Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

Jordan’s got his own problems. He worked at a college where the wrestlers complained the doctor was molesting them. One guy said he went in with a broken finger and the doctor told him to strip down and felt all over his dick and balls. They all complained about it to Jim Jordan and Jim Jordan just laughed.
Jordan is still all caught up in that scandal. And there he is calling Michael Cohen a liar after the wrestlers told the press they had told Jordan about the molesting and Jordan said they never told him.

Yup, but that turned out to be a no issue for him. There you go again with the weird sex/rape stuff. Why is it always rape and sex with libs?
We are not the ones who voted among our selves to make Dennis Hastert Speaker of the House.

I know, you just elect Klansmen to office and protect chief law enforcers who are accused of rape by two credible woman. Face it, your boy Cohen hasn’t done or said anything other then trumps mean.
Shrill, desperate, and very very sad. :itsok:

I was wrong. That was even more gay.
Cohen has stated that Mr. Trump is 'individual #1' from the Mueller investigation


Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"

Yo Trump; how's that Kim un shit going over there in 'Nam? :206::21:

BREAKING NEWS!!!!! If you live in Antarctica.

Sorry; I just got home from the gym & my two hour cardio workout.

Sorry I don't have my computer stuck up my ass 24/7 like some of you here do.

You sound like you must be a Trumpette; must be difficult to swallow the truth, for once. :21:

If you have an issue with my posts, or others, then use the goddamn REPORT feature, Jr.

Stuffing pork rinds into your maw while you surf lizard bukakki is not cardio.
Interesting what we find out is the main CRC pasttime........
Yes, but one of your super stars sent a picture of his junk to an14 year old.

Yup, Anthony 'Let Me Show You My' Weiner was sitting in his home alone, naked, with a personal laptop containing all of Hillary Clinton's TOP SECRET Special Access Program data (forwarded home by Huma to that very same illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured laptop) resting on his junk while he trolled the internet for 14yo little girls with whom he could engage in sexting.

You mean the Anthony Weiner who was kicked out of office and when he tried to run for mayor in NYC which is heavily Democrat, he was rejected? That Anthony Weiner?

Or were you talking about Dennis Hastert, who was voted Speaker of the House by his fellow Republicans?

This fella here? I thought Nancy Pelosi was speaker. So now you claim she has raped children? It was y’all who elected a rapist to be president. You even applauded him raping folks. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about that.

View attachment 248004
Wut? What president raped someone?
I can only take it that Crixus laughing at my question in lieu of answering means he was just joking.
'Cohen was disbarred in New York on Tuesday -- the same day he testified behind closed doors before the Senate Intelligence Committee. He is slated to report to prison next month to serve three years time.'

Mueller has a documented past history of withholding evidence and even intentionally sending innocent people to jail. Previous judges / lawyers who worked with Mueller described him as unethical at times and willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Testimony in this investigation has revealed Mueller and his team have carried out perjury traps and have threatened, bullied, and intimidated witnesses to try to get them to cooperate, even threatening to legally go after family members.

Mueller unethically went around the existing law that protects Attorney-Client privilege to find a crime with which to indict the President's Lawyer to 'squeeze' him to testify against the President, giving up information on his client he otherwise would not have had to do because of the Attorney-Client protection.

Going after Cohen in this unethical manner enabled Mueller's team to raid and seize documents, files, and information he would not have legally been allowed to see / acquire otherwise.
- Basically Mueller found a loophole allowing him to violate a US Citizen's protected rights.

Cohen has been offered leniency to some degree, and all he has to do is give the Democrats what they want, even if he has to lie to do so. HE HAS ALREADY LIED / PERJURED HIMSELF...ADMITTEDLY - THINK HE WOULD NOT DO SO AGAIN TO SAVE HIS OWN ASS? :p

Stone and other Mueller 'targets' have already testified / exposed the fact that Mueller / Mueller's team asked . demanded they give false testimony against the President (which does not make it true....but based on Mueller's recorded history does not sound unrealistic).

In his testimony so far before Congress, Cohen has 'made it clear' that he has very strong OPINIONS of the President and has UNSUBSTANTIATED 'SUSPICIONS' regarding the President....well, isn't that nice.

The only thing meaningful - FACTUAL - he has said during his testimony remains to be THIS:

Cohen said he does not know of direct evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia. "I do not."

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

'Cohen was disbarred in New York on Tuesday -- the same day he testified behind closed doors before the Senate Intelligence Committee. He is slated to report to prison next month to serve three years time.'

The guy can’t lie. Because Mueller has all the answers.
The whole idea behind prison is that you pay for your crimes. And right now by giving this testimony is part of him paying for his crimes. Duh!
They keep forgetting what Cohen lied about and who for.
Cohen is making a lot of claims while / after admitting he lied to the FBI.

