Cohen admits he paid $130,000 to Stormy


But he paid Stormy.
At least she got paid.

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Trump responded by saying that he would win the lawsuit—and that he never settles, which is why he's rarely in court. Here's the transcript, per The New York Times: TRUMP: This is a case I could have settledvery easily, but I don't settle cases very easily when I'm right. Ninety-eight percent approval rating, we have an “A” ...

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Nov 30, 2017 - President Trump repeatedly claims he never settles lawsuits. That is, until he settles.

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Nov 18, 2016 - Donald 'Never Settle' Trump Settles Trump University Fraud Lawsuit for $25 Million. The president-elect has agreed to shell out millions to student victims over claims his school engaged in fraud, but he won't have to admit fault. Brandy Zadrozny ...

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Now Daniels says the confidentiality agreement has been violated and she is free to tell all. Lol! These Trumpy are fucking idiots.
Stormy chose to go up to his room
Stormy chose to fuck him
Stormy chose to fuck a married man that had a baby on the way

She shares some blame for being a low life piece of shit.

not really. she is a porn star. that's her job. HE is the one who was supposed to care that he was married and had a baby on the way. but we know that he tried to bonk anything that moved... remember, he "moved on her like a bitch"

HE was the one who had her paid off so she'd keep quiet.
I read that by Cohen admitting the payment and saying it had nothing to do with Trump, he broke the NDA and now Daniels can talk about the affair and intends to.

That's what Daniels is saying.

Whether or not the NDA is still in effect would be a question for a judge, should Trump try to enforce it.

I think that even Trump isn't stupid enough to do so, though.

Yeah... the day you see Trump in court under oath answering questions about cheating on his wife? Not going to happen in a million years.

I'm sure that if he wasn't President, he would take her to court. That's what he does.
If he wasn't president, he wouldn't bother. He would that that money and buy another two dozen porn stars.

Even you know that.

Don't play dumb.

Stormy was only paid to keep her quiet because Trump was running for president.

Instead of paying out such a big sum, if Trump weren't president, he could pay a few hundred for a whole bunch of porn stars. I don't know what the going rate it, but you can bet it's not 130 thousand a whore.
I must say. I am disappointed in the DNC. Here you have a barely literate man, whose understanding of law can be written on a postage stamp, and you have NOT been able to nail this guy, as did the RNC with Clinton. What is up with that?

The man cannot complete a sentence without lying and you STILL have not gotten his Orange Ass under oath. What is up with that?
I must say. I am disappointed in the DNC. Here you have a barely literate man, whose understanding of law can be written on a postage stamp, and you have NOT been able to nail this guy, as did the RNC with Clinton. What is up with that?

The man cannot complete a sentence without lying and you STILL have not gotten his Orange Ass under oath. What is up with that?
Because Republicans control the entire government. Duh!
To the Right. Don't get us wrong. Nobody is the least bit surprised that Trump hires prostitutes for $130,000. Hell, we expect it, although his negotiating skills seemed to have deserted him in this case. Mostly, we just enjoy watching his Christian base squirm in denial.
Well, at least Stormy should be thankful she was never married to Trump.

Come on, Inde, you aren't that dense. If she talks, she has to give the money back.

Actually, she would almost certainly have to pay much more than what she received, if the NDA was in place and Trump took her to court.

Maybe, but suiing a porn star for breaking a contract would be a hollow victory, at best. Trump knows that, and i predict that, in this case, anyway, he will stick to denying everything, no matter what she does. In Trump's world, nothing matters for more than about 5 minutes, which is about his attention span.

Who cares? He wasn't president yet Who cares? only to you obsessive, compulsive, Trump haters...Maybe Trump needs a Hillary on his teams..shes was very accomplished at squashing "bimbo eruptions"....i think a porn star would actually be considered a bimbo

Trump cares enough to give her $130,000 to keep her quiet during the election year.

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At least she got paid.
Not nearly enough. The woman that got her story quashed by Dirty Donnie's pals over at the Enquirerer got $150K
The clown section chimes in:rolleyes:

you usually do

Where you been clown? Your stint at the circus over?...Maybe they required their clowns to have at least a partial IQ, and you didn't qualify

still butthurt, huh?
He's butt hurt that the guy he wanted in the White House is in the White House?
You really are a moron.
He's butt hurt that the guy he wanted in the White House is in the White House?
You really are a moron.
Trump should have held out for an amateur porn debutante that was cheaper and you didn't need a five inch sewer line penis extender..

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