Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

Hastert was also tossed out and destroyed. You elected a rapist to be present. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about what turns y’all on.
...wait...what?! I thought this was about President TRUMP, not Slick Willy?!

Yes, but one of your super stars sent a picture of his junk to an14 year old.

Yup, Anthony 'Let Me Show You My' Weiner was sitting in his home alone, naked, with a personal laptop containing all of Hillary Clinton's TOP SECRET Special Access Program data (forwarded home by Huma to that very same illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured laptop) resting on his junk while he trolled the internet for 14yo little girls with whom he could engage in sexting.

You mean the Anthony Weiner who was kicked out of office and when he tried to run for mayor in NYC which is heavily Democrat, he was rejected? That Anthony Weiner?

Or were you talking about Dennis Hastert, who was voted Speaker of the House by his fellow Republicans?
Hastert was also tossed out and destroyed. You elected a rapist to be present. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about what turns y’all on.
...wait...what?! I thought this was about President TRUMP, not Slick Willy?!


Or Dennis H. What the hell is all this about? About the only stuff I can see coming out of this so far is the payment to Stormy, and that’s even old news.
Cohen has stated that Mr. Trump is 'individual #1' from the Mueller investigation


Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"

Yo Trump; how's that Kim un shit going over there in 'Nam? :206::21:

BREAKING NEWS!!!!! If you live in Antarctica.

Sorry; I just got home from the gym & my two hour cardio workout.

Sorry I don't have my computer stuck up my ass 24/7 like some of you here do.

You sound like you must be a Trumpette; must be difficult to swallow the truth, for once. :21:

If you have an issue with my posts, or others, then use the goddamn REPORT feature, Jr.

Stuffing pork rinds into your maw while you surf lizard bukakki is not cardio.

So, just because Cohen is figuratively fvcking Trump in the ass today before Congress, you have to take it the hard way, and sling your poor grief at your fellow forum members.

It must really suck penis to be a Republican today, or any other day, for that matter.
So you don’t think there is any difference between spending 3 years in jail and spending 6 years in jail?
Yeah, you’re a special brand of stupid.
It really doesn’t matter the guy has no life, And we all know what happens to rats in jail.

Now you’re just being stupid for the sake of the joy you get from being stupid.
Na, not really.
Michael Cohen has zero credibility, he lied under oath to Congress, he’s been disbarred, and he betrayed the presidency...
He obviously has no life, No amount of weasel like behavior will change that.
He is getting his just deserves…
Cohen lied to Congress. Yes he did. He lied by saying his former employer didn't do anything wrong. That was a lie. He was caught. Now he is going to jail for that lie.

Yes. The Mueller team caught him in that lie, because Mueller has evidence. His lie comported with the public statements of Individual #1.
And today, Cohen clearly stated that Individual #1 is tiny donnie.
Why do you say that?
Well, No one believed him before all of this, he lied the first time he testified to Congress why would he tell the truth now? And who the hell would believe anything this rat has to say? Lol

So his being a liar is why you don’t trust him. Why would you trust Trump?
Like I said, trump lies a lot. It is not against the law to lie...
Michael Cohen is a rat jumping ship… That happens to be his own ship no one else’s
he lied for trump

Republicans chant what a liar he is but ignore that he was lying to protect Republicans
As elected DOPers lie to protect the great Douche daily everywhere and in the hearing with Cohen.
Yup, but that turned out to be a no issue for him. There you go again with the weird sex/rape stuff. Why is it always rape and sex with libs?
We’re just talking about what Republicans do.

Yet one of your hero’s of the left just got dumped out of prision for hitting on 14 year olds. Mmm. Gross.
Epstein is trumps friend.

Yes, but one of your super stars sent a picture of his junk to an14 year old.
Who are you talking about?
I’m guessing they’re talking about Anthony Weiner. That’s actually why he was arrested because he was communicating with an underage girl. Who knows if he knew the girl was underage? And as far as we know, he never sent a picture of his junk, he sent a picture of his body wearing underwear. Which isn’t any better really. Why would a full-grown man communicate with a 14-year-old girl? That’s just nasty. That sounds like something Trump or Epstein or Moore or somebody would do.
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...

