Cohen Caught In More Lies During Hearing: Additional Criminal Referrals Coming.

If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE
We all know?
Yes, you do too.....your sycophancy only goes so far, I could care less if you will admit it here or not...
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
Why should he testify?

Hasn't committed any crimes.

However Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Baker, Ohr, Clapper, and Brennan and Yates have.
So did Mills, and Rice, and Lynch, and Eric Holder.

Those are the people that need to testify.
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..

I'm not scared of him testifying because it's up to him if he lies or not. If he gets caught, he deals with the consequences, like Bubba Clinton had to. If he doesn't lie, good. It won't stop the shrieking heads from insisting he did, but good anyway.

And what I was referring to was the obvious fact that it was Cohen testifying, not Trump. Two different things.
As I had said before when I listened to The Hearings, this guy just can't keep his story straight even with Adam Schiff and Cummings coaching him.

Now he is going to have his jail time extended.

Will you admit to being a clueless idiot when none of that happens?

You keep making bold pedictions and keep having NOTHING to show for them.
Michael Cohen Referred to DOJ For Alleged Perjury – Again

Cohen May Be in More Legal Trouble After Meadows Demands Criminal Investigation

Michael Cohen Could Face Trouble with State Bar, Future Clients, Court Over Tape Leak

may, could, reffered to - I assume you know English so why don't you understand the meaning of those words?

Republicans can refer whatever they want, doesn't mean there is any there there beyond political theater.
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
Why should he testify?

Hasn't committed any crimes.

However Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Baker, Ohr, Clapper, and Brennan and Yates have.
So did Mills, and Rice, and Lynch, and Eric Holder.

Those are the people that need to testify.
Why did H. Clinton testify? several times?
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
Why should he testify?

Hasn't committed any crimes.

However Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Baker, Ohr, Clapper, and Brennan and Yates have.
So did Mills, and Rice, and Lynch, and Eric Holder.

Those are the people that need to testify.
Uh huh...
I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
Why should he testify?

Hasn't committed any crimes.

However Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Baker, Ohr, Clapper, and Brennan and Yates have.
So did Mills, and Rice, and Lynch, and Eric Holder.

Those are the people that need to testify.
Uh huh...
View attachment 248278

Fake News.

But I will bookmark this thread and in a month see if there have been any more charges filed.

Did you bookmark the threads that had Trump out of office by Christmas 2017?

sadly no, but I do wish I had. The idea to do so came much later to me.

It all started with this,still one of my favorites...
Trumps Spygate Conspiracy Theory Ends With A Whimper

"Keep will take a couple of weeks for the MSM to catch then indictments will be handed out to Clapper Brennan Comey Yates etc etc etc......Obama is pure scum and scum like that does not wash off with time..."

that "couple of weeks" ended 10 months ago! :21::21::21:
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE
We all know?
Yes, you do too.....your sycophancy only goes so far, I could care less if you will admit it here or not...
There's nothing to admit to.
Democrats have a media that claims they found 8000 lies. Not 8592 lies, but 8000. Course they told us 17 intelligence agencies said Russia hacked the DNC, but the DNC refused to cooperate with any investigation of their servers. So we just have to trust them.
Now, most of these imaginaryTrump lies are not coming from objective source but from highly subjective and biased sources. None of the lies are even used as quotes like "You didn't build that......if you like your can keep your doctor."
They're most likely lies like "I've been to 57" states"......but at this point we don't know because they won't tell us. Neither are names of sources mentioned to avoid any possibility of exculpatory evidence to the contrary. Just trust us. Trump's a liar, a conman, and a racist for good measure. Repeat this BS a thousand times now.

Trump's a racist
Trump's a racist
Trump's a racist.....
Trump’s a dictator
Trump’s a dictator
Trump’s a dictator
Trump’s a liar
Trump’s a liar
Trump’s a liar.....
VOTE for Democrats
Vote for Democrats
Vote for Democrats......
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies
If americans cared about our politicians lies, we would have never even got trump.
But they embrace the lies. If its their kind of lie.
Americans are so disingenuous
lies by trump? name one.

trump didn't lie about the video prior to election from NBC and still won. he didn't need to lie. so please, enlighten me on the lie. you know, the lie, the one that you think we all ignore.
Go gas light someone on another post....
Name a lie
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
When did Hillary testify under oath?


Why? She was under investigation......why wasn't she under oath???
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies

I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
When did Hillary testify under oath?


Why? She was under investigation......why wasn't she under oath???

She testified under oath before the Select Committee on Benghazi.

"Madam Secretary, the ranking member and I will give opening statements and then you will be recognized for your opening statement. And then after that, the members will alternate from one side to the other. And because you have already been sworn, we will go straight to your opening. So I will now recognize myself and then recognize Mr. Cummings, and then you, Madam Secretary." - Trey Gowdy

(For the record, being called "Trey" should disqualify one from holding public office.)
Last edited:
I don't know if you realize it or not, but Trump wasn't testifying.
He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
When did Hillary testify under oath?


Why? She was under investigation......why wasn't she under oath???

She testified under oath before the Select Committee on Benghazi.

"Madam Secretary, the ranking member and I will give opening statements and then you will be recognized for your opening statement. And then after that, the members will alternate from one side to the other. And because you have already been sworn, we will go straight to your opening. So I will now recognize myself and then recognize Mr. Cummings, and then you, Madam Secretary." - Trey Gowdy

(For the record, being called "Trey" should disqualify one from holding public office.)
She was never put under oath when she was being investigated for criminal actives.
3 hours in a private interview, not under oath, and no videos or records of any kind were allowed.
Important note: Benghazi was a fact finding investigation....not a criminal investigation.

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