Cohen didn't flip on Trump but fake news CNN refuses to correct their story.

Document: Michael Cohen Plea Agreement (*second document on the site)

COUNT 7 - "Causing an Unlawful Corporate Contribution":

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully caused a corporation to make a contribution and expenditure [blah blah blah]"

COUNT 8 - "Excessive Campaign Contribution""

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully made and caused to be made a contribution to Individual-1, a candidate for Federal office, and his authorized political committee in excess of the limits of the Election Act [blah blah blah]"

/Caused/ is a very specific legal term. I do not think this shows what ya'll think/want it to show...
Document: Michael Cohen Plea Agreement (*second document on the site)

COUNT 7 - "Causing an Unlawful Corporate Contribution":

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully caused a corporation to make a contribution and expenditure [blah blah blah]"

COUNT 8 - "Excessive Campaign Contribution""

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully made and caused to be made a contribution to Individual-1, a candidate for Federal office, and his authorized political committee in excess of the limits of the Election Act [blah blah blah]"

/Caused/ is a very specific legal term. I do not think this shows what ya'll think/want it to show...

Didn't flip on Trump.
Has nothing to do with Trump.

Maybe you should make a separate thread?
Document: Michael Cohen Plea Agreement (*second document on the site)

COUNT 7 - "Causing an Unlawful Corporate Contribution":

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully caused a corporation to make a contribution and expenditure [blah blah blah]"

COUNT 8 - "Excessive Campaign Contribution""

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully made and caused to be made a contribution to Individual-1, a candidate for Federal office, and his authorized political committee in excess of the limits of the Election Act [blah blah blah]"

/Caused/ is a very specific legal term. I do not think this shows what ya'll think/want it to show...

Didn't flip on Trump.
Has nothing to do with Trump.

Maybe you should make a separate thread?

Why? It is directly related to this topic. Cohen didn't flip on Trump; he admitted that he fraudulently sent a bill to the campaign that /caused/ the campaign to violate finance laws. The media doesn't want to admit that the specific word "caused" puts the blame on Cohen for the violation, not Trump nor his campaign.

It's like... H&R Block made an error on so-and-so taxes and "caused" so-and-so to be fined. It's not so-and-so's fault, it's H&R Block's...
Document: Michael Cohen Plea Agreement (*second document on the site)

COUNT 7 - "Causing an Unlawful Corporate Contribution":

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully caused a corporation to make a contribution and expenditure [blah blah blah]"

COUNT 8 - "Excessive Campaign Contribution""

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully made and caused to be made a contribution to Individual-1, a candidate for Federal office, and his authorized political committee in excess of the limits of the Election Act [blah blah blah]"

/Caused/ is a very specific legal term. I do not think this shows what ya'll think/want it to show...

Didn't flip on Trump.
Has nothing to do with Trump.

Maybe you should make a separate thread?

Why? It is directly related to this topic. Cohen didn't flip on Trump; he admitted that he fraudulently sent a bill to the campaign that /caused/ the campaign to violate finance laws. The media doesn't want to admit that the specific word "caused" puts the blame on Cohen for the violation, not Trump nor his campaign.

It's like... H&R Block made an error on so-and-so taxes and "caused" so-and-so to be fined. It's not so-and-so's fault, it's H&R Block's...

The left wingers don't care....they know the truth, but the agenda is to push the lie so that normal, uninformed AMericans automatically believe Trump committed felonies so that when the democrats impeach him, the uninformed simply repeat the lie as a mantra, without ever knowing the truth. Just like they do with all the other issues.
Document: Michael Cohen Plea Agreement (*second document on the site)

COUNT 7 - "Causing an Unlawful Corporate Contribution":

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully caused a corporation to make a contribution and expenditure [blah blah blah]"

COUNT 8 - "Excessive Campaign Contribution""

"MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, knowingly and willfully made and caused to be made a contribution to Individual-1, a candidate for Federal office, and his authorized political committee in excess of the limits of the Election Act [blah blah blah]"

/Caused/ is a very specific legal term. I do not think this shows what ya'll think/want it to show...

Didn't flip on Trump.
Has nothing to do with Trump.