So I’m watching this and have to say, what is Cohen doing here? There is nothing new in his statement. It’s all just a recap of all the dirt from 2016 to now. Basically in his statement he says Trump sucks.
Yeah, it was nothing with nothing.
Yes, but one of your super stars sent a picture of his junk to an14 year old.

Yup, Anthony 'Let Me Show You My' Weiner was sitting in his home alone, naked, with a personal laptop containing all of Hillary Clinton's TOP SECRET Special Access Program data (forwarded home by Huma to that very same illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured laptop) resting on his junk while he trolled the internet for 14yo little girls with whom he could engage in sexting.

You mean the Anthony Weiner who was kicked out of office and when he tried to run for mayor in NYC which is heavily Democrat, he was rejected? That Anthony Weiner?

Or were you talking about Dennis Hastert, who was voted Speaker of the House by his fellow Republicans?

This fella here? I thought Nancy Pelosi was speaker. So now you claim she has raped children? It was y’all who elected a rapist to be president. You even applauded him raping folks. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about that.

The guy can’t lie.

The convicted, admitted Liar can't lie?! :lmao:

Mueller has all the answers.

After 2+ years, Mueller still does not have SHIT on the President...which is why he had to go after Trump associates to get them in position where he could threaten, intimidate, and offer them 'leniency' to give him what he does not / never has had - EVIDENCE against President Trump.

The whole idea behind prison is that you pay for your crimes. And right now by giving this testimony is part of him paying for his crimes. Duh!

'Paying for his crime'?


Cohen is taking the plea bargain given to him, a chance to save his ass some of the ass-pain he is now in. (Not as much as he will be in once he gets to prison...)
If you have evidence that Cohen lied today, share it with the Authorities....then they will extend his prison sentence.
Yes, but one of your super stars sent a picture of his junk to an14 year old.

Yup, Anthony 'Let Me Show You My' Weiner was sitting in his home alone, naked, with a personal laptop containing all of Hillary Clinton's TOP SECRET Special Access Program data (forwarded home by Huma to that very same illegal, unauthorized, unencrypted, unsecured laptop) resting on his junk while he trolled the internet for 14yo little girls with whom he could engage in sexting.

You mean the Anthony Weiner who was kicked out of office and when he tried to run for mayor in NYC which is heavily Democrat, he was rejected? That Anthony Weiner?

Or were you talking about Dennis Hastert, who was voted Speaker of the House by his fellow Republicans?

This fella here? I thought Nancy Pelosi was speaker. So now you claim she has raped children? It was y’all who elected a rapist to be president. You even applauded him raping folks. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about that.

View attachment 248004
Wut? What president raped someone?
"Questions have been raised about whether I know of direct evidence that Mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia," Cohen will testify. "I do not."

Welcome to the party, pal - no one else does either. Not Mueller. Not the Democrats. Not the Snowflakes. NOBODY!

That's because it NEVER HAPPENED.
- 2+ Years later and still NO evidence of any crime having been committed warranting an investigation.
- 2+ Years later and still NO evidence of any crime having been committed by the President regarding 'Illegal Collusion'

- 2+ Years later and still NO evidence of any crime having been committed warranting a Spcl Counsel appointment

....but plenty of evidence exposing the crimes committed by:
Hillary Clinton
Huma Abedin
Cheryl Mills
US AG Eric Holder
US AG Loretta Lynch
Rod Rosenstein
Bruce Ohr
Robert Mueller
James Clapper
John Brennan
James Comey
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
James Baker

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

produce evidence on the people you listed or shut the fuck up. Russin bot
He also threatened to pull any government funding....misuse of his position in government.
Ooooo....and don't forget, he ended Michelle's disgusting school lunch program that changed menus and resulted in most of the tax-payer-funded food getting tossed in the garbage!