How do you snowflakes pick and choose what lies to believe? Oh yeah, anything negative / criminal about the President is true...everything else he says can be ignored...

Again, if you have evidence that Cohen is lying today, get it to the Authorities ASAP...he's under threat of more prison time if he lies.
"As he entered the hearing room Tuesday, Cohen did not answer questions from reporters about why he should be trusted. As part of a deal with prosecutors, Cohen pleaded guilty to previously lying to Congress about Trump’s past business dealings in Russia, among other crimes."

So the guy who already pled guilty to the crime of LYING TO CONGRESS is testifying to Congress again today...

...why are Democrats and snowflakes so eager to believe someone who has already been proven to have committed the crime of lying to Congress under oath already?

Oh yeah....they hate Trump....

Michael Cohen testifies behind closed doors on Capitol Hill in first of three hearings

Cohen has stated that Mr. Trump is 'individual #1' from the Mueller investigation


Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"

Yo Trump; how's that Kim un shit going over there in 'Nam? :206::21:

BREAKING NEWS!!!!! If you live in Antarctica.

Sorry; I just got home from the gym & my two hour cardio workout.

Sorry I don't have my computer stuck up my ass 24/7 like some of you here do.

You sound like you must be a Trumpette; must be difficult to swallow the truth, for once. :21:

If you have an issue with my posts, or others, then use the goddamn REPORT feature, Jr.

Stuffing pork rinds into your maw while you surf lizard bukakki is not cardio.

So, just because Cohen is figuratively fvcking Trump in the ass today before Congress, you have to take it the hard way, and sling your poor grief at your fellow forum members.

It must really suck penis to be a Republican today, or any other day, for that matter.
CRCs are having a tough tough day today. I almost feel sorry for them.

Cohen admits he worked with key Dems Schiff, Cummings to prepare for hearings


So, like Hillary in her 2016 DNC Primaries, the Democrats gave Cohen not only gave him the questions the Democrats were going to ask, they also wrote his testimony for him as well. Turns out Cohen is one big criminal PUPPET - you can almost see the Democrats' had up his ass, speaking for him as he moves his lips!


Once again the Democrats get caught red-handed engaging in RIGGED political events / faux political theatrics in an attempt to take-down the President!

On top of Cohen being an admitted Perjurer, finding out now that the Democrats prepped him for the hearing and helped him write his very scripted testimony, this entire hearing and everything that has been said can now be officially thrown out / ignored.

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

You are out and out lying.

At no time did he admit to anything that could be honestly called "scripting"...or prepping...
'Cohen was disbarred in New York on Tuesday -- the same day he testified behind closed doors before the Senate Intelligence Committee. He is slated to report to prison next month to serve three years time.'

Mueller has a documented past history of withholding evidence and even intentionally sending innocent people to jail. Previous judges / lawyers who worked with Mueller described him as unethical at times and willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Testimony in this investigation has revealed Mueller and his team have carried out perjury traps and have threatened, bullied, and intimidated witnesses to try to get them to cooperate, even threatening to legally go after family members.

Mueller unethically went around the existing law that protects Attorney-Client privilege to find a crime with which to indict the President's Lawyer to 'squeeze' him to testify against the President, giving up information on his client he otherwise would not have had to do because of the Attorney-Client protection.

Going after Cohen in this unethical manner enabled Mueller's team to raid and seize documents, files, and information he would not have legally been allowed to see / acquire otherwise.
- Basically Mueller found a loophole allowing him to violate a US Citizen's protected rights.

Cohen has been offered leniency to some degree, and all he has to do is give the Democrats what they want, even if he has to lie to do so. HE HAS ALREADY LIED / PERJURED HIMSELF...ADMITTEDLY - THINK HE WOULD NOT DO SO AGAIN TO SAVE HIS OWN ASS? :p

Stone and other Mueller 'targets' have already testified / exposed the fact that Mueller / Mueller's team asked . demanded they give false testimony against the President (which does not make it true....but based on Mueller's recorded history does not sound unrealistic).

In his testimony so far before Congress, Cohen has 'made it clear' that he has very strong OPINIONS of the President and has UNSUBSTANTIATED 'SUSPICIONS' regarding the President....well, isn't that nice.

The only thing meaningful - FACTUAL - he has said during his testimony remains to be THIS:

Cohen said he does not know of direct evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia. "I do not."

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

'Cohen was disbarred in New York on Tuesday -- the same day he testified behind closed doors before the Senate Intelligence Committee. He is slated to report to prison next month to serve three years time.'