Maybe you should make a separate thread?

Why? It is directly related to this topic. Cohen didn't flip on Trump; he admitted that he fraudulently sent a bill to the campaign that /caused/ the campaign to violate finance laws. The media doesn't want to admit that the specific word "caused" puts the blame on Cohen for the violation, not Trump nor his campaign.

It's like... H&R Block made an error on so-and-so taxes and "caused" so-and-so to be fined. It's not so-and-so's fault, it's H&R Block's...

The left wingers don't care....they know the truth, but the agenda is to push the lie so that normal, uninformed AMericans automatically believe Trump committed felonies so that when the democrats impeach him, the uninformed simply repeat the lie as a mantra, without ever knowing the truth. Just like they do with all the other issues.

No doubt. The ... pathetic part is how many of the idiots on this forum, and elsewhere, fall for it - even when others point out reality to them.
You can only impeach the POTUS for high crimes and hush payments are not a crime AT LL.

If the Dims get the votes in Congress, and I am betting that they wont, but if they do and they impeach Trump, there will be a civil war like these fools cant even imagine.
You need to read up on this. It isn't because he paid the women. It is because they paid the women to benefit the campaign and they financed it illegally.

While apprecioate your opinion that is a definition of campaign funds that is grotesquely overly broad and will not stand up in court.

justg because partisan jurists try to redefine a crime it does not constitute a crime.

Campaign finances are specifically defined and separated from other funds. Someone who accepts campaign funds and runs for election would be crippled in their private business dealings if ANYTHING can be ruled to benefit a campaign and thus the non-campaign fuinds are retroactively reconsidered as campaign funds after the fact.
Cohen seems quite convinced that it was a crime or he wouldn't have just agreed to spend 3-5 years in jail. Let's not start calling the jurists "partisan" already, please. There hasn't even been charges or a trial, yet.
3 to 5...don’t sound like immunity to me?
This is what we have come to expect from our enemies who call themselves "press".

"It turns out that Michael Cohen did NOT tell members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that President Trump knew about the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians after all. Let’s just call this story vindication for President Trump’s labeling of CNN as fake news, shall we? The cable news channel promoted a narrative that Cohen testified to two congressional committees that Trump knew about the meeting at the time, though the president denies knowing about it.

"CNN got the story wrong, yet there has been no correction issued. In fact, their story is still up on their website. "

No, Cohen didn't flip on Trump in Congressional testimony

Michael Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics

You just lied about CNN; Cohen privately testified last year to two Congressional committees investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. A source familiar with Cohen's House testimony said he did not testify that Trump had advance knowledge. Cohen's claims weren't mentioned in separate reports issued by Republicans and Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee. CNN in this news article by CNN, never claimed Cohen talked to the Congressional committee about Trump knowing about the meeting. You are lying out of your teeth.



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Donald Trump directed me to make illegal payments,

The very definition of “flip”.

The payments weren't illegal.... cohen's biggest mistake was hiring clinton minion lanny davis to be his lawyer. Davis is not going to represent Cohen, he is only going to protect the clinton's and he will simply use Cohen to push the clinton agenda....
If they aren't reported and done in secret, they are illegal.

Come on,

Stop with the bullsh!t. We know the truth.
Donald Trump directed me to make illegal payments,

The very definition of “flip”.
You might want to review how interrogation can cause a person to fight for themselves and to bend to the prosecutors will in order to achieve a plea bargain. I prefer to say Cohen froze in panic.
Interrogation | Wiki 24
is the extraction of information one by another used by both agents and terrorists. There are different types of interrogation, such as psychological interrogation, pharmaceutical interrogation, and torture.
This is what we have come to expect from our enemies who call themselves "press".

"It turns out that Michael Cohen did NOT tell members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that President Trump knew about the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians after all. Let’s just call this story vindication for President Trump’s labeling of CNN as fake news, shall we? The cable news channel promoted a narrative that Cohen testified to two congressional committees that Trump knew about the meeting at the time, though the president denies knowing about it.