That b@st@rd! :p
Of course.....CRCs are very very angry if anyone tries to get between them and their junk food.
He also threatened to pull any government funding....misuse of his position in government.
Ooooo....and don't forget, he ended Michelle's disgusting school lunch program that changed menus and resulted in most of the tax-payer-funded food getting tossed in the garbage!

That b@st@rd! :p
Of course.....CRCs are very very angry if anyone tries to get between them and their junk food.

Or plywood.
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...

So I’m watching this and have to say, what is Cohen doing here? There is nothing new in his statement. It’s all just a recap of all the dirt from 2016 to now. Basically in his statement he says Trump sucks.
He’s like a little kid screaming and yelling over nothing but his own lies and mistakes

He is a weak man. Hope he gets his ass beat in the joint.
More threats against Cohen from..............CRCs.

Gay even for you.
Nice to add to the threat parade?

Cohen admits he worked with key Dems Schiff, Cummings to prepare for hearings


So, like Hillary in her 2016 DNC Primaries, the Democrats gave Cohen not only gave him the questions the Democrats were going to ask, they also wrote his testimony for him as well. Turns out Cohen is one big criminal PUPPET - you can almost see the Democrats' had up his ass, speaking for him as he moves his lips!


Once again the Democrats get caught red-handed engaging in RIGGED political events / faux political theatrics in an attempt to take-down the President!

On top of Cohen being an admitted Perjurer, finding out now that the Democrats prepped him for the hearing and helped him write his very scripted testimony, this entire hearing and everything that has been said can now be officially thrown out / ignored.

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

So I’m watching this and have to say, what is Cohen doing here? There is nothing new in his statement. It’s all just a recap of all the dirt from 2016 to now. Basically in his statement he says Trump sucks.
He’s like a little kid screaming and yelling over nothing but his own lies and mistakes

He is a weak man. Hope he gets his ass beat in the joint.
More threats against Cohen from..............CRCs.

Gay even for you.
Nice to add to the threat parade?

Again, that’s gay even for you.
Jordan’s got his own problems. He worked at a college where the wrestlers complained the doctor was molesting them. One guy said he went in with a broken finger and the doctor told him to strip down and felt all over his dick and balls. They all complained about it to Jim Jordan and Jim Jordan just laughed.
Jordan is still all caught up in that scandal. And there he is calling Michael Cohen a liar after the wrestlers told the press they had told Jordan about the molesting and Jordan said they never told him.

Yup, but that turned out to be a no issue for him. There you go again with the weird sex/rape stuff. Why is it always rape and sex with libs?
We are not the ones who voted among our selves to make Dennis Hastert Speaker of the House.

I know, you just elect Klansmen to office and protect chief law enforcers who are accused of rape by two credible woman. Face it, your boy Cohen hasn’t done or said anything other then trumps mean.
Shrill, desperate, and very very sad. :itsok:
Jordan’s got his own problems. He worked at a college where the wrestlers complained the doctor was molesting them. One guy said he went in with a broken finger and the doctor told him to strip down and felt all over his dick and balls. They all complained about it to Jim Jordan and Jim Jordan just laughed.
Jordan is still all caught up in that scandal. And there he is calling Michael Cohen a liar after the wrestlers told the press they had told Jordan about the molesting and Jordan said they never told him.

Yup, but that turned out to be a no issue for him. There you go again with the weird sex/rape stuff. Why is it always rape and sex with libs?
We’re just talking about what Republicans do.

Yet one of your hero’s of the left just got dumped out of prision for hitting on 14 year olds. Mmm. Gross.
Dennis Hastert wasn't voted Speaker of the House by Democrats.

Hastert was also tossed out and destroyed. You elected a rapist to be present. Like I said, you Democrat’s are weird about what turns y’all on.
Hastert wasn't tossed out. You might want to check REAL history.

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