Cohen flip countdown begins

The trap may be Mueller is prodding Trump to pardon Cohen, thus getting the ultimate obstruction of justice charge yet.

Yup....that would do it. But pardon of Cohen would do little to help trump. I think the majority of charges coming down on Cohen will be state. He totally screwed over the taxi madalion program. The Criminal in Chief can do nothing about state charges.
Mueller is forcing Trump to his knees with a chokehold and a knee in his back.


Junior and Jerrad in jail would be epic.
Michael Cohen signals split with President Trump in new interview

This is bad for Trump.

Donald is know as a big time fair-weather friend, eagerly throwing former surrogates and allies under the bus on a whim.

Trump is a man of zero integrity or character... I'm not sure I believe the Cohen has much either, but we will see.

Any day now.

Why does Billy continue to get Funny/Agrees and Winners for saying "any day now" for the 10,257th time?
Don't you people demand a little more creativity? :rolleyes:

Because it's still funny to a rational mind possessed of a sense of humor.

What do YOU think is funny? Kicking puppies? Vivisecting babies?
Michael Cohen signals split with President Trump in new interview

This is bad for Trump.

Donald is know as a big time fair-weather friend, eagerly throwing former surrogates and allies under the bus on a whim.

Trump is a man of zero integrity or character... I'm not sure I believe the Cohen has much either, but we will see.

Any day now.
Benghazi lasted 2 1/2 years ,,,We have 1 1/2 years to go ,,,,,,Trump will be going down
Michael Cohen signals split with President Trump in new interview

This is bad for Trump.

Donald is know as a big time fair-weather friend, eagerly throwing former surrogates and allies under the bus on a whim.

Trump is a man of zero integrity or character... I'm not sure I believe the Cohen has much either, but we will see.

As they say in court, "assuming facts not in evidence". But I guess you regressives need something to cling to. LMAO

Michael Cohen signals split with President Trump in new interview

This is bad for Trump.

Donald is know as a big time fair-weather friend, eagerly throwing former surrogates and allies under the bus on a whim.

Trump is a man of zero integrity or character... I'm not sure I believe the Cohen has much either, but we will see.
Or...perhaps Cohen is signaling that his family has been threatened with harm if he talks.

Perhaps....the trump thug that threatened Stormy is still out there. He doesn't work for Cohen anymore....for obvious reasons.

The truth about the trump crime family is going to shock the world. The RWers elected a hard core criminal. He has turned the WH into Mafia Central and is doing Putin's bidding as well...
Waiting. On Trump. :lol:

Putin saw the Liberal Democracies of the world were becoming too...well....liberal. So he decided he would help to elect the very opposite of a Democratic leader. He needed someone who would smack NATO and tell the world that the organization is useless and obsolete. He got it.

He needed someone who was desperate to return the US to a country lead by white men. He got it.

He needed someone who would enact insane tariffs, even with our allies. He knew that this would eventually bring the economy of the US to it's knees. He got it.

He wanted someone who will stop the influx of non-whites in the US. He got it.

Finally...but probably not the last thing he got...he got a president that would pass a sweeping tax cut while increasing spending....thereby creating a deficit that will soon put the US on the same path as his old Soviet Union. He REALLY got it!

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