Cohen admits he paid $130,000 to Stormy, you do understand that the $130,000 was "hush" money, right? That her part of the contract was to keep her mouth shut, right?
Are you saying that hush money makes for a legal, binding transaction?

If it's accompanied with a legal non-disclosure agreement, then yes - it is a binding legal transaction.
Even for a transaction based on sex?

Yes. She signed a piece of paper agreeing not to discuss her sexual experiences with Donald Trump, and in return she was given $130,000.
Is this a Federal or State thing?

It's common law. The law of contracts.
Now, it appears that Cohen violated the NDA, rendering it null. So now she can talk, without fear of civil reprisal by Trump.

Whatever law school you are going to is BILKING your sorry ass, clown. Cohen never said what he paid her for and Trump hasn't said shit so if there is a NDA, it's still in force. BTW, she already made her claims in print so if there was one, she broke it over a year ago. duh.
Not to make light of this, think its sad when people in public office cant keep it in there pants. but am growing tired of all the distractions, would like us to focus on the things that effect the whole country.
Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Says He Paid Stormy Daniels Out of His Own Pocket

Why didn't he pay all the other accusers of sexual misconduct, if Trump didn't sleep with Stormy, and only wanted to stop the false statement. These people lie in their sleep...
Democrats throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks...

The desperation is priceless... Midterms coming up and women will most likely decide many of those elections so they make up shit from nothing to try and influence this vote. You can seen this identity politics crap a mile away... Screw due process.. Screw people reputations.... Screw the law...

I am soooooooo tired of this left wing crap!
Now, it appears that Cohen violated the NDA, rendering it null. So now she can talk, without fear of civil reprisal by Trump.

Whatever law school are you going to is BILKING your sorry ass, clown. Cohen never said what he paid her for and Trump hasn't said shit so if there is a NDA, it's still in force. BTW, she already made her claims in print so if there was one, she broke it over a year ago. duh.

You haven't been following this story very well, have you?

The story appeared in print prior to her signing the NDA, back in 2011.

She has now confirmed the existence of the NDA. Whether or not it's still in force is a question for a judge.
Further, any man who's wife is pregnant for the first time might know how disinterested she might be in having sex. I know women will think I'm a MONSTER for saying this, but what harm is there in him getting a little something on the side until her mind is right again? :dunno:
MSNBC is reporting that Stormy Daniel's manager says Trump Lawyer violated agreement by discussing payment. Says Stormy is now free to speak about the affair.
Watch Stormy have a suspicious disappearance as soon as Trump finds out she’s free to talk.
Why wouldn’t she be free to talk?
First Amendment ring a bell to a retard such as yourself?
Ya know what IS retarded? You not having the balls to admit I’m right and you’re wrong about Groucho’s political affiliations.
And what’s even more retarded is even after knowing he was being watched by the House on Unamerican Activities for supporting communist causes and going to their events... his son even verified he was a champion for liberal causes and you labeled him “ a conservative.”

I always love pointing out your idiocy and hypocrisy
Further, any man who's wife is pregnant for the first time might know how disinterested she might be in having sex. I know women will think I'm a MONSTER for saying this, but what harm is there in him getting a little something on the side until her mind is right again? :dunno:
Excuse #354,084 in defending all nefarious things the serial sex offender does.
What I said before is the position of her lawyers. I tend to agree with them.

But we shall see.

"lawyers"?...who can afford "lawyers" on a porn actress salary? BTW, she claimed Trump had unprotected sex with her.....a known germaphobe went bareback with a prostitute he could have knocked up or gotten an STD from? not a chance.
This is a weird move on Cohen's part. I've seen even many Trump supporters acknowledge that the affair probably did take place. Nobody was exactly shocked to hear that Trump may have cheated on his third wife in a row. It looked like the story was on it's way out of the news cycle until Cohen's statement.
We know she hates his guts by her body language and refusing to go to some public events with him. He is the prototypical slime ball.
This is who you voted to be president of the United States.
I presume you don’t invest your money with anyone who doesn’t meet your high moral standards?
Dishing any more bullshit today?
Bullshit? Another Trump apologist.
Damn you are one dumb mfer.
Speaking of your idiocy here’s more proof Groucho was a liberal you freaking liar.

The secret word on Groucho
I feel the same about anyone in a position of power.
Power goes to one’s head.
It has always been that way and you can’t srop it.
Most people on Wall Street are scambags so I presume you keep your money under your mattress.
Or you’re a hypocrite.
What does that have to do with Trump fucking a porn actress and then paying her to keep her quiet?
WHILE his wife just gave birth to their child.
If Obama ever did this( and we know he wouldn’t) you’d change your tune 100%.
Of course Obama would never do this, because Obama fucks men's and Michael's ass..
In a RW closet case's sexual fantasies. That's why you boys can't stop talking about the Former President.
Porn actresses AREN’T “ professional sex providers” you dumb SOB.
What are they ?
Funny you don’t know what a porn actress does.
I know what they do, I'm curious as to what you classify them as if not a "professional sex provider" .....

They provide sex, right?
They provide it for money, right?

So what do YOU classify them as ?

All in defense of your scumbag president.
What do you mean "your" scumbag president? he's your President also, right? is there some other President for those that don't like this douche bag, 'cause if there's an option B I'm definitely interested in taking a look at it.

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