"CNN got the story wrong, yet there has been no correction issued. In fact, their story is still up on their website. "

No, Cohen didn't flip on Trump in Congressional testimony

Michael Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics

You just lied about CNN; Cohen privately testified last year to two Congressional committees investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. A source familiar with Cohen's House testimony said he did not testify that Trump had advance knowledge. Cohen's claims weren't mentioned in separate reports issued by Republicans and Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee. CNN in this news article by CNN, never claimed Cohen talked to the Congressional committee about Trump knowing about the meeting. You are lying out of your teeth.

Still waiting for a response to the OP's lies?

You just lied about CNN; Cohen privately testified last year to two Congressional committees investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. A source familiar with Cohen's House testimony said he did not testify that Trump had advance knowledge. Cohen's claims weren't mentioned in separate reports issued by Republicans and Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee. CNN in this news article by CNN, never claimed Cohen talked to the Congressional committee about Trump knowing about the meeting. You are lying out of your teeth.
This is what we have come to expect from our enemies who call themselves "press".

"It turns out that Michael Cohen did NOT tell members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that President Trump knew about the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians after all. Let’s just call this story vindication for President Trump’s labeling of CNN as fake news, shall we? The cable news channel promoted a narrative that Cohen testified to two congressional committees that Trump knew about the meeting at the time, though the president denies knowing about it.

"CNN got the story wrong, yet there has been no correction issued. In fact, their story is still up on their website. "

No, Cohen didn't flip on Trump in Congressional testimony

Michael Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
The thread premise is a perfect example of the blind partisan right and cult of Trump sycophants, replete with lies about ‘fake news.’
This is what we have come to expect from our enemies who call themselves "press".

"It turns out that Michael Cohen did NOT tell members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that President Trump knew about the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians after all. Let’s just call this story vindication for President Trump’s labeling of CNN as fake news, shall we? The cable news channel promoted a narrative that Cohen testified to two congressional committees that Trump knew about the meeting at the time, though the president denies knowing about it.

"CNN got the story wrong, yet there has been no correction issued. In fact, their story is still up on their website. "

No, Cohen didn't flip on Trump in Congressional testimony

Michael Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
The thread premise is a perfect example of the blind partisan right and cult of Trump sycophants, replete with lies about ‘fake news.’
The Clinton news network is the original fake news
This is what we have come to expect from our enemies who call themselves "press".

"It turns out that Michael Cohen did NOT tell members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that President Trump knew about the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians after all. Let’s just call this story vindication for President Trump’s labeling of CNN as fake news, shall we? The cable news channel promoted a narrative that Cohen testified to two congressional committees that Trump knew about the meeting at the time, though the president denies knowing about it.

"CNN got the story wrong, yet there has been no correction issued. In fact, their story is still up on their website. "

No, Cohen didn't flip on Trump in Congressional testimony

Michael Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Your link to "hot air" is just that. Hot air.

So what part is inaccurate? is accurate. So all you can do is attack the source, and lie.
This is what we have come to expect from our enemies who call themselves "press".

"It turns out that Michael Cohen did NOT tell members of the Senate Intelligence Committee that President Trump knew about the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians after all. Let’s just call this story vindication for President Trump’s labeling of CNN as fake news, shall we? The cable news channel promoted a narrative that Cohen testified to two congressional committees that Trump knew about the meeting at the time, though the president denies knowing about it.

"CNN got the story wrong, yet there has been no correction issued. In fact, their story is still up on their website. "

No, Cohen didn't flip on Trump in Congressional testimony

Michael Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting - CNNPolitics
Your link to "hot air" is just that. Hot air.

So what part is inaccurate? is accurate. So all you can do is attack the source, and lie.
No, none of it is accurate. It spins crap in wierd directions.
Cohen plead guilty on eight counts and is facing jail time
He is bound to get more cooperative

But what would a “fixer” know about Trumps dirty deeds?
Cohen plead guilty on eight counts and is facing jail time
He is bound to get more cooperative

But what would a “fixer” know about Trumps dirty deeds?

There would have to be dirty deeds and I doubt there were.

Only a rabid lefty loon like you believes there are.

Happy Trials
It is part of the democrat strategy to flood the country with fake news to dilute the impact of legitimate news.

It works the same way as dumping counterfeit money into a nation's economy. The integrity of the real is damaged at its foundation.

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