole world can see it,” he said."

Obama PROMISED 'Transparency - Trump is DELIVERING it!

FBI has 'grave concerns' about 'omissions' in surveillance memo

Laughing...yeah, that's why the House Intel committee refused to release the follow up memo putting the Nunes/White House memo into context. Because they're all about 'transparency'.
Let's see....

will the president follow his oath to protect us from both foreign and national enemies, or will he release the memo without redaction, for his own personal and partisan purpose?

Nunes has not even viewed the underlying top secret info that his staffers created and conjured up this memo from?

Why would Nunes staffers meet with the president's office on this before the memo was written and during the writing of it?

I thought Congress was suppose to be the "check" on the executive branch? NOT WORKING WITH THEM. to create a political story?
Yet when the dems ran things and did so for Obama not a peep from you.
Obama knew the importance of separation between him and the Justice Dept and so did President Clinton, especially when be investigated....

Trump does not have an inkling of what an independent judicial dept even means, he THINKS they are to do his bidding at his command.

We are a Nation of Laws, Not of Men

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