The guy can’t lie. Because Mueller has all the answers.
The whole idea behind prison is that you pay for your crimes. And right now by giving this testimony is part of him paying for his crimes. Duh!
They keep forgetting what Cohen lied about and who for.

As one Congressman clearly stated

Republicans are not worried about Cohen lying, they are worried about him telling the truth
Again, if you have evidence that Cohen is lying today, get it to the Authorities ASAP...he's under threat of more prison time if he lies.
I am NOT saying Cohen is lying, princess. I am merely pointing out the fact that the Democrats' / Mueller's start witness in this hearing is a convicted admitted Perjurer who has already lied to Congress once before.

That pretty much, in any real legal courtroom would wipe out anything he has / had to say because his credibility would be / is shot to hell.
We’re just talking about what Republicans do.

Yet one of your hero’s of the left just got dumped out of prision for hitting on 14 year olds. Mmm. Gross.
Epstein is trumps friend.

Yes, but one of your super stars sent a picture of his junk to an14 year old.
Who are you talking about?
I’m guessing they’re talking about Anthony Weiner. That’s actually why he was arrested because he was communicating with an underage girl. Who knows if he knew the girl was underage? And as far as we know, he never sent a picture of his junk, he sent a picture of his body wearing underwear. Which isn’t any better really. Why would a full-grown man communicate with a 14-year-old girl? That’s just nasty. That sounds like something Trump or Epstein or Moore or somebody would do.
He got arrested. He got kicked out of Congress. He was rejected for Mayor of heavily democrat NYC.

Meanwhile in CRC land....
Dennis Hastert was elected Speaker of the House
Pedo enabler Gym Jordan in still in the House
Pedo Roy Moore almost got elected Senator in Alabama
And "let me walk into girls' dressing rooms" tiny donnie is president.
Last edited:
Yup, but that turned out to be a no issue for him. There you go again with the weird sex/rape stuff. Why is it always rape and sex with libs?
We’re just talking about what Republicans do.

Yet one of your hero’s of the left just got dumped out of prision for hitting on 14 year olds. Mmm. Gross.
Dennis Hastert wasn't voted Speaker of the House by Democrats.

Hastert was also tossed out and destroyed. You elected a rapist to be present. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about what turns y’all on.
Hastert wasn't tossed out. You might want to check REAL history.

Yup, but that turned out to be a no issue for him. There you go again with the weird sex/rape stuff. Why is it always rape and sex with libs?
We’re just talking about what Republicans do.

Yet one of your hero’s of the left just got dumped out of prision for hitting on 14 year olds. Mmm. Gross.
Dennis Hastert wasn't voted Speaker of the House by Democrats.

Hastert was also tossed out and destroyed. You elected a rapist to be present. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about what turns y’all on.
Hastert wasn't tossed out. You might want to check REAL history.

You mean where Nancy Pelosi says what a swell guy he was?

Speaker Hastert Farewell, Dec 8 2006 | Video |
At no time did he admit to anything that could be honestly called "scripting"...or prepping...
Didja open up the link and read any of it, snowflake? If you have a problem with what is being reported, take it up with the one doing the reporting.

Cohen admits he worked with key Dems Schiff, Cummings to prepare for hearings


So, like Hillary in her 2016 DNC Primaries, the Democrats gave Cohen not only gave him the questions the Democrats were going to ask, they also wrote his testimony for him as well. Turns out Cohen is one big criminal PUPPET - you can almost see the Democrats' had up his ass, speaking for him as he moves his lips!


Once again the Democrats get caught red-handed engaging in RIGGED political events / faux political theatrics in an attempt to take-down the President!

On top of Cohen being an admitted Perjurer, finding out now that the Democrats prepped him for the hearing and helped him write his very scripted testimony, this entire hearing and everything that has been said can now be officially thrown out / ignored.

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

Fake News
Yes, but one of your super stars sent a picture of his junk to an14 year old.

Yup, Anthony 'Let Me Show You My' Weiner was sitting in his home alone, naked, with a personal laptop containing all of Hillary Clinton's TOP SECRET Special Access Program data (forwarded home by Huma to that very same illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured laptop) resting on his junk while he trolled the internet for 14yo little girls with whom he could engage in sexting.

You mean the Anthony Weiner who was kicked out of office and when he tried to run for mayor in NYC which is heavily Democrat, he was rejected? That Anthony Weiner?

Or were you talking about Dennis Hastert, who was voted Speaker of the House by his fellow Republicans?

This fella here? I thought Nancy Pelosi was speaker. So now you claim she has raped children? It was y’all who elected a rapist to be president. You even applauded him raping folks. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about that.

View attachment 248004
Wut? What president raped someone?
I can only take it that Crixus laughing at my question in lieu of answering means he was just joking.

