Cohen Caught In More Lies During Hearing: Additional Criminal Referrals Coming.

He will never testify, he will resign first before he ever testified to anyone under oath...because WE ALL KNOW HE WILL LIE

Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
When did Hillary testify under oath?


Why? She was under investigation......why wasn't she under oath???

She testified under oath before the Select Committee on Benghazi.

"Madam Secretary, the ranking member and I will give opening statements and then you will be recognized for your opening statement. And then after that, the members will alternate from one side to the other. And because you have already been sworn, we will go straight to your opening. So I will now recognize myself and then recognize Mr. Cummings, and then you, Madam Secretary." - Trey Gowdy

(For the record, being called "Trey" should disqualify one from holding public office.)
She was never put under oath when she was being investigated for criminal actives.
3 hours in a private interview, not under oath, and no videos or records of any kind were allowed.
Important note: Benghazi was a fact finding investigation....not a criminal investigation.

You ignorant pinhead. You said she was "never" under oath. She was. Read your own post.
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies
I know right? Trump hasn’t said a thing on human rights. But he does defend the worst despots in the world like little Kim.
The reason Trump doesn’t mention human rights is because Republicans don’t care about human rights. The only reason they even care about abortions is to legislate women. They don’t care about the baby. It’s only about holding women back.
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies
I know right? Trump hasn’t said a thing on human rights. But he does defend the worst despots in the world like little Kim.
The reason Trump doesn’t mention human rights is because Republicans don’t care about human rights. The only reason they even care about abortions is to legislate women. They don’t care about the baby. It’s only about holding women back.
Republicans take a bullet
Did one Republican stand up and decry Cohen’s litany of presidential lies? They blasted Cohen the liar, but not the man he lied for. Did one Republican decry the $35,000 check — proof, as Cohen said, that “The president of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws”?

It’s been clear, ever since the last of the never-Trumpers were rooted out of the party, that the G.O.P. would be an extension of the grime and grift of Trump’s personal brand. But now the enablers are willing to do what Cohen said he once did for Trump — take a bullet for him.
GOP reps refer ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen to DOJ for alleged perjury during hearing

As I had said before when I listened to The Hearings, this guy just can't keep his story straight even with Adam Schiff and Cummings coaching him.

Now he is going to have his jail time extended.

(I am highlighting because you do it ridiculously)

Has Trump lied since he became POTUS? Yes or no?

If 'No' - where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that he has never lied since he took office?
If 'Yes' - where is the thread you started describing your outrage at the POTUS lying to the American people?
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies
I know right? Trump hasn’t said a thing on human rights. But he does defend the worst despots in the world like little Kim.
The reason Trump doesn’t mention human rights is because Republicans don’t care about human rights. The only reason they even care about abortions is to legislate women. They don’t care about the baby. It’s only about holding women back.

Republicans live rent free in that head. How loud are the voices today?
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies
I know right? Trump hasn’t said a thing on human rights. But he does defend the worst despots in the world like little Kim.
The reason Trump doesn’t mention human rights is because Republicans don’t care about human rights. The only reason they even care about abortions is to legislate women. They don’t care about the baby. It’s only about holding women back.

You do realize Trump is attempting to negotiate with NK, not get into a war, not to get in a pissing contest....dumbass.
[QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 21917346, member: 60550”]
Cohen was a life long Democrat and Clinton Supporter.
Trump has 100s of Attorneys working for The Trump Organization.
He should have parted ways with Cohen a long time ago.
But in his defense, Cohen's shadyness was not known until deeper in to the election, so this is why Cohen was not offered a position in The White House, despite his desperately wanting one.

Too damn funny….
Was there anyone Trump hired who wasn’t a low quality human being?
He hired Omarosa 3 times...
[QUOTE="The Original Tree, post: 21917346, member: 60550”]
Cohen was a life long Democrat and Clinton Supporter.
Trump has 100s of Attorneys working for The Trump Organization.
He should have parted ways with Cohen a long time ago.
But in his defense, Cohen's shadyness was not known until deeper in to the election, so this is why Cohen was not offered a position in The White House, despite his desperately wanting one.

Too damn funny….
Was there anyone Trump hired who wasn’t a low quality human being?
He hired Omarosa 3 times...[/QUOTE]

Cohen became Deputy Finance Chairman of the RNC, and he didn't resign from the post until June 2018. Another Trump pal - and Cohen hush-money client, Elliot Brody - resigned from a similar position in April, 2018.

You lie down with Trump, you get up sleaze.
Which is a completely different topic.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
When did Hillary testify under oath?


Why? She was under investigation......why wasn't she under oath???

She testified under oath before the Select Committee on Benghazi.

"Madam Secretary, the ranking member and I will give opening statements and then you will be recognized for your opening statement. And then after that, the members will alternate from one side to the other. And because you have already been sworn, we will go straight to your opening. So I will now recognize myself and then recognize Mr. Cummings, and then you, Madam Secretary." - Trey Gowdy

(For the record, being called "Trey" should disqualify one from holding public office.)
She was never put under oath when she was being investigated for criminal actives.
3 hours in a private interview, not under oath, and no videos or records of any kind were allowed.
Important note: Benghazi was a fact finding investigation....not a criminal investigation.

You ignorant pinhead. You said she was "never" under oath. She was. Read your own post.
Some people just have reading issues......:71:

But back to the's these new charges working out against Cohen? Anything yet?
If only the gop cared about Trump's lies
I know right? Trump hasn’t said a thing on human rights. But he does defend the worst despots in the world like little Kim.
The reason Trump doesn’t mention human rights is because Republicans don’t care about human rights. The only reason they even care about abortions is to legislate women. They don’t care about the baby. It’s only about holding women back.
Republicans take a bullet
Did one Republican stand up and decry Cohen’s litany of presidential lies? They blasted Cohen the liar, but not the man he lied for. Did one Republican decry the $35,000 check — proof, as Cohen said, that “The president of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws”?

It’s been clear, ever since the last of the never-Trumpers were rooted out of the party, that the G.O.P. would be an extension of the grime and grift of Trump’s personal brand. But now the enablers are willing to do what Cohen said he once did for Trump — take a bullet for him.
A cancelled check is proof of what?
That Trump paid someone with a check.
Point is......trumptards keep talking about "trump isn't testifying" -- but keep leaving out why Trump and his defenders are scared shitless at the thought of Trump testifying under oath for 10 mins let alone 10 hours..
When did Hillary testify under oath?


Why? She was under investigation......why wasn't she under oath???

She testified under oath before the Select Committee on Benghazi.

"Madam Secretary, the ranking member and I will give opening statements and then you will be recognized for your opening statement. And then after that, the members will alternate from one side to the other. And because you have already been sworn, we will go straight to your opening. So I will now recognize myself and then recognize Mr. Cummings, and then you, Madam Secretary." - Trey Gowdy

(For the record, being called "Trey" should disqualify one from holding public office.)
She was never put under oath when she was being investigated for criminal actives.
3 hours in a private interview, not under oath, and no videos or records of any kind were allowed.
Important note: Benghazi was a fact finding investigation....not a criminal investigation.

You ignorant pinhead. You said she was "never" under oath. She was. Read your own post.
Some people just have reading issues......:71:

But back to the's these new charges working out against Cohen? Anything yet?
Yeah, if this was Russia he'd be thrown into a Gulag for re-education.
But this is America, where due-process means people aren't taken out back and shot. However they are imprisoned for working for Donald Trump.
If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump. There would be a Clinton Dossier. Then there would be Trump Loyalists in The FBI and DOJ who would take that Russian Propaganda they knew was false, and treat it like the truth, and they would file False Affidavits in FISA using that, concealing it's sourcing and funding to spy on The Clinton Campaign.

Instead what you saw was a massive bureaucratic effort to cover up crimes committed by both Obama and Clinton that were exposed by a whistle blower. The Obama FBI and DOJ did not even respect "Whistleblower Laws" to protect whistle blowers and went after all the people that exposed what Clinton was doing with her secret server.

The Obama Administration was going to drag her across the finish line not matter what it was going to take.
If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump. There would be a Clinton Dossier. Then there would be Trump Loyalists in The FBI and DOJ who would take that Russian Propaganda they knew was false, and treat it like the truth, and they would file False Affidavits in FISA using that, concealing it's sourcing and funding to spy on The Clinton Campaign.

Instead what you saw was a massive bureaucratic effort to cover up crimes committed by both Obama and Clinton that were exposed by a whistle blower. The Obama FBI and DOJ did not even respect "Whistleblower Laws" to protect whistle blowers and went after all the people that exposed what Clinton was doing with her secret server.

The Obama Administration was going to drag her across the finish line not matter what it was going to take.
tree your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth
If Putin wanted Trump to be president, there would be a massive propaganda operation against Clinton, not President Trump. There would be a Clinton Dossier. Then there would be Trump Loyalists in The FBI and DOJ who would take that Russian Propaganda they knew was false, and treat it like the truth, and they would file False Affidavits in FISA using that, concealing it's sourcing and funding to spy on The Clinton Campaign.

Instead what you saw was a massive bureaucratic effort to cover up crimes committed by both Obama and Clinton that were exposed by a whistle blower. The Obama FBI and DOJ did not even respect "Whistleblower Laws" to protect whistle blowers and went after all the people that exposed what Clinton was doing with her secret server.

The Obama Administration was going to drag her across the finish line not matter what it was going to take.
tree your ass must be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth
Cohen said there was No Russian Collusion.

There have been 17 Investigations launched by Democrats in to every aspect of The President's life costing so far $100 Million Dollars. $40 Million Dollars on Mueller alone. None of them have found Russian Collusion.

So I will ask you a couple questions.

Who paid for The Russian Dirty Dossier?

Was there evidence of a similar action taken by The Trump Campaign?

The Russian Dossier was confirmed to be Salacious, Unverified, and therefore false.

Why was a Salacious, Unverified and False Russian Dossier used by Obama Administration Officials during the election to obtain FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AMERICAN HISTORY, Wiretapping Warrants on a Rival Presidential Candidate?

Was there evidence of a similar action taken by The Trump Campaign?

Clinton, Obama and The DNC paid $12 Million for The Russian Dossier which the money was laundered through The Podesta Group, to COIE Perkins Law Firm, then to Fusion GPS, on to UK-Russian Double Agents Christopher Steele, and Sergei Skirpal, then on to their contacts in Russia for Kremlin Produced Propaganda.

Was there evidence of a similar action taken by The Trump Campaign?

Do you have even ONE thing you can point to, that unequivocally shows The Trump Campaign Negotiated any sort of attack by Russia on our elections, changed even one vote to benefit The Trump Campaign?

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