That and I’m getting ready for work.
Cohen has stated that Mr. Trump is 'individual #1' from the Mueller investigation


Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"

Yo Trump; how's that Kim un shit going over there in 'Nam? :206::21:

BREAKING NEWS!!!!! If you live in Antarctica.

Sorry; I just got home from the gym & my two hour cardio workout.

Sorry I don't have my computer stuck up my ass 24/7 like some of you here do.

You sound like you must be a Trumpette; must be difficult to swallow the truth, for once. :21:

If you have an issue with my posts, or others, then use the goddamn REPORT feature, Jr.

Stuffing pork rinds into your maw while you surf lizard bukakki is not cardio.

So, just because Cohen is figuratively fvcking Trump in the ass today before Congress, you have to take it the hard way, and sling your poor grief at your fellow forum members.

It must really suck penis to be a Republican today, or any other day, for that matter.
CRCs are having a tough tough day today. I almost feel sorry for them.

Don’t see how. There is literally nothing new here. About the only thing that came up, and I’m surprised they didn’t dig deeper in was the payment to Stormy. Other then that all it is is politics as usual.
He got arrested. He got kicked out of Congress. He was rejected for Mayor of heavily democrat NYC.

Meanwhile in CRC land....
Dennis Hastert was elected Speaker of the House
Pedo enabler Jim Jordan in still in the House
Pedo Roy Moore almost got elected Senator in Alabama
And "let me walk into girls' dressing rooms" tiny donnie is president.
I notice you completely avoided Weiner, all the Sexual Criminal Dems in the Senate, Slick Willy, or any of the evidence of actual crime perpetrated by the Democrats that has been exposed thanks to Mueller's investigation.

'Glass houses', sweetie....'glass houses'. :p
Don’t see how. There is literally nothing new here. About the only thing that came up, and I’m surprised they didn’t dig deeper in was the payment to Stormy. Other then that all it is is politics as usual.
There was no need to go into that.

The President and Ms Daniels entered into a NDA prior to his run for office. NFAs are not illegal, he paid his OWN money (unlike Dems in the Senate), and Stormy entered into it freely...not to mention bringing that up would remind everyone how much money she still owes Trump in legal fees.


Cohen admits he worked with key Dems Schiff, Cummings to prepare for hearings


So, like Hillary in her 2016 DNC Primaries, the Democrats gave Cohen not only gave him the questions the Democrats were going to ask, they also wrote his testimony for him as well. Turns out Cohen is one big criminal PUPPET - you can almost see the Democrats' had up his ass, speaking for him as he moves his lips!


Once again the Democrats get caught red-handed engaging in RIGGED political events / faux political theatrics in an attempt to take-down the President!

On top of Cohen being an admitted Perjurer, finding out now that the Democrats prepped him for the hearing and helped him write his very scripted testimony, this entire hearing and everything that has been said can now be officially thrown out / ignored.

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

You are out and out lying.

At no time did he admit to anything that could be honestly called "scripting"...or prepping...

Really? In Cohen's response to Cummings opening questions at the start it looked as though Cohen was reading his answers.
Don’t see how. There is literally nothing new here. About the only thing that came up, and I’m surprised they didn’t dig deeper in was the payment to Stormy. Other then that all it is is politics as usual.
There was no need to go into that.

The President and Ms Daniels entered into a NDA prior to his run for office. NFAs are not illegal, he paid his OWN money (unlike Dems in the Senate), and Stormy entered into it freely...not to mention bringing that up would remind everyone how much money she still owes Trump in legal fees.


I bet that, but as far as I can remember, that was already broken wasn’t it ? And if she is already standing in shit, who cares? To me this comes off as nothing more then political grandstanding.

Cohen admits he worked with key Dems Schiff, Cummings to prepare for hearings


So, like Hillary in her 2016 DNC Primaries, the Democrats gave Cohen not only gave him the questions the Democrats were going to ask, they also wrote his testimony for him as well. Turns out Cohen is one big criminal PUPPET - you can almost see the Democrats' had up his ass, speaking for him as he moves his lips!


Once again the Democrats get caught red-handed engaging in RIGGED political events / faux political theatrics in an attempt to take-down the President!

On top of Cohen being an admitted Perjurer, finding out now that the Democrats prepped him for the hearing and helped him write his very scripted testimony, this entire hearing and everything that has been said can now be officially thrown out / ignored.

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

You are out and out lying.

At no time did he admit to anything that could be honestly called "scripting"...or prepping...

Really? In Cohen's response to Cummings opening questions at the start it looked as though Cohen was reading his answers.

Yup, and they even had to call a time out to tweak the testimony